
Sunday, December 29, 2024

How Chicago's ALA Co-Opts Local Governments: St. Tammany Parish Louisiana

I have published steadily on how American Library Association co-opts local and state governments to drive its Chicago Way across America, by any means, whatever it takes.  Governing bodies often hear from no one other than the community-organized multitudes ALA creates, funds, and empowers to create the illusion of local support and to provide a base for ALA to sue via surrogates anywhere across America.  

Locals and taxpayers are often not even aware there's any "sustained messaging" nor "long-term inoculation" going on to pressure a government into acting as ALA would if it only had real power.  ALA needs to get the locals to pull the switch.  And ALA's approximately 60 year goal has been to take away parental rights to better indoctrinate and s[]xualize school children.

As a result, given I'm being sued twice for defamation by a Louisiana school librarian, I've become aware St. Tammany Parish in Louisiana is suffering from the above fate, basically by reading the librarian's book.  She also seems to gloat about ALA pressuring St. Tammany Parish Library in the past:
Therefore I wrote to its governing leaders to open their eyes that Chicago's ALA was about to get its way there via some local groups it created, to the detriment of everyone, but especially the children.  I wrote to give them some balance.  And I provided hard evidence from reliable sources, not just slogans like children have to be able to see themselves in libraries or kids will get it on their smart phones anyway so they might as well learn how to do it right from a trusted and professionally trained source, or books provide windows, mirrors, and sliding glass doors.

Here is what I sent, and I'm republishing it because basically it applies to everyone, everywhere.

Dear St. Tammany Parish Council,

St Tammany Library Alliance [ALA's STLA] is an organization created and funded by the American Library Association [ALA] in Chicago, Illinois, to give the appearance that it is a local group in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana.  It is not.  It is an astroturfed group created by ALA, initially funded by ALA, currently empowered by ALA, to carry out the work of ALA, such as by inundating library boards with hundreds or thousands of emails to give the appearance that local citizens support ALA goals instead of local law, common sense, and community standards.  Do not be swayed by this bullying campaign.  Its website says, "The St. Tammany Parish Library Alliance is a grassroots group of people and organizations defending our parish libraries."  That's false.  It's astroturfed by ALA, and it's a lie to make people think it's grassroots.

ALA has worked for about 60 years to take away the rights of parents so that their children are more easily manipulated.  See: Koganzon, Rita. “There Is No Such Thing as a Banned Book: Censorship, Authority, and the School Book Controversies of the 1970s.” American Political Thought 12, no. 1 (January 2023): 1–26.  ALA has more recently began creating, funding, and empowering local groups to give local boards the appearance that local citizens support this or that when it is really ALA.

In Louisiana, for example, ALA has created, at a minimum:
ALA even brags about its ties with ALA's STLA. ALA holds up ALA's STLA as an example for its entire 48,000 members.  ALA's President Emily Drabinski gave a speech to ALA members saying:
I met yesterday with a pair of activists in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, to learn more about what was happening on the ground uh in Louisiana, which has been a a hotspot for book bans and getting to know uh the organizing work that they were doing, which included the legislative active, ad, you know, advocacy work that we're all familiar with, as well as more direct action on the ground kinds of organizing.  And those tools that people are using to pull people together in their local communities, making sure that we surface those stories and share them is my priority uh in the member leader spot right now.
Source: a 60 minute video of ALA President Emily Drabinski and ALA Interim Executive Director Leslie Burger (a former ALA President) saying the quiet part out loud, on March 19, 2024, at an ALA Town Hall meeting for members only:

So I am writing you this email to say how much you are being or will be manipulated by ALA's STLA, and now you know why I call it ALA's STLA, but I am providing you with hard evidence directly from the President of ALA to prove it.  It's the ALA President talking about St. Tammany Parish Library, about "the organizing work that they are doing," about "those tools that people are using to pull people together in their local communities, about "making sure that we surface those stories and share them."  Right from the horse's mouth you are hearing about how you are being manipulated, and your manipulation is setting an example for librarians across the nation.

This "organizing work that they are doing" completely drowns out locals and local interests.  That is by design of ALA to get the Chicago Way into libraries.  There are no groups creating, funding, empowering locals who wish to follow Louisiana law and St. Tammany Parish community standards.  They are essentially voiceless.  The few who do get involved are then labeled as "extremists."

Louisiana school librarian Amanda Jones recently gave a speech at a meeting of ALA's STLA, I've been told.  She wrote a book about her defamation case against Louisiana parents that she's lost four times in the courts, so far, with a final appeal before the Louisiana Supreme Court.  In full disclosure, she is currently suing me for defamation as well while her other case is still proceeding.  In her book, Amanda complains about "St. Tammany Parish Library Accountability Project" and people in the Parish like one who "put on her tinfoil hat to inundate the librarian snitch line."  She also wrote about the Parish about two dozen times, talking about "the pro-censors were working overtime spreading moral panic."  So ALA's STLA can work to organize people but locals are "pro-censors."  This is the person who ALA's STLA invites to give a speech to motivate people to write to you to manipulate you.

In Amanda's book she makes several acknowledgements.  These include, "John Chrastka and EveryLibrary--you swooped in and offered support right from the get-go.  None of my success would have happened without you.  Your help to librarians and citizens all across the country, real plans of action when we need it, are vital.  Thank you."  ....  "To all of my friends in ... St. Tammany ... Parishes who refuse to see their libraries go down without a fight.  They won't because of you.  You matter and you're making a difference."  To me, that means she's telegraphing how ALA's EveryLibrary "offered support right from the get-go" with "real plans of actions," and the St. Tammany Parish Library employees are fully on board with ALA's Chicago Way.

Above, I wrote about ALA having created ALA's STLA and other local groups in Louisiana.  (It's nationwide, actually.)  Now I'm going to back that up.  Here is the leader of ALA's EveryLibrary, a hidden ALA organization:
Um, we put to work our value system right now in a couple of key ways that we help, we hope people who who can join us can do. We have a, an a, [00:20:30] uh, a platform called Fight for the First. Uh, is a, uh, it's basically for libraries. You know, we, we've set this up so that if there's a problem, thank you for putting that out.

There's a problem, uh, in a local community. Somebody can, can say, we have a problem. We'd like some, some assistance. Here's what our problem looks like. We can platform that call to action very quickly. What we do is, uh, train, coach and guide and support the good people who are in that community who wanna [00:21:00] stand with either the library or for the First Amendment, depending on how things are going. Um, and then we need folks who are outside of the zone. You know, if you're in it, man, if you're in, if you're in the trenches on this, it's exhausting. It's hard. It is, uh, it's community organizing. It's union organizing. It's the, the fights are akin to the anti-nuclear, you know, uh, reproductive justice, um, you know, civil rights fights. I mean, these, these people are in it. So, if [00:21:30] you're outside of that zone, what we do as a national organization is we put money to work from donors, from vendor donors, individual donors.

We've kind of a Bernie Sanders model for our donor base, and we help them, we help them, yep, help make their voice heard. Uh, we spend money on every single campaign advertising on social. Um, nothing goes viral anymore. You know, if anybody's doing marketing knows, you gotta be able to put that out in front of folks, you know? Um, and we, we show up. We, we show up, uh, sometimes with, [00:22:00] uh, direct donations. Right now we're doing a, a fundraising drive in Prattville, Alabama, where the, the library director and four members of the staff quit rather than implement unconstitutional, bigoted policies on the part of that library board. I mean, these these, this is how we do it when there's, when, when you're in a, when you're in a green zone, like, like a San Francisco. If you're in a hot zone, though, like a Prattville, what you can do if you haven't, if you're just coming around to understanding this situation, [00:22:30] is, again, a Fight for the First kind of flight framework. Join in, you know, join in. We've got opportunities for people to articulate, you know, a, a value system when it comes to the watchdog work. We've got our opportunities for people to be guard dogs for the First Amendment and for the library and for the schools. That's really, you know, hardcore activism. Um, there's, there's a chance for people to bird dog this digitally. Uh, and Jim, we're trying to give 'em different pathways to, to put their role [unintelligible] to work.
Source: "ALA Details How It Controls Communities Nationwide: The Quiet Part Out Loud Now In Transcript Form," by Dan Kleinman, SafeLibraries, 4 June 2024.

ALA's EveryLibrary's leader John Chrastka is so confident that his "hardcore activism" is a success that at the School Library Journal's 2024 Summit he provided librarians with "a playbook for statewide strategies to prioritize and protect school libraries and librarians."  "Advocacy, he said, is co-creation; activism is about crisis and seizing opportunities."  Regarding the groups like ALA's STLA that ALA is building, he said, "Coalition work:  Disciplined engagement among library organizations and stakeholder groups has overcome anti-library legislation."  He's literally crowing about how ALA has bulldozed over local populations and he's promising to make it more widespread.  

Source:  "Time to Turn Talking Points to Policy, 2024 SLJ Summit; EveryLibrary Executive Director John Chrastka Spoke at the 2024 SLJ Summit, Providing a Playbook for Statewide Strategies to Prioritize and Protect School Libraries and Librarians," by Kara Yorio, School Library Journal, 17 December 2024.

He wants "municipal momentum to push against where things are going in other states."  Is the Chicago Way the future for St Tammany Parish Library?  Is ALA's STLA pushing the "municipal momentum"?  Are you going to allow that?

And Emily Drabinski has promoted St. Tammany Parish another time as a model of how to take control of local communities:
We sure are. We've got a campaign right now called Unite Against Book Bans that includes, uh, tools for people, everything from uh yard signs that you can print out and have have printed and and put in your yard, uh, proclaiming that you oppose book banning and censorship in your community, talking points for talking with the media, uh, as a concerned citizen, guidelines for how to show up at a school board meeting, how to show up at a library board meeting, um, lots of tools like that that you can use, uh. Mostly we’re wanting everybody to get involved. This is an issue that has been right on the, for the front line library worker front and center for the past couple of years and it’s been really really intense. And what, what we’re seeing is that when community members and people who believe in their public library use it, which is the vast majority of us, right, uh, uh, toolkit also include statistics about public support for libraries and the pat, it’s a minority of people that want books out of the collection, and so we need the majority to show up and stand up. And the strategy is, right, for how we're going to win is, um, they’re they’re different and they change every day, and we never know in advance, right, and so we’re asking the toolkit there’s lots of ways for people to get involved. We’ve seen cases in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, where community members have banded together to support the librarian. Really really effective ways, uh, we’ve seen in, uh, Lincolnwood, uh, in the Chicago area, uh. People organizing to ensure that the library board members represent people who care about the library and promote the library as a way of keeping people who want to ban books from taking over those kinds of positions. And so the toolkit gives lots and lots of information about how you can do that organizing in your own community.
Source: "Emily Drabinski Threatens State Library Commissions After Montana Drops ALA Membership: 'There Are More of Us Than There Are of Them,'" by Dan Kleinman, SafeLibraries, 20 August 2023.

A third time ALA used you as an example:

"And in St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, extremists attacked a library director, claiming she conspired with me to peddle p[]rnography to children in the community. (That director and I do not know each other, have never met, and, indeed, have never even corresponded.) In the hands of extremists, I am a weapon. The project for me now is to find out how I can be a tool."  

Source:  "The Fight for Libraries; Libraries and Higher Education Face a Shared Battle," by Emily Drabinski, American Association of University Professors, Spring 2023.

You see, anyone who opposes ALA is an "extremist."  The leader of a group from Chicago, Illinois, that's been working for about 60 years to ensure children have access to inappropriate material, complains that locals in St. Tammany Parish who oppose ALA are "extremists."  If you yourselves oppose ALA, you to will be labelled "extremists."  But who do you serve, the public, or some group from Chicago working for decades to harm children?

ALA's EveryLibrary has even come to the aid of ALA's STLA in a legal case: "Statement in Support of Dismissed St. Tammany Library Trustees in Lawsuit Against the Parish; EveryLibrary Stands in Support of William R. McHugh III, Anthony Parr, and Rebecca Taylor, the Plaintiffs in the Lawsuit Against the St. Tammany Parish Council in Louisiana," by ALA's EveryLibrary, ALA's EveryLibrary, 21 May 2024.  Naturally, ALA's EveryLibrary is also based in Illinois, only in a suburb of Chicago.  Yet somehow all the way from Chicago it knows, "plaintiffs have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their roles and to upholding the values of inclusivity and intellectual freedom."  Coming from ALA's EveryLibrary, that means plaintiffs have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to Chicago's ALA.

And it doesn't help that the St. Tammany Parish Library employees report directly to ALA.  Do they work for ALA or for the citizens?  On 20 September 2022, Sally McKissack, MLS <> emailed Tanya DiMaggio <> asking, "Have we reported our challenges to ala or everylibrary?  Just curious," and the response was, "Yes."  Why is anyone reporting anything to ALA or ALA's EveryLibrary?  Might that have something to do with why both ALA and ALA's EveryLibrary repeatedly bragged about how ALA got its way in the St. Tammany Parish Library?

STPL reports to ALA.jpg

That's why I'm writing.  Seeing the manipulation in action, I am writing to say you have been or are about to be played so you'll be maneuvered into imposing the Chicago Way and think you're doing it of your own free will.  I am showing you the evidence of manipulation directly from the ALA President and others to prove it.  ALA doesn't have the power to force you to do anything, but if it can get you to think what it thinks, then you'll do what it wants without even realizing it.  That's the whole purpose of the "hardcore activism" and the "community organizing."

When the ALA bullying begins, you'll know to ignore it and instead do what you know is right, even if your local citizens who support you aren't community organized enough like ALA's STLA to say so.  ALA created St Tammany Library Alliance.  ALA's STLA is not to be trusted for anything, except for revealing what is ALA's Chicago Way.  Consider doing the exact opposite of what ALA's STLA wants, and when the bullying deluge of emails comes in, like Amanda Jones got about 44,000 emails to the Louisiana legislature, just ignore it all.  It's all fake astroturf.

Thank you for your consideration and I hope this helps you.

Dan Kleinman, Owner of SafeLibraries® brand library educational services

Dear St. Tammany Parish Counsel,

I wrote yesterday about ST. TAMMANY LIBRARY ALLIANCE [ALA's STLA] and how it is a stalking horse for AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION [ALA], as shown in detail in yesterday's email shown below.  

Now I wish to add additional evidence, even more outrageous but true.  And I add some CCs given the seriousness of the threat of subversion of local governments by some organization from Chicago, Illinois, and I ask the CCs to read yesterday's email as well as today's.

Here's another direct quote from "That Librarian: The Fight Against Book Banning in America," the new book from Louisiana's school librarian Amanda Jones: 

"One thing I love about the St. Tammany Parish Library Alliance is that the members of the alliance show up very early to pack the front of the meeting space as much as possible."

So this is a Chicago ALA created and funded and empowered local group, of which most local citizens likely aren't even aware, absolutely bulldozing over the unprepared public to mislead boards into thinking the locals want what Chicago's ALA wants.  As Amanda Jones puts it, the thing she loves most about ALA's STLA is how they get to public meetings a half hour early to be sure to crowd out anyone not associated with ALA's STLA.  She's just coming out and revealing the manipulation.  

This is an ALA tactic used in many places, now including St. Tammany Parish.  I attended a public library meeting in Glen Ridge, NJ, where so many ALA people showed up early and with professional signs have ALA slogans like "United Against Book Bans" and organized coordination to crowd the room and crowd out others from speaking that the locals seeking relief from the government didn't even get a chance to speak.  I was the only person to get a chance to speak from the locals side since I knew of the tactic ahead of time and made sure I was there first.  Even then the ALA crowd pushed past me without a care since I wasn't one of them.  And when I finally spoke, the NJ ACLU publicly shamed me for being the only speaker to side with the locals who brought the complaint in the first place.  To see the results of the ALA tactic as applied in Glen Ridge, watch here, because it's coming to St. Tammany Parish:

Besides the above and what's in yesterday's email it gets even worse.  There's a Louisiana school librarian currently on a national tour with her book that I quoted above.  She just appeared at a meeting of ALA's STLA to talk about her book.  In her book she exposes how St. Tammany Parish gets steamrolled by ALA's STLA, again, as quoted above.  

Lest you think this is no big deal, just idle talk, Amanda Jones will be the central character in a film called "The Librarians" to be revealed at the Sundance Film Festival in January, according to the film's executive producer, Sarah Jessica Parker.  Yes, the famous actress.  Yes, Amanda is the central character.  So how ALA's STLA steamrolls over St. Tammany Parish may be an example for the lead character in a worldwide film produced by a Hollywood superstar.  That's how serious this is and how much pressure is going to hit you in waves.

ALA, building and community organizing for about 60 years, is gathering all tools available, even Hollywood stars, to bulldoze over local communities.  St. Tammany Parish is patient zero of the mind virus.  I'm trying to activate your antibodies now to help you prepare for what's coming.  

Here's a quote from Variety about how Amanda Jones is the central character of a film to be shown at Sundance:
The documentary’s central character is Amanda Jones, a school librarian in southern Louisiana, who recently wrote “That Librarian — The Fight Against Book Banning in America,” published in 2024 by Bloomsbury. “It’s a fantastic book, and we follow her struggles,” explains Parker.
Source: "Sarah Jessica Parker on Producing Sundance Doc About Librarians Fighting Book Bans: ‘They Have Put Their Lives at Risk,’" by Martin Dale, Variety, 12 December 2024.

I have informed you how ALA bribes locals and funds them to create local library alliances: "ALA Details Bribes to Convince Governments to Sell Out Children," by Dan Kleinman, SafeLibraries, 12 March 2024.  
We'll support your campaign against book bans with:  
1) Up to $1k in funding 
2) Pro-bono consulting 
3) Digital tools like
4) Media attention 
5) Training and resources for the skills and knowledge that you need to win.  
And more!
I have shown you that ALA set up ALA's STLA in yesterday's email.  Now I just found a new ALA site: "Help Fight Against Censorship in St Tammany, LA," by ALA's STLA,

I have shown you Amanda Jones holds up ALA's STLA as an example of how to pressure communities.

I have shown you multiple ALA leaders bragging about how ALA pulled the wool over the eyes of the local government in St. Tammany Parish.

I've shown you Amanda Jones who makes St. Tammany Parish ground zero for ALA meddling is herself the leading character in a Sarah Jessica Parker movie to be shown at the Sundance Film Festival.  I'll bet St. Tammany comes up in that movie at least once--to benefit ALA, not St. Tammany Parish.

I've shown you St. Tammany Parish Library employees are working directly with and for ALA and ALA's EveryLibrary to oppose "book bans."

Now you know.  Now you must stand up to the bullying of ALA and the locals like ALA's STLA that ALA has accreted with thousand dollar bribes, free counseling and fundraising and community organizing tools, and media attention.  

When the email deluge occurs and the people show up in crowds with professional signs to crowd out the few locals who might show without any community organization like the ALA does, what will you do?  Will you bend to the pressure?  Will you stand strong and apply local law, common sense, and community standards?  Do your ethical standards allow you to be swayed by out-of-state influence even if it is designed to appear as in-state?  Will St. Tammany Parish children be protected from outsiders having a 60 year plan to take away parental rights?  Or will ALA's St. Tammany Library Alliance overpower the Board?

Time will tell.  At least now you have reliable sources in this email and yesterday's to truly understand that ALA's STLA is not your friend--it's created by and subservient to ALA.  And it's metastasizing.  And it is children who are the target.

Thanks again for your consideration.
Dan Kleinman, Owner of SafeLibraries® brand library educational services


Already, based on the above, the coverup by ALA's STLA and now apparently St Tammany Parish Library employees themselves is underway with cleverly worded responses to continue to hide the truth in the face of the evidence.  

They talk about the present tense, not the past.  They talk about ALA, not ALA's EveryLibrary.  They say no documents exist, they leave out the training by ALA and even by Amanda Jones to use phone calls instead of documents precisely to evade FOIA, then claim innocence or that no documents exist.  They leave out that they are trained to provide evasive answers intentionally to deceive, just as Amanda Jones trained them at the recent Louisiana Library Association meeting.  And on and on with the deception:

URL of this page: 

Join World Library Association:

Friday, December 27, 2024

List of Librarians Who Agree Marxism is Not a Radical Notion, Support Marxist President of American Library Association

Below is a list of librarians who supported Emily Drabinski for being Marxist as the President of the American Library Association.  Most notably, they agree Marxism "is not a radical notion."  

Use this list to look for your favorite librarian who agrees Marxism is not a radical notion.  

I just found the one from Louisiana suing me for defamation, for example, and the one from New Jersey who convinced a NJ school board and the state legislature and governor to allow school children to have obscenity despite New Jersey law opposing obscenity for persons under eighteen years old.  

Of the 2405 signatures, only two signed anonymously.  ALA has a membership of 48,000, so librarians agreeing Marxism "is not a radical notion" is just over five percent.  5%!  Does that mean 5% of ALA is Marxist?  Is the below a list of Marxist librarians?

Just look at the names.  There are two New Jersey Library Association Executive Board members, for example.  Two!  And the NJ Freedom to Read Act just elevated them to decide what school boards are allowed to do!

These Marxists even complain that ALA itself didn't openly support Marxism: "ALA issued a statement in response to MSLC's withdrawal that did not reference Emily or address homophobia or speak to how Marx's idea that 'From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.' is not a radical notion."  So their open support for Marxism is explicitly made clear and cannot be denied.

By the way, more states have dropped out of ALA, New Hampshire being the latest, so this letter of support for Marxism obviously didn't help.  But ALA's move toward more Marxism has accelerated.

Republishing per statement, "This letter can be shared."  I'm sharing!  You're welcome!  Enjoy!

See also:

Letter of Support for Emily Drabinski

This letter can be shared:

In light of the decision by the Montana State Library Commission (MSLC) to withdraw from the American Library Association (ALA) because of its incoming ALA president, librarian and scholar Emily Drabinski. 

After learning the election results that named Drabinski ALA's next president, she identified herself in a Tweet as a "Marxist lesbian" who believes in collective power--and has a mom who is very proud of her.

Emily Drabinski will be a compassionate, capable and courageous ALA President and we look forward to what she'll be able to achieve.  Emily has proven herself to be a fearless and powerful leader, time and time again.  She led her faculty union to victory when they were locked out by Long Island University and started a cooperative homeschool during the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic.  She is a scholar of critical cataloging and library instruction, whose work has been cited over 1,000 times

Emily was born and raised in Montana's neighboring state of Idaho and goes back to visit her proud mom every year. Emily is passionate about sports and her three cats; she's a proud blood donor with a great sense of humor. She's got a partner with whom she parents a teenage son and an identical twin sister who is Emily's biggest champion.  

We are living in times where homophobia is rampant in libraries, with library workers at risk of physical violence and online harassment on a regular basis. State library associations that aren't standing up to homophobic anti-book and -library groups are not doing their jobs as library advocates*

Librarians and other library workers need to stand against bigotry. Marxism is an economic philosophy not a political platform. Turning this into a partisan issue resulting in a minority-led dissolution of a longstanding nourishing partnership–a move which will harm the future of libraries and library professional associations in the State of Montana–is deeply misguided and uninformed.

ALA issued a statement in response to MSLC's withdrawal that did not reference Emily or address homophobia or speak to how Marx's idea that "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs." is not a radical notion.

We, the undersigned, register our support for Emily Drabinski and her ALA presidency. Add yourself (link goes to (We're adding people manually, so please be patient) (thank you)

* The Montana Library Association and the Montana State Library Commission are different entities. MLA is supportive of ALA.

Jessamyn West
Vermont Mutual Aid Society
ALA Vermont Chapter Councilor

Jenna Freedman
Barnard Library
ALA Member

Marissa Bischoff
Utah Library Association Immediate Past-President

Carolee Gilligan Wheeler

Mariame Kaba
Director, Project NIA
ALA member

Tony Corsentino

Heather Posey VanDyne
ALA Kansas Chapter Councilor

Kristin Buxton
ALA Member

Samantha Kannegiser
ALA Library Instruction Round Table Councilor 

Kelly McElroy 
Oregon State University
ALA Member

Jordan Hale 

Hallie Pritchett
ALA GODORT Councilor

Matthew Murray 🦇
Data Librarian at CU Boulder 
ALA Member

kalan Knudson Davis
ALA Member, RBMS Member

Eira Tansey
Archivist, Consultant and Researcher (Memory Rising LLC) 
ALA Member

Timothy Vollmer
UC Berkeley Library 
ALA Member

Erin Berman
ALA RainbowRT Councilor

Frank Skornia
ALA Member

Karin Dalziel
Assistant Director, Digital Strategies, University of Lincoln-Nebraska Libraries

Alexandra Rivera
ALA Councilor

Kara Whatley
University Librarian, Caltech
ALA ACRL Division Councilor

Teresa Schultz
ALA member

Dorothea Salo
Distinguished Teaching Faculty III, Information School, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Paige Morgan
University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press

Shanna Hollich 
ALA member

Joseph Malek

Barbara Ball
Director, Windsor Public Library, VT

Meredith Wisner
Barnard Library

Katharine Phenix
ALA member

Charles Kratz
ALA Member 

Kirsten Mentzer

Cristy Danford

Jayne Blodgett
ALA Colorado Chapter Councilor

Bob Diaz
ALA Councilor

Gretchen Kolderup
ALA Member

Shannon O'Neill
NYU Special Collections

Leigh Hurwitz
Coordinator of School Outreach Services, Brooklyn Public Library

Caroline Korejko
Library Director, North Hero Public Library

Eva Raison
Director, Outreach Services, Brooklyn Public Library
ALA Member

Elaine Harger
Former ALA Council member

Lindsey G Bright
Librarian and Archivist, Archives of American Art

Robin Goodfellow Malamud
Boston Public Library 

Nadia M Orozco-Sahi
ALA Rainbow RT Chair

Anne-Marie Deitering
Oregon State University

Joanna Gadsby
ALA member

Catherine Goldsmith, MLS
Library Director, Starksboro Public Library
President, VT Library Association - Public Libraries Sec

Augusta "Gus" Chapman
Support Staff at Barnard College

Justin White
Scholarly Communications Librarian

Paul Richmond 
Assistant Technical Services Librarian at Emerson College 
ALA Member

Lynne M. Thomas
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 

Jayne Blodgett
Colorado Chapter Councilor

Virginia Marshall
Staff member at Brooklyn Public Library
member of ALA

Valerie Forrestal
Academic Librarian

Rachel Weiss
Brooklyn Public Library

Laura Lanigan 

Erica Moroz
Brooklyn Public Library

Christine Salek
University of Wisconsin‚ Madison

Sarah Unruh
MSLIS student 
member of ALA and ACRL

Brady Beard
ALA Member

K.J. Rawson
Director, Digital Transgender Archive; Chair, Homosaurus Editorial Board

Melissa Morrone
Brooklyn Public Library
ALA member

Connor Cantrell
Library Assistant

Madeline Peña Feliz
ALA Councilor at Large

Ai Miller
Reference Specialist, Health Sciences Library, University of Minnesota

Jeanine Finn

Jennifer Parsons
ALA Member

Emily Dowdell

Jennifer Joe
ALA Library Research Roundtable (LRRT) Councilor 

Jaime Gilden

Garren Hochstetler

Emily Nelson

Anna Opryszko
ALA member

Bryn Hoffman
Director, Cobleigh Public Library, VT

Alex Gil
Yale University

Eileen Gatti
Director, Goddard College Library, VT

Megan Riley
UCLA Department of Information Studies
ALA member

Kacy Helwick
ALA Member

Annie Downey
University of Washington Tacoma Librarian 
ALA member

Gesina Phillips
Former ALA member, former ACRL Digital Scholarship Section Outreach Committee chair (2019-2021)

Rebecca Moorman
ALA Alaska Chapter Councilor, IFRT Director at Large

Dave Mayo

Johanna Jacobsen Kiciman
Chapter Leader (WLA Board President 2023)

Talya Cooper

Marisa Petrich
ALA Member

Diedre Conkling
ALA Member 

Annie Sollinger
ALA Member 

Andromeda Yelton
Former LITA President

Allison Thompson
Health Sciences Course Materials Coordinator at the University of Minnesota Libraries

Joy Worland
ALA member

Kate McManus

Avi Rappoport

Gwyn Sise
Librarian trainee

Rakisha Kearns-White
Public Librarian, NYLA member, a Library Journal 2023 Mover & Shaker

Drew Jackson
ALA Member

Andy Hamilton

Sophie Ziegler
Director, Solidarity History Initiative 

Amie Toepfer
Senior Librarian, Ketchikan Public Library
ALA Member

Justin Miller
Chicago Public Library

Jennifer McGrath 
ALA member

Steph Noell
Special Collections Librarian, UTSA
ALA member

Natacha Liuzzi
Children's Specialist, South Burlington VT

Nac Payne
Library Assistant
100 signatories

Katy Rawdon
Special Collections Research Center, Temple University

Nick Szydlowski
Digital Scholarship Librarian, San José State University
ALA Member

Randi Mason

Catey Farley

Marissa Guidara
Libraries Transforming Communities: Accessible Small and Rural Communities Advisor

Mark Charles Rosenzweig
Co-chair of the International Responsibilities Task Force of SRRT; Member of SRRT Action Council

Ellen Pozzi
LHRT Councilor
ALA Member

Melinda Borie
ALA Member, Member of PLA Committee on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice 

Valerie Pfister

Sarah Stang
Licensing and Shared Print Coordinator, COPPUL
ALA Member

Kathryn La Barre
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
ALA member

Arthur Boston

Kelsey Speaks

Alaina Bull
UW Tacoma Library

Sunshine Carter
ALA Member

Christina Rodriques
ALA Member

Nadia M Orozco-Sahi
Rainbow RT Chair

Ana Elisa de Campos Salles
ALA Executive Board

Molly Bostrom
University of Minnesota Libraries

Eileen boris
Feminist Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara

Pamela Larsen
Youth Services, Programming and Outreach Librarian

Chuck Munson
Librarian, former ALA member

Mary Gen Davies
ALA Member, Rainbow Roundtable Member

Gretchen Neidhardt
ALA member

Alison Macrina
Director, Library Freedom Project 

Caitlin Lenox
University of Minnesota
ALA member

Adriene Lim, PhD, MLIS
ALA Councilor at Large

Maurice J. (Mitch) Freedman
Past Publisher,The U*N*A*B*A*S*H*E*D Librarian 
Past ALA President

Cate Triola
University of Minnesota Libraries
ALA Member

Coral Sheldon-Hess
former Councilor-at-Large

Claudia Acosta
Barnard Library

Athena Waid

Chris Strauber
Boston College

Madeline Jarvis 

Catherine Doyle
Nazareth University 

Melissa Hubbard
ALA member, RBMS Chair 2022-23

MD Galvin
ALA Member

Christy Liddy

Karolyn MacAskill
Assistant Librarian - Media Center ISD 623

Joe Neumann
Access and Special Collections Librarian, Thurgood Marshall Law Library, UMaryland Baltimore 

Linda Salem
ALA Member

Todd Grappone
AUL UCLA Library 

Debbie Reese
American Indians in Children's Literature

Victoria Van Hyning 
Assistant Professor of Library Innovation, University of Maryland, iSchool
ALA member

Carmen Mitchell
California State University San Marcos

Becky Yoose

Bear L.W. Smith

Garth Tardy
Special Collections Catalog Librarian

John Overholt
Former Chair of RBMS-ACRL, Harvard University

Gina Schlesselman-Tarango

Cheryl Knott
iSchool, University of Arizona
ALA-accredited library and information science program

Brea Fearon
ALA Member

Helen Lutke
ALA Member

Jesse Silva

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore

Mat Wranovics
Library Assistant, UCLA

Annie Jaffe
ALA Member

Jennie Rose Halperin
Library Futures/NYU, ALA Committee on Legislation, Education, Advocacy 

Rachel D. Williams, PhD
University of South Carolina School of Information 

Rita Meade

Kate Johnson
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota

Ray Pun

Carol Fisher 
Washington State University, Vancouver 
ALA / ACRL Member 

Sam Buechler
Librarian, Washington State University Vancouver
ALA Member

Kelly Marie Blanchat
Yale University Library

gerardo colmenar 
Social Responsibilities Round Table - Action Council Member

Sarah Glazer
Public Services Specialist
Timberland Regional Library

Tarika Sankar
Brown University

Kendra K. Levine 
UC Berkeley
ALA Member

Michelle Fisher
ALA Member
Circulation Specialist & MA LIS Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Danielle Afsordeh, M.A., C.A.
Community Outreach Archivist, Central Arkansas Library System
Institutional ALA member

Jason Guthartz 
MLIS student 

Daniella Pagan
ALA Member

Elizabeth Benoodt

Frances Jacobson Harris
ALA Lifetime Member, retired school librarian

Emily Dowie
Teen Librarian, Librarian II, Greenburgh Public Library, 
ALA Councilor-at-Large (2023-2026)

Aaron Hulsey

Crista Cannariato

Tatiana Bryant 
Barnard College

Skylar Cotnam

Scott Businsky
ALA member; Vice President, Delaware Library Association 

Julian Brown
Public librarian, ALA Member

Ari DeNardo
ALA Member
McCall Olson
Public library worker 

Shawne West
CSUDH Archivist

Kendra Cowley
Toronto Public Library

Azad Namazie

Mercedes Zabawa

Holly Wilson
Liaison Librarian at Pratt Institute
former ALA member

Kelly Wooten
Librarian, Duke University Libraries

Sarah Werner

Shauna Costache
Public Service Supervisor, Stratford Public Library  (ON, CA)

Agnieszka Czeblakow 
Tulane University 

Jose Guerrero
ALA Member, RBMS Member

Ian McCullough
Science Librarian, The College of Wooster

Becca Greenstein
Northwestern University Libraries
ALA Member

Ellie Hamrick
Youth Services Librarian, Chauncey Public Library

April Sheppard
SRRT Past-Coordinator

Megan Sanks
Youth Services Librarian
ALA member

Alexa Patsalis 
MSLIS and Graduate Assistant 
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 

Marie Waltz
​​ALA Member

200 signatories 

Amy Dittmeier
ALA member

Caroline Hartman

Laura Braunstein
Dartmouth College
Former Chair, ALA-ACRL Literatures in English Section

Alison Clemens
ALA member, Yale University Library

Elisa Gall
ALA Member

Stephanie Bennett

Jeffrey Dean
former recon librarian, JKM Library (Chicago) & UC Berkeley Music Library

Jazmyne Baylor
ALA Member

Natalie Trapuzzano
University Archivist, University of Maryland

Peter Suber
Harvard Library

Meli Taylor
ALA Student Member

Liam Adler
Barnard College
2023 President of ACRL/NY
ALA Member

Dylan Flesch
New York Public Radio

Patricia Glass Schuman
ALA Past president
ALA Past treasurer
ALA Honorary Member

Tess Wilson
Library Freedom Project

Amy Tureen
Dean of Academic Success Programs, South Puget Sound Community College 

Sarah Clinton

Robin Ewing
ALA Member

Anne Heidemann
ALA member

Maura Seale
University of Michigan

Ashley Enochs
Sawyer Library, Suffolk University

Julia Callahan
Smith College Acquisitions Associate, ALA Member

Beatrice Couser
ALA member

Ana Noriega
Colby College, Reforma member

Seph Mozes
Library Worker, member of SEIU 73 (Northwestern University Library Workers United)

Kary Henry

Annika Wilcox
ALA Student Member 

Allison Seyler
Sheridan Libraries, Johns Hopkins University 

Sam Ehlinger 
ALA Member
Library Associate

Sarah cuk 
Digitization technician at the NYC Municipal Archives 

Josh Honn
Librarian, Northwestern University

Em Tarrant
Library Associate - Chicago Public Library

Christina Meninger

Elise Ferer
ALA Member
Binghamton University Libraries

Andy Kretschmar
Librarian, Smith College

Linda Miles
Chair, Community & Junior College Libraries Section, ACRL

Alelya Stone
Adult Services Librarian, Puyallup Public Library WA
ALA Member

Kit Messick
Smith College Special Collections

Rebecca Esquivel
ALA Member

Alexandra deGraffenreid
Assistant Librarian, Penn State University

Vincent Kelley
Student, University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies

Sal Hamerman

Liz Becker
Circulation Supervisor

Amy Bishop
ALA member

Michelle Gibeault
Privacy subcommittee

Emily Horan
AbLA member

John LaDue
ALA Member
University of Tennessee at Martin

Rita Johnston
University of Miami

Julie Mount
Graphic Designer for a county library system

Ryn Gagen
Librarian, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
ALA Member

Vani Natarajan

Daniel Matthews

Brandon Locke

Julie Fiveash
AILA member

electra enslow
Chair, Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association
UW Libraries

Nathan Tallman
Penn State University Libraries

Leslie Gascon

Amanda Rybin Koob
ALA member

Laura Barrett
Head of Teaching & Learning
Dartmouth Library

Paul Gilbert II
ALA member

Kelly Davis
Free Library of Philadelphia
ALA Member

Sandra Davis

Jenny Santomauro
ALA member

Bernadine Abbott Hoduski
former ALA councilor and member of Montana LA

Jasmine Malone

Leah Cover

Wendolyn Vermeer
Library Collections Services Coordinator

Olivia Scully
Co-Chair, Legislative Committee, CT Library Association; Member-at-Large, SRRT Action Council, ALA

Annie Zeidman-Karpinski
Librarian and ALA member since 2000

Sara Kelly Johns
ALA Councilor-at-Large

Jennifer Mullins 
Dartmouth Library 

Jessica Farrell
Educopia Institute

Josue Hurtado
Temple University

Dave Ellenwood
Faculty Librarian, Seattle Central College

Shannon K. Supple
ALA member, former chair of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS)

Roseann Saah
Public School Librarian

Amanda Belantara 
ALA member 

Marisca Mozeleski
Massachusetts Public Librarian, non-member of the ALA
member of State/Regional associations

Kathleen Breitenbach
Rainbow Round Table, Social Responsibilities Round Table, YALSA

Kate Moriarty
Saint Louis University
ALA member, RBMS member

Michelle Caswell
Professor, UCLA

Annabel Carroll

Graham Sherriff

Kelli Hansen
ALA Member

Erin Haddad-Null 
ALA Member

Joseph Winberry
ALA Member 
Assistant Professor at UNC Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science

Graeme Williams
ALA Member

Jamie Kurumaji
ALA Councilor at Large

Sarah Pirila 
ALA Student Member

Hanna Roseen
Former ALA member

Jessica Chapel
ALA member

Madison Sullivan, University of Washington Libraries

Jim DelRosso
Assistant Director, Catherwood Library, Cornell University
ALA Member

Wesley Teal
Iowa State University Library
ALA Member

Sady Sullivan
Oral Historian 

stephanie kirkpatrick
librarian and former ALA member

Tyra Briscoe

Ashley Chou
Dean of Institutional Effectiveness and Library Services

300 signatories

Gina Solares
ALA Member, RBMS Member

Sandy Enriquez
University of California, Riverside

Polly Cancro
Special Collections Librarian
NYU Libraries

Amanda Sprochi
ALA/Core member, Chair, Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access

Justin Schell
University of Michigan Library

Meghan Lafferty
University of Minnesota Libraries & ALA member

Eirini Melena Karoutsos

Rachel McGuire

Gretchen Alexander

Meghan McGowan
Wayne State University, AAUP-AFT 6075
ALA member

Terry Baxter
President, Society of American Archivists

Rory Litwin
Library Juice Press
ALA Member

Laura Crossett
Library Futures
former ALA member

Stephanie Anderson
BCPL-IAMAW Local Lodge 4538 Recording Secretary

Sarah Jones
Temple University Libraries
ALA member

Jeanette Sewell
Database and Metadata Management Coordinator, Fondren Library

Mara Sedlins
Colorado State University
ALA member

Robert Bittner
Vice-President / President-Elect, ALSC

Helene Williams
Teaching Professor, University of Washington Information School

Thea Lindquist
University of Colorado Boulder

Timothy Garrison
Teamster, Local 743 - Library Assistant at University of Chicago

Kelly McKinley-Ford
Public Librarian, Florida Library Association Member
Former ALA Member

Jamie A. Lee

Carey Toane
University of Toronto Libraries

Ellen Keith

Carter Beeson
Ohio Public Librarian

Kate Dohe
University of Maryland Libraries

Adela C. Licona
Associate Professor Emeritus, English, University of Arizona 

Violet Fox
Northwestern University
ALA member

Jenna Ingham
ALA Member

Beth DeBold 
ALA Member

Gr Keer

Samara Cary
Dartmouth College Library

Dot Porter
Curator, Kislak Center for Special Collections, University of Pennsylvania 

Alenka Figa
Em Tone
Brooklyn Public Library 

Kelly Christian
Knowledge Manager

Alice Rosewater
Library Assistant
Timberland Regional Library

Kayla Hoskinson
Free Library of Philadelphia

Rebecca Kuglitsch 
ALA Member

Jesse O'Dunne

Liz Gardiner
Children's Librarian, Free Library of Philadelphia

David Holt
Senior Research Librarian
UC Davis - School of Law

Kathy Kosinski
ALA Member

Kestrel Gregorich-Trevor
MLIS Student

Paige Laino
FWIW My workplace does support Emily! 
Skowhegan School of Painting & Sculpture!

Tina Gross 
ALA member 

Lisa Schiff
California Digital Library, University of California

Melissa Hozik
ALA Member

Casey Winkleman
Librarian, IS Library and Media Preservation Lab
Department of Information Studies, UCLA

Ahliah Bratzler
ALA Member

Jeremy Brett 
Texas A&M University 

Carson Stachura
Barnard Archives & Special Collections

Anna Perricci

Jennifer Osorio
Director, Library Special Collections
UCLA Library

Jules Ray
Greenville County Library System
ALA Member

Char Booth
Associate Dean, California State University San Marcos Library
ALA Member

Kate Goodman
Philadelphia Library worker and AFSCME DC 47 Local 47 member

Matthew Noe

dan n

Sophia Stoll

Reed Garber-Pearson
University of Washington Libraries

Sydni Meyer

Kelsey Westenberg
Collections Librarian
Glenview Public Library

Althea Lazzaro 
ALA Member

Adam L. Schiff
University of Washington Libraries
Principal Cataloger
ALA Member

Mark Hall
Public Librarian

Sarah Varenhorst
Brooklyn Public Library

David Gill (he | him | his)
Librarian in British Columbia, Canada

Whitney Kemble
Librarian, University of Toronto

Annie Gaines

Bailey Hoffner
Oklahoma State University

Wally Grotophorst
Recent member (so I could vote for Emily)

Maty Cropley
Past President, BPLPSA MLSA Local 4928 AFT- MA 

Timothy Johnson
University of Minnesota

Jessica Trujillo 
ALA Member

Dani Rowland
Academic Librarian
I rejoined ALA after leaving for a few years, because Emily was elected

Bryce Kieren Healy
Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association/MLSA 4928

Alee Schmierer
University of Minnesota

Janelle Zetty
ALA Member

Cory Lampert
ALA Member

Dustin Fife
College Librarian, Colorado College 
ALA Member

Claudia Berger 

Kelsey Rolofson

Ariel Dyer

Allegra Swift
UC San Diego Library
ALA member - recently lapsed 

Megan Browndorf
University of Chicago
ALA Member

Alex Morgan-Bloch
UW-MILS Student

Baruch Levine
Librarian in Haverford Township, PA
MLIS at Drexel University
ALA Member

Nicola Andrews

Melissa Augustine
academic librarian

Jason Smith
MSLIS/MA History Student
ALA Student Member

Jennifer Vinopal

Dave Bartos

Holli J. Ronquillo

Travis Kelley

Amanda Pirog
Business and User Experience Librarian, UW Tacoma

Autumn Lynch

Ley Frank
Student and GA at the UIUC iSchool

Jarrett Dapier 
Vice-president, Freedom To Read Foundation

400 signatories

Sarah Lamdan
CUNY School of Law
ALA Member

Rosy Wagner
Burlington County Library System, NJ

Lisa Rabey
ALA Member

Allyson Turner
Community College of Aurora
ALA Member

Jennifer Cwiok
Gottesman Research Library at the American Museum of Natural History

Megha Bamola
Youth Services at Oak Park | Preservation at City of Detroit
ALA Member, Spectrum Scholar

DeDe Dawson
ALA member

Miranda Siler
Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation

Kayte McPhee
Current MALIS Student

Dylan Burns
University of Washington 

Tom Melton

Emma Kearney
ALA Member

Rebecca Graves
Health Sciences Librarian, University of Missouri 

Kaitlyn Lynch

Dinah Handel

Rev. Heather Roan Robbins, Ronan, Montana

John Fink

Rick & Megan Prelinger
Prelinger Library & Archives, San Francisco

Hazel Woodward
University of Wisconsin - Madison iSchool student

David Perzel, II

Kristine Alpi 
ALA member since 1996

Katrina Burch 

Courtney Dean

Kevin Dean
Cuyahoga County Public Library

Weston Tate
UC Berkeley

Cynthia Eschenfelder

Patricia Devine
Librarian, University of Washington

Lily Troia
Society for Science at User Research Facilities

Karilyn Steward
Senior Librarian
ALA Member

Stephen Bollinger
ALA Member

Jenn Colt
Associate Librarian, Cornell University Library
Member, ALA & Core

Melaina Squicciarini (They/Them)
ALA Member, YALSA Member 2024-2025 RRT Booklist Committee, NJLA YASS Member at Large

Cody Hanson
ALA Member, former LITA board member

Kristen Schmidt
Public librarian, ALA member, CSKBART committee member 

Maggie Hughes
ALA Member

Benjamin Saracco 
Chair of Rowan University Libraries
COPE Chair of Rowan AFT 2373

Kristina Vela Bisbee

Mike Selby
Award-Winning Author

Ivan Willig
Emily's neighbor 

Josh Rose

Maggie Farrell
ALA Councilor at Large

Mary Garboden
Librarian,Ypsilanti, MI

Fletcher Durant
University of Florida Libraries
ALA Member, Core Publications Committee

Al Kagan
ALA SRRT Action Council 

Heather MacFadyen

Eti Berland
ALA Member 

Annie Pho
Immediate Past President of APALA

Allee Monheim
ALA Member

Zia Davidian

Eduardo Rivera
Librarian III. New York Institute of Technology 

Annie Windholz 
ALA member 

Emma Karin Eriksson
Brooklyn Public Library

Alexandra Hauser
Michigan State University
ALA member & volunteer

Maria Planansky
Alfred University
ALA Member

Stephanie A. Miller
Graduate Theological Union

Gina Watts
Independent archivist

Sarah Hovde
ALA member

Sarah Houghton
ALA member, Intellectual Freedom Committee member, Information Technology Advisory Committee member

Margaret Breidenbaugh
Gender and Sexuality SACO Funnel
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College 

Jen Wilson
University of Delaware
ALA member

Carl Hess, He/Him
University of Memphis
United Campus Workers/CWA Local 3865

David James Hudson
Associate Librarian, University of Guelph

Marie Brignac

Angie Neely-Sardon

Melissa Haley

Beanbag Amerika
Brooklyn Public Library

Erin Bogle
Library Patrons Union Member 

Harmony Birch
Brooklyn Public Library

Jane Ellen

Mase Woodland 
Librarian PWU

Jay Sylvestre 
Georgetown University ALA member 

Ryann Riggs
Adult Services Librarian 
ALA member 

Dr. Nicole Cooke 
Professor, School of Information Science, University of South Carolina 
ALA Member

Meredith Farkas
Faculty Librarian, Portland Community College

Mackenzie Johnson
ALA Member

Maura Smale
CUNY Graduate Center
ALA member

Deb Verhoeven
Canada Research Chair in Gender and Cultural Informatics, University of Alberta

JS Shokrian
Artist in Residence, Beall Center for Art + Tech, University of California

MJ Norris

John J. Ronald 
Interlibrary Loan Paraprofessional
ALA Member

Margy MacMillan
Mount Royal University (Retired)

Christina Miskey
ALA Member

Miriam Cady
Smith College Special Collections
ALA member

Nicholas Schiller

Julia Tanenbaum

Danica E. White
Penn State University,
ALA Member

Maria McGrath 
ALA Member

K.C. Boyd
ALA Member

Jen Bolmarcich 
Librarian, Hampshire College

Christopher Harter
University of Cincinnati
ALA member

Maureen Maryanski
Indiana University

Melissa A. Wong
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
ALA Member

Jonathan Engel
ALA member

Joel Abrams
ALA member

Juliann Couture

Adrianna Martinez
SUNY New Paltz
ALA and ACRL member 

Cheryl Cyr 
ALA Member

Shana Higgins
Access Services Librarian @ CSU, San Bernardino
ALA Member

Lydia Tang
ALA and RBMS member

500 signatories

Amanda Jones 
ALA Councilor at Large

Marie Sciangula
Purchase College, SUNY

Alex Byrne
Youth Services Librarian

Zoe Wake Hyde
Mesh Research, Michigan State University

Leah Richardson 
Librarian, George Washington University.
ALA Councilor-at-Large

Pranav Prakash
Junior Research Fellow, University of Oxford, UK

Reilly Moloney

Chris George
BCPL-IAMAW Local Lodge 4538

TK Sangwand
UCLA Library

Theresa Agostinelli

Heather Furnas
Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries

Elissa Martel
ALA Member

Max Burns

Meave Gallagher
Member, ALA

Kate Crowe
Curator of Special Collections and Archives 

Jane Lofton
retired teacher librarian
ALA member

Kenny Garcia
ALA Councilor-at-large 

Susan KS Grigsby, Ed.S
Director of Library Services
Stamford American Int'l School, Singapore
ALA Member

Kim Nguyen
Librarian, Los Angeles Public Library

Peter bromberg
ALA Emerging Leaders Chair 2007-2012; ALA Member 1996-2020

Alana Mohamed

Caroline Perez

Emma Heck
MSI student, University of Michigan School of Information

Ann K. Symons
ALA Past President 
ALA Honorary Member 

Suzanne Maguire 

Mike Marlin
Director, California Braille and Talking Book Library, blind librarian
ALA Councilor-at-Large

Benjamin Bradley
University of Maryland Libraries
ALA Member

TJ Hoffer

Emily Reed
ALA Member

Christina D. Chavez Nelson
ALA Student Member

Amanda Koziura
ALA Member

Jennifer Heaslip
ALA member

Morgan Green-Griffin, MLS, CVA
Municipal Government Professional

Colleen Seisser
YALSA President 

Kate Holvoet
San Diego State University 

Karen Nicholson

S.E. Hackney 
Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, Queens College, CUNY

Kalyn Harris 
Children's Librarian 

Jennifer McCulley
ALA Member

Brian Huffman
Law Librarian

Jen Weidner 

Nancy Kranich
ALA Past President
ALA Member

Ashley Hawkins 
NYCDOE School Librarian 

Allison Law

Caro Bratnober
Columbia University Libraries

Murphy Anne Carter
Texas After Violence Project

Cristina Bueno 
ALA Member

Michelle Wisbey
ALA Member

Ivanya L. Alpert, MD

Audrey Richards

Amelia N. Gibson
Associate Professor University of Maryland College of Information Studies

Alicia Long
ALA member

Mallary Rawls
ALA member

Emily Long
ALA member 

James Lowry
Chair and Director, Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, Queens College CUNY

Rachel Wysoki

Jen Mazzoni
MLIS Student
ALA member

Danielle Lewis

Dr. Mega Subramaniam
University of Maryland

Rosemary K. J. Davis 
Archivist, Yale University Library
ALA member

Kellee E. Warren
University of Illinois Chicago
ALA and ACRL RBMS Member

Arianne Hartsell-Gundy
Duke University
ALA member

Allison Bailund
ALA Member

Emma Riese
Public library worker
Hennepin County Library 

Chelsea Heinbach
ALA member

Kenneth A. Yamashita
ALA Member

Britta Krabill
ALA Member

Erin Blake
ALA Member, RBMS Member

Perlita Payne
Supervising Librarian

Jane Healy

Ryan Roberts
ALA Lifetime Member

Laura Jenkins
ALA Member

Maxwell Holland
Inglewood Public Library &
UCLA American Indian Studies Center

Junie Hayashi
Public Services Librarian, Leeward Community College
ALA member

Shanta Dickerson
Executive Director, Friends of Johnson County (KS) Library

Virginia Martin
Duke University
ALA Member

Karen Gisonny
ALA member

Jason Grote

Diane P. Tuccillo 
Retired Teen Services Librarian 
Friends of the Knox County Public Library board member 
ALA member; YALSA; United for Libraries 

Jared Howland
ALA Member

Ally Jones

Mai Takahashi 
Seattle Public Library 
ALSC EDI Committee Co- Chair 

Dr. Rachel Ivy Clarke 
Associate Professor, Syracuse University School of Information Studies

Patrick Lloyd 
The University of Texas at Austin 

Martha Hickson, MLIS
ALA member

Merinda McLure

Sara Gain

Emily Thompson
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Library
ALA member

Janet Segal, Board Member 
United for Libraries 

Ash Greco Ellis 
former support staff, Houston Public Library

kristen iemma 
PhD Candidate, Brown University 
MSLIS, Pratt Institute 

Anthony Dardis 
Hofstra University 

Adrienne Nguyen
Academic Librarian

Mariagabriella Stuardi
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 

Eddie Kristan 
ALA Member

John C. Triplett
ALA, AASL member

Tonia Sutherland
Assistant Professor, Information Studies

Daniel Clarkson Fisher
ALA Member

Meggan Ford
ALA member

Joshua Neds-Fox
Wayne State University Library System

Jennifer Finch
Branch Manager
Spring Branch-Memorial Branch
Harris County Public Library
TLA member

600 signatories

Michelle Lee
ALA Member

Matthew R. Marsteller

Ellie Collier
Library Services Engineer, EBSCO. ALA Emerging Leader, 2008

Lucas S. Maurer
MLIS Candidate at SJSU, ALA Member

Emily Horning
Yale University Library 
ALA Member 

Carrie Pirmann
Bucknell University 

Rebecca Nowicki
San Diego State University. 
ALA Member

Leo Robert Klein
ALA Member

Leslie L Morgan
2020-2023: Councilor at Large
ALA Member

Paula Gray-Overtoom
Monroe County Public Library, Bloomington, IN

Elaine Franco
Retired librarian, ALA member

Alex Austin

Lisa Spagnolo
UC Davis Library
ALA Member

Liorah Golomb
Humanities Librarian, University of Oklahoma 

Kate Donovan 
Bancroft Library Director 
AUL for Special Collections 
UC Berkeley 
ALA Member 

Lacey Torge
Litwin Books/Library Juice Press

Lauren Reinhalter
Council on Foreign Relations , Gov docs round table 

Beth St. Jean
Associate Professor, University of Maryland College of Information Studies
ALA Member

Zach Rutland 

Maggie Schreiner

Amy McDonald
Syracuse University Libraries
ALA member

Sean Juroviesky 

Nike Desis
Teen/Tween Services Librarian

Benjamin Albritton
Stanford Libraries 
ALA member, RBMS member 

Mariah Ralston
ND Chapter Councilor
ND co-chair LGBTQ2S+ Committee

Rachel Caldwell

Julie Moore
California State University, Fresno
ALA/CORE member

Jesse Erickson 

Lara Little

Julia Gardner 
Cornell University Library 

Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez
UC Irvine

Michael Pasternak
Harvard Library

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Matt Morrison
Public Services Librarian - Tarrant County College

Andrew Wertheimer, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor, LIS Program University of Hawaii at Manoa
Former ALA Chapter Councilor 

Bianca Phipps
Art Institute of Chicago
ALA Student Member

Jen Waller
ALA Member

Anna Lawrence
Branch Manager
ALA Member

Sarah Hertel-Fernandez 
Public Librarian in Massachusetts 
ALA member 

Carolyn Cook
ALA Member

Mary Rinato Berman
ALA member

Dr. Jo Phillips
RUSA CODES Exec Board Secretary
RUSA Notable Books Council Vice-Chair
ALSC Org Effect. Co-Chair

Ruth Thomas
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Scott Walter
ALA Life Member

Mary Grace Kosta
Archivist, Society of American Archivists member

Danya Leebaw
University of Minnesota
ALA member

Emily Lofquist 
Youth Librarian

Alicia C Phillips 
Retired Librarian 

Lauren McDaniel
ALA member

Sue Luftschein

Lane Goldszer
Librarian UCLA, ALA Member

Allison Trumble

Kathy Gaynor

Ramin Naderi
ALA Councilor At Large

Deborah Yun Caldwell

Alyssa V. Loera 
J Paul Getty Trust 

Miriam Medow

Nadia Nasr
ALA/RBMS member

Terri Beth Ledbetter 
ALA Member 

Elijah Enos
Reference & Instruction Librarian, CSU Bakersfield
Programming Chair, Film & Media Round Table

[no name given]
Children's Librarian 

KT Beer

Mateo Campos-Seligman

Tara Severns
Windward Community College Library 

Stephen Lane

Shannon Gile

Deb Schiff 
ALA member 

Randi Hawkins (she, her)
ALA member

Lisa Norberg
The Cooper Union 

Lucien Baskin
CUNY Graduate Center and Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

Mikayla Wobrak

Helene Gold

Adele Chase 
ALA Member 

Beth Knazook

Alison Ricker
Science Librarian Oberlin College
ALA Member

Kathy Lester
School Librarian
ALA Councilor At Large

Tyler Dzuba
Former ALA Councilor, former LLAMA President

Jen Bonnet

Julia Skinner, PhD
Author, former librarian

Hannah O'Daniel McCallon

Dr. Dan Barron
ALA member since 1975
School of Information Science, University of South Carolina

Janice Greenberg 
ALA Member, Member of ALA Subcommittee to Condemn White Supremacy & Fascism, Former ALA Councillor.

Nicholas A. Brown
Chair, ALA Public Awareness Committee (2023/24)

Shelley Kappeler
ALA Member, Florida

Megan A. Brooks

Anthony Cocciolo
Pratt Institute School of Information
ALA member

Gabriel Mckee
New York University
ALA member 

Rebecca Graebner
Children & Youth Services
ALA Member

Michael Golrick 
Long-time ALA Member

Maria Falgoust 
Librarian, International School of Brooklyn and ALA member 

nicholae cline
Indiana University
ALA/ACRL member

Amanda Wyatt Visconti
University of Virginia

Alicia Deal
ALA member

Michael Bradford
Wayne State University
ALA Member

Elizabeth Hobart
Penn State University Libraries

Lesley Cano

Amy Hermon
School Librarian
ALA Member

Dr. Sandra Hughes Hassell
YALSA Past President 

Romel Espinel
Stevens Institute of Technology

700 signatories

Laura Palumbo
ALA member

John Richey

Cindi Blyberg
University of Kentucky Libraries
ALA member 

Shari Maurer
Literary Agent

Sujei Lugo 
ALA Member

Sharon M. Lawler
ALA Member

Hilda Weisburg
AASL Liaison to the New Jersey School Library Association

Rachael Wettenstein

Victoria Delaney 

Charissa Powell
University of Delaware

Amy Seto Forrester
ALA & ALSC Member

Jo Ann Murphy
ALA Member since 1995

Tara Shiman

Scott Vrieze
Executive Director 
Metropolitan Library Service Agency

Michael P. Sauers
ALA Member

Lauren Antolino
ALA Member

Miriam Matteson
Kent State University

Christi Farrar
ALA Member

Winona McMorrow

Scoob DeStefano
Library Clerk

Max Bowman
Colby College Libraries 
ALA Member 

Sara Rottger
Teen Services Librarian, MA

Debbie Rabina
Pratt Institute, School of Information 

Isabel Planton
ALA member
Librarian, Indiana University Bloomington

Justin Lee Termini

Lisa Bakanas
ALA and AASL member
NJASL member, past president 

Almy Landauer

Becca Tibbitts
Processing Associate | MIT Department of Distinctive Collections 

Robbin Friedman
Head of Children's Services, Chappaqua Library
ALSC Fiscal Officer

Hope Donovan Rider
ALA member, incoming chair CORE Committee on Cataloging: Children's and Youth Materials

Thomas Hyry
Harvard University
ALA Member

Christopher Vongsavath
Library Associate

kimberly wiggins

Jay Rosen 
Brooklyn Public Library 
ALA Member

Joyce Valenza
ALA Member
Associate Professor, Rutgers University SC&I

Frank Cervone
ALA Member

Hannah Houser
Recent University of Washington MLIS Grad
PNLA Member
Marxist Lesbian

Brian Smith
Librarian, not an ALA member

Susan Polos
School Librarian, Greenwich (CT) Country Day School
ALA Member

Shilpa Jacobie
Reference Librarian in Massachusetts and MLIS student
ALA Member

Anna Ring
ALA and AASL member 

Amy Penwell
ALA Member

Alex R. Hodges, EdD, MLS
Harvard Graduate School of Education
ALA & ACRL member

Kevin Nguyen

April M. Hathcock 
NYU Libraries
ALA member 
Former ALA Councilor-at-large

Laura Brownstein
ALA member

Sara Brown

Barbara Jaindl
ALA member

Bergis Jules
Shift Collective

Rachel Door

Selwa Shamy
ALA Member

Kelly Webber
School Media Specialist

Matt Balik 
City College of New York, CUNY

Alec B. Chunn
ALA Member

Francesca Alfano 

Brita Zitin
ALA Member

Marissa Friedman
University of California, Berkeley

Chilly William F. Heinz

Melissa Beuoy
ALA member

Abby Garnett
Brooklyn Public Library

Mary Haltom
Youth Services Librarian, Texas
ALA Member

Lillian MacKnight
ALA Member

Amy Ojserkis
Atlantic County Institute of Technology, YALSA Symposium 2023, Task Force Chair

Howard Besser
Library Educator
ALA member

Holly Skir
ALA member

Lauren Comito
Former ALA Councilor

Josh Zink 
Illinois Heartland Library System 

Stephanie Sendaula
ALA Member

Jennifer Spanier
Library Director, Blake Memorial Library
ALA Member

Rebecca Starr
Librarian, Portland Public Library

Ashlan Christensen
Denver Public Libraries
ALA Member

Lindsay Davis
Faculty Librarian, Merced College
ALA member

Anne Bahde
ALA/RBMS member

Zoey Colglazier

Henry Handley
ALA member

Cesar Reyes
Cal Poly Pomona library 

Ellen Perleberg
UNC-Chapel Hill
ALA Member
Pacific Northwest Library Association Member

Kaitlin Kehnemuyi
North Carolina State University
ALA Member 

Raminta Moore
Librarian, Portland, ME

Nadine Anderson
Senior Associate Librarian, University of Michigan-Dearborn

Anne Olsen
Librarian, University of British Columbia

Chloe Van Stralendorff
Visual Resources Curator, Reed College

Brian Harrington

Mimosa Shah
Associate Curator
Schlesinger Library
Harvard Radcliffe Institute

Lori M. Miller
Former ALA Member

Nitzah Winter
MLIS student

Carmi Dearing
Library Associate

Prudence Doherty
ALA member

David Sutherland
Niles Coalition
No official, Emily is a supporter of our #SaveNilesLibrary campaign.

Kelly Depin
Hyannis Public Library, Massachusetts
ALA Member

Jennifer DeVito
Stony Brook University

Karen Snow
ALA Member
Professor, School of Information Studies, Dominican University

Stacy Snyder

Cynthia Farr-Weinfeld
Senior Library Technician
Portland Public Library
Portland, Maine

Grace Chasuk
Public library worker

Kim Coletta
Social Studies Teacher

Nicole Pagowsky
ALA member

Ann Liu
ALA member

Lily Kosmicki

Ellis Koop

800 signatories

Leslie Chudnoff
Los Angeles Public Library, Retired
ALA Member

Alyssa Berger
Research & Instruction Librarian 
University of Washington Libraries 

Alma Ramos-McDermott
ALA Member

Owen Leonard

Krista Lindhard

Corina Bardoff
Public Librarian
ALA Member

Christine Salek
MA-LIS student, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Emily Feiner 

Ray Lockman
Consultant, librarian

Rebecca Greenlee 
Education Justice Project, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Karen Van Drie
International School of Myanmar

Stewart Fritz

Ryan McCrory
Library Director
ALA Member

Starr Hoffman
ALA/ACRL Member 
Value of Academic Libraries member 

B. M. Watson
PhD., University of British Columbia iSchool | Homosaurus | CNM Taskforce American Psych. Assoc.

Ian Clark
Academic Librarian, UK

Kim Pittman 
University of Minnesota Duluth
ALA member

Charlotte Malerich
Arlington Public Library
Member, Virginia Library Association

Greta Treistman
Librarian, Seattle Colleges

Abigail Mortimer 
UCLA MLIS program, ALA organization student member

Maria Atilano
ALA member and co-chair of ACRL ULS Marketing Committee

Stacey Wicksall
ALA Member 

Hannah Whitman Clement
Santa Clara County Library District
Youth Services Librarian
ALA Member

Megan Kinney
Librarian, City College of SF

Alana Kumbier
ALA Member

Gail Murray
Librarian, Smith College
ALA Member

Nicole Thomas

lawrence maminta
Library Worker
MSLC SMD Chair, Southwest US Region

Leona Vittum-Jones
Librarian, ALA Member

Jill Hurst-Wahl
Member, American Library Association 

M'issa Fleming
New Orleans Public Library
member of the Rainbow Roundtable and YALSA

Adolfo R. Tarango
ALA member

Faith Charlton
Princeton University Library 

Aline Brandauer 
Independent Scholar 

Carina Gonzalez
New Jersey Library Association President

Linde M. Brocato
University of Miami

Nicole A Casner
ALA Member

Megan Price

Brenna Levitin
MS LIS 2021, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Former Library Trustee,Wilbraham Public Library

Lisa Krok
ALA Member

Lorenzo Hinojosa 

Christine M. Moeller
University of Washington iSchool
ALA member

Kathleen McCook
ALA Member

Abigail Ryan
ALA Member

Nicole Askin

Loriene Roy
Distinguished Service Professor Emerita
ALA President 2007-2008

Yvonne Kester
Librarian, State University of New York

Kathryn Vela

Sarah Wade
Getty Research Institute

Gwendolyn D. Reese
Brooks School
ALA Member

Molly Hemphill
Librarian, UCLA

Ron McColl
Special Collections Librarian; West Chester University

Robin Nyzio, MLIS
ALA Member

Beatrice Canales
ALA Member

KT Lowe 
Academic Instructional librarian

Joyce Meggett 

Ryan Acosta-Fox

Arden Kirkland

Hailley Fargo
Northern Kentucky University

Josh Neff

Alexander Chee
Professor of English and Creative Writing, Dartmouth College 

Roy Perez
Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies, UC San Diego

Becca Quon
ALA Member

Adrienne Pruitt
Archivist, Tufts University

Jill Scarson
ALA Member

James M. Donovan

James K. Teliha
Dean of the Library 
Utica University 
ALA Member

Leilani Dawson
Manuscript Collections Archivist, Univ. of HI - Manoa Library
ALA member

Lisa Mix

Baharak Yousefi 
Librarian, Simon Fraser University 

Sam Helmick
ALA Executive Board
Iowa Library Association President
ALA Member

Janet Woodward

Claire V Gordon
ALA member

Catherine Besteman 
Colby College

Millie Gonzalez

Megan Kocher 
University of Minnesota Libraries

Sara Borden
ALA member 

Steven Kelly
Librarian in KCMO and ALA Member

Danielle Reynolds 
ALA member

Elissa Laitin

Elaine Tai

Alice Goldfarb

Daisy Benson
University of Vermont

Cassandra Morris
ALA Member

Nancy Sims
Librarian at the University of Minnesota
ALA Member (?)

Amy Kellman

Meredith McGill
Professor, English Department; Rutgers University 

Judy Looby 
Retired librarian and now a trustee 

Kelsey Smith
Freelance MLIS Researcher 
Rogue Librarian

Ann K.D. Myers
Senior Rare Books Cataloger, Stanford University
ALA Member

Stephanie Williams

Jessica Werner

Lucretia Baskin
ALA member

Jeffrey Eggleston
Adult Services Librarian

Laurel Schwaebe

Burkely Hermann
Metadata Librarian

Susan Chute
Former librarian at NYPL
former ALA member

Robert Sage

Bill Dobbs
Publisher, The Dobbs Wire - Criminal (in) justice news

Angela Hackstadt
ALA Member

900 signatories

Christopher Hanlon
Professor, Arizona State University 

Erin Elzi
Former chair of the Web Production Subcommittee within the ALA Continuing Education Committee 

Shauna Scholl
Executive Director, Mattituck-Laurel Library
ALA Member

Jessica Brangiel
ALA Member

Jackie Cundieff, MLS
ALA Member since 2011

Elizabeth England

Judi Moreillon, PhD
Active Member in the ALA Intellectual Freedom Round Table

Lisa Carney

Sarah Spira
Librarian, Groton Free Public Library 

Melissa A. Hofmann
Rider University 

Carol A. Leibiger
Professor/ALA Member

Emily M. Colucci 
ALA Member 

Bean Yogi
Seattle Public Library
AFSCME Local 2083 steward
ALA member

Kathleen Ellis
Retired ALA/AASL

Lyns Runyan
Librarian at Seattle Public Library

Anna Ferri
Evidence Synthesis Librarian, CSU Libraries
ALA Member

Susan Wainscott
ALA Member

Jack Phoenix
2022-23 co-chair GNCRT Convention Committee 

Jeannette Ho
Texas A&M University Libraries
member of ALA Core 

Allison Chomey
ALA Member

Julie Judkins
Archivist, ALA / RBMS Member

Kelly Green
Retired Librarian 
Las Vegas, Nevada 

Douglas King
Reaching Across Illinois Library System

Nora Almeida 

Anna Lynch
Library Assistant
Fargo Public Library

Micah Kehrein
ALA and PLA member 

Saorsa M Stevens

Cecelia Lasley
ALA Member

Elizabeth Freeman 
Professor of English, University of California, Davis 

River Freemont
Associate Archivist, Whitman College

Devon Murphy

Joanna Messer Kimmitt
Director of Library Programs & Services, Cabrillo College
ALA Member

Misha Stone

Kimberly Peterson
Student member of ALA, ALSC, PLA, OLA, WLA
University of Washington MLIS student

Lauren Ray
Librarian, University of Washington

Brittney Bergholm
ALA Member

Chapulina Ramos

Caitlin Wheeler
Library Supervisor
MLIS student University of Washington

Mick O'Dwyer

Melissa Runnels
MLIS student, University of Washington
Graduate Assistant, Open Scholarship Commons, UW Libraries

Raya Samet
University of Michigan-Dearborn Mardigian Library
ALA member 

Frederick Nesta
LIS faculty/ALA Member

Amy Marie Cantley
Librarian and ALA Member

Lauren Smith
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

Jonathan H. Harwell
ALA member

Ned Potter 
University of York

Penelope DeJournett 
President,  Friends of the Library,  Boone County,  Arkansas 

Lori Birrell
University of Delaware

Erin Robinson
ALA Student Member

Gayle O'Hara 

Rachel Vacek
University of Michigan
ALA Member

Junior Tidal
New York College of Technology, CUNY

Josh Redd

Paola Ferate

Joseph Ketner

Katie Dunne
ALA Member 
School Librarian

Joan Weeks
ALA Councilor-at-large

S. Schwartz C.R. Kendall
ALA Member

Amanda Oetzel
ALA Member

Anne Cong-Huyen
University of Michigan

Gerhard Bissels
ALA international member

Lauren Seegmiller
Denver Public Library
Dartmouth Medal Co-Chair
Denver Public Library Workers United

Sara Hruska
MLIS Student, University of Washington

Anna Howitt

Joe Lollo
MLIS Student
University of Washington

Austin Stroud

Carol Perryman
LIS educator

Carolyn Martin
NNLM Region 5
ALA Member

John Wallace 
Executive Board, NJLA 

Andrea Puglisi
ALA Member

Joseph Hudak

Cathy Camper
Author and Librarian

Jennifer Lau Bond
ALA Member

Erin Davison
Youth Services Librarian
Norwich Public Library

Kelly Kress
Archivist and ALA member

Candy Lau
ALA Member

Holly Clawges
ALA Member

David Kaslow
Not affiliated, but book (and democracy) lover

Aubrey Mullenix

Lex Van Horn
Washington ALA Member
University of Washington MLIS Student

K.R. Roberto

John Clexton
Library Director, Gladwin County District Library, ALA Member

Kathleen Imhoff
ALA member
Past President Public Library Systems Section

Erik Andrew Hoover
Independent Research Professional

Amanda Lanthorne
Archivist, San Diego State University

Leslie Harka
University of Washington iSchool

Kate Pohjola Andrade
Woodlands Library Cooperative
ALA Member

Beth Blakesley
Associate Dean of Libraries, Washington State University; ALA member

Liz Caringola

Sarah Hood 
Reference and Instruction Librarian 

Carmine Bell
Professor Emerita
Pasco Hernando State College

Lynn Lorenz
Children's Librarian, Seattle Public Library

Tammy Lau

Jennifer Jordan
ALA support staff member
GNCRT Creators Get Carded Chair

Leslie Kahn 
Former chairperson of what is now the Rainbow Book Awards 

Robin Maddalena
Librarian, Dartmouth College 

Acadia Roher

Christopher Taylor
Public Librarian

Jess deCourcy Hinds
Librarian, DoE NYC and Adjunct Lecturer, Queens College MLS program

Cynthia Tobar
Bronx Community College Archives

Caroline Gil Rodríguez
1,000 signatories!

Judd Karlman
ALA Member

Tracee Yawger
Retired Librarian, Pennsylvania 

Wendy Holliday
ALA Member
Weber State University

Jamie Carlstone
Authority Metadata Librarian, Northwestern University

Axa Mei Liauw

Catie Huggins 
Library assistant 

Michael B. Klein
Northwestern University Libraries

Hope Svenson
University of Washington MLIS student

Abby Dover
Northwestern University
ALA Member

Bethan Ruddock 

Patricia Valdovinos
Librarian III
ALA Councilor-at-Large

Simon Bowie
Open Source Software Developer, Centre for Postdigital Cultures (and former librarian)

Carolyn J. Brown
Seton Hall Law Library

Noreen Whysel
CUNY New York City College of Technology

Erica Findley
ALA Member
Multnomah County Library

Kat Steiner 
Bodleian Health Care Libraries, University of Oxford

Ellen Kaufman
Retired law librarian; adjunct librarian, Baruch College.

Genevieve Innes
Instructor-Librarian, Rider University 

Kelly Barnhill 

Chelsea Spear 
Library paraprofessional 

Morwenna Peters
ARLIS UK and Ireland

Christina Sharpe 
York University 

jean amaral
Borough of Manhattan Community College

Yoonhee Lee

Siobhan Britton
Librarian, Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London 

Rebecca Baumann
Librarian, Indiana University
ALA/ACRL member

Catherine Romatowski

Nancy Lawrence

Ed Garcia
ALA member

Susan Nilsson
Librarian, Santa Cruz Public Libraries

Stephanie Margolin
Librarian, Hunter College CUNY

Kate and Ailsa Hermann-Wu 

Emilie Staat, MFA, and Lee Abbott, PhD
Library Associates at NOPL and co-chairs of New Orleans City Workers Organizing Committee

Cedate Shultz
Public Services Librarian  Omaha Metro Area

Sara Habein
Montana resident

Sam Aston
University of Manchester 

Jennifer Dekker

Cassandra Petersen
Public Library Employee

Carmen Ruiz 
Youth Services Librarian 

Samantha Levin

Forest Lisinski

Karen O'Brien 
ALA Member

Michael Mele

Jennie Kermode

Clara Hendricks 
ALA member 

Toby Greenwalt 

Hope Yeats
Children's Librarian
King County Library System 
WLA Member since 2012

Eric Hellman

Carol Fazioli

Jenny Kobiela-Mondor
ALA Member

Faith St John
Argyle Free Library

Acadia Roher
Archivist, UMBC

Alexandre Couturier
Academic Librarian in France

Emily Grayson
Librarian, Seattle Public Library

Beth Evans
Brooklyn College Library of the City University of New York

Jill Cirasella
CUNY Graduate Center

Mary R. Voors
ALA member

Michael Santangelo
ALA Member

Karen Downing
ALA Member

Natalia Estrada
University at Buffalo (SUNY)

Michele Lauer-Bader
ALA member

Kylie Peters
Librarian, ALA Member

Deborah Tomaras
ALA Member

Kathryn Lage

Jonas Kromer Yela
ALA Member

Jaena Rae Cabrera 

Reginald Harris 
ALA Member

Carina Langstraat
Adult Services Librarian in WA state

Ryan Randall
ALA Member

Kimberly Beeman
Librarian, Tanglin Trust School, Singapore 
ALA member 

Claire Lovell 
South Central Regional Library Council

Karthika Gopalakrishnan 

Fiona Shea

J Richardson
Former librarian, UK

Peter Smith

Eva Anderson
Librarian, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 

Katherine Davidsen

Astrid Krediet 
School librarian 

Joanne Wilson
Teacher Librarian

Joanna White

Paul Newnham

Sarah Hammond

Jess Haigh, Academic Librarian, Leeds Beckett University

Carolyn Bennett Glauda
Librarian & ALA Member

Kim Dare
Director, YALSA
Member, ALA

Clara del Junco, PhD
MILIS student, University of Toronto

Amanda Folk
ALA Member
LRRT Member at Large

Sheridan Sayles

Kimberly Hughes
Librarian, Miami Dade College

Tia D Korger

Rachel Makarowski
Miami University

Brittany O'Neill
ALA Member

Julie Kliever
Head of Collections Services - Providence College
ALA Member

Megan Graff

Brendan Edwards
ALA Member

Daisy Domínguez Singh
University of Maine

Sarah Sanfilippo
ALA member
Asst. Dir. for Access Services, RI College

Claire Stewart
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
ALA Member: ACRL, Film & Media RT, Intellectual Freedom RT

Rachel Searcy
Archivist, New York University

Amber Seely
ALA member

1,100 signatories

Caitlin Rizzo

Jessica Ryan
Smith College

F. Elizabeth Nicholson
ALA member

Jane Stimpson
Massachusetts Library System
ALA Member

Michael Handis
Associate Professor/Associate Librarian, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Jennifer Castle
Instruction and Engagement Librarian, Tennessee State University
ALA member

Sophie Hoyt
MLIS student at UMD

Sharon Hawkes
Director, Nahant Public Library

Anaya Jones
ALA Member

Kelly Fullerton
ALA member

Scout Noffke
Reference & Administrative Specialist, Rauner Special Collections Library

Catherine Preston-Schreck
Co-Director, Thorndike Library, College of the Atlantic

Diane E. Bockrath
Archivist; ALA member

Elizabeth Hartsig
Senior Library Associate
Portland Public Library

Joe Hardenbrook
ALA member

Laura Cleary
University of Maryland Libraries

Toben Traver
Dartmouth College Library

Emily Zerrenner
Salisbury University, ALA & ACRL member

Tara Custer
member of ALA

Lydia Elias

Treshani Perera
ALA member

Hilary Thompson
ALA member
2022-2023 Chair, RUSA STARS

Kiley Jolicoeur
Syracuse University Libraries

Andrea Belair

Betsy Crenshaw
Librarian, CUNY

Amy Wickner

Celeste Brewer

Gregory W. Dachille
Bunker Hill Community College
ALA Member

Lindsay Matts-Benson
University of Minnesota Libraries
ALA Member

Donna Davey
CUNY Graduate Center
ALA Member

Emily Souza, MSLIS
Youth Services Librarian, Rockport Public Library

Lynne Stahl
Wesleyan University
ALA Member

Beth Johns

Kae Bara Kratcha

Christie Lutz
Rutgers University, ALA member, RBMS member

Boyd Bellinger
University of Illinois at Chicago
ALA Member

Willow Johanna Leganza
Adult Services Librarian, Carmel Clay Public Library

Valerie O'Neal
Circulation and Reference Manager
Caroline County Library
ALA Member

Peggy Griesinger
ALA Member

Adriana Blancarte-Hayward
ALA Councilor At-Large

Ali Coleman

Glen J. Benedict
ALA Member
Rainbow Round Table and Intellectual Freedom Round Table Member

Timothy Ryan Mendenhall
Columbia University Libraries
ALA Member

Cheri Campbell
Librarian, ALA/PLA member

Anna Boutin-Cooper
Westfield State University
ALA Member

Jessica Dai
University of Delaware
ALA Member

Chris Lindstrom

Ellen Lutz
ALA Member
Health Sciences Librarian, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Misty Alvaro
Materials Manager, Columbus Metropolitan Library
ALA Member

Randy Ebert
Public Service Manager; Public Library of Youngstown and Mahoning County (OH)
ALA Member

Crystal Rodgers
Archivist, Boston Public Library

Marie Elia
Archivist for Special Collections, University at Buffalo / Society of American Archivists member

Lena Newman
Librarian, Columbia University

Chelsea McCoy
Grand Valley State University Libraries

Jay Gruber

Saptarshi Lahiri
Youth Services Librarian, Liverpool Public Library 
ALA Member 

Elizabeth Parker
Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation & Archives, Cornell University

Andrew K. Pace
ALA member, ALA At-Large Councilor, ALA Committee Chair

Carolina Hernandez
ALA member

Naomi House

MaryAlice Wade
Librarian, Fort Hays State University
ALA/ACRL member

Annalise Welte

Ellen halliday
Support staff, member Brooklyn Library Guild Local 1482, DC37
Brooklyn Public Library

Brandon West
Development Coordinator, Independence Public Library, Independence, KS

M. Lynn Jacobs, MLIS
ALA Member

J. Silvia Cho
CUNY Graduate Center
ALA member

Theo Wolf
Reserves Coordinator 
Emerson College library

Alexandra Wingate
PhD student, Indiana University
ALA member

Eleanor Surridge
Teacher Librarian at the International School of Ulaanbaatar
ALA Member

Courtney Walsh
Stevens Institute of Technology

Sara Piasecki
ALA Member since 1992

Melissa OSickey

Sophia Dahab
Library Company of Philadelphia
ALA Member

Mona Reynolds
ALA Member

Linda Shulman
M. Lynn Jacobs, MLIS

Mary Mann
Archives Librarian at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science & Art

Brigid McCreery
University of Wisconsin - Madison

Genevieve Kieffer

Deanna Howard
ALA Member

Angie Kelleher
Alma College Library
ALA member

Tobi Hines
Associate Librarian, Cornell University Library
ALA Member

Necia Parker-Gibson
Long-term member of ALA, ACRL, LIRT, STS, etc.

Amber Emery
Children's Librarian

Alycia Sellie
CUNY Graduate Center

Jana Gowan

Joy Robinson
ALA Member

Jenny Swadosh
The New School and IBT Local 1205 Member

Tricia Dean
AMA member

Gina Murrell
New York Public Library

Angie Rundle
ALA member

Emily Schmidt
Columbia University Libraries

Olivia Patterson
ALA member

Jehoiada Calvin

Ruth Tillman
Penn State Libraries

Katherine Cordes
ALA Member

Louise LoBello
Franklin & Marshall College Library - Archives & Special Collections
ALA/RBMS member

Davida Scharf
New Jersey Institute of Technology 
ALA member

Emma Clarkson
New York Public Library

Allison Knight
ALA and ALSC member

Jessica Critten
University of Colorado Denver

1,200 signatories

Sarah Kantor
University of Tennessee Chattanooga
ALA Member

Katrina Fenlon
University of Maryland

Helen Linda
Former NETSL President and VLA Board Member

James Edward Malin
Engineering and Science Librarian at the Cooper Union Library, ACRL Member

Henny Tasker
University of Michigan Library

Gretchen Scronce
Research & Instruction Librarian, College of Charleston

Gina Petersen
Northwestern University

Karen Munro
Former president, ACRL

Enrique Rivera
Multnomah County Library

Ciara Kehoe
librarian at PCCLD 
member of ALA

Becky Sorice

Deirdre Joyce
Syracuse University Libraries

Craig Guild
Librarian, Connecticut State Community College

Elizabeth Killingsworth
ALA Member

Monique Threatt
FMRT, ALA Member

Rebeca Jefferson

Cheryl Erenberg

Amy Dennis
Youth Services Director, Tom Green County Library

Andrew French
VP of Product at TIND

Beth Fuchs
Colorado State University Pueblo

Ken Irwin
Miami University Libraries
ALA Member

Gina Collett
ALA Member

Lora Ericson
ALA member

Loren Mindell
Access Services Librarian Chicago State U.
RUSA STARS Legislation and Licensing Committee Member

Caitlin Plovnick

Julia Maxwell
ALA Member 
Rutgers University Libraries 

Jessica Grzegorski
ALA member

Arielle Rambo

Helen Power
ALA Member

Winston Pei
MLIS Student, University of Alberta School of Library & Information Studies

Esther Ellis
The Library Company of Philadelphia

Taylor Hunsberger
Member of ALA, NY

Andrea Baer
ALA member

Jill Conte
NYU Libraries

Rachel Ruiz-Beckham

Rachel Kramer
Academic Librarian
ALA Member

Carol Rempel
ALA Member

Zakiya Collier

Gabrielle Garcia
ALA member
Spectrum Scholarship recipient 2023-2024 

Brett Barrie
Special Collections Metadata Librarian
Syracuse University

Ginny Boehme
ALA member

Phoebe Stein
School of Visual Arts Library

Martha McTear

Linnea Minich
University of the South

Annie Tang
University Archivist, Chapman University

Patrick Hoecherl
Utah Library Association President

Julie C. Swierczek
ALA Member

Kimberly Springer

Rebecca K. Friedman
Princeton University Library
ALA Member

Tyler McTigue
Trustee/Board Member - CHUH Public Library

Tamara Garrard
University of Washington / Edmonds College

Amanpreet Kaur
Former ALA Member

Eugenia Beh
MIT Libraries
ALA member

Charlotte M. Johnson

Travis Hyzak
ALA member

Ahniwa Ferrari
Associate Dean of the Library | The Evergreen State College
Washington Library Association Past-Prez

Beth Posner

Katherine Tucker

Rory Brown
Chicago Public Library

Megan Watson
Librarian, University of Washington

Daryl Bergman
Archivist and Librarian

Liz Cassidy

Robbin Degeratu
ALA Councilor, Pennsylvania Chapter

Laura Mina
ALA Member

Michele Combs
Board of Directors, La Fayette (NY) Public Library

Julia Dudley
Access Services Supervisor
Syracuse University Libraries - Special Collections Research Center

Lily Schwarz
MLIS Student and GA, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Lauren Moore
ALA member

Rob Morrison
ALA member

Kate Slauson
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kim Maxwell
ALA Member

Carrie Banks
Inclusive Services at Brooklyn Public LIbrary, PLA, RUSA member, Past President of ASGCLA

Amy Shipley
Librarian and graduate of Montana State University

Sarah Kurpiel
ALA Member

Cynthia Johnson
UC Irvine; Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) Past-President

Samantha Garlock
University of Wisconsin-Madison 
ALA Member

Michael McNichol
Compliance Consultant, NorQuest College

Wanda Marsolek
University of Minnesota

Jay Colbert
Library Director, Longy School of Music of Bard College;
2018 ALA Emerging Leader

Michael Deering
Graduate Center, CUNY
ALA Member

Lucy Campbell
Electronic Resources Librarian, San Diego State University

Angel Diaz
ALA Member

Hannah Wang
Educopia Institute

Jaime Michele Henderson
Accessioning Archivist, Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley

Rian Debner
ALA Member

sam hidde tripp
Fresno State Library
ALA Member

Angie Beiriger
Reed College
ALA & ACRL Member

Marcella Tam
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Diana Marques
School Librarian and ALA member

Keven Jeffery
Librarian, San Diego State University, ALA Member

Sarah French
ALA Member

Thera Webb
Women@MIT Project Archivist

Dana Thimons

Lauren Robinson 

C. L. Quillen
Library Director 
ALA member

Christina V Fidler
UC Berkeley

Daniel Hackborn
MLIS Candidate
University of Alberta
ALA member

Alesia McManus
RUSA Division Councilor

Anne Scanlon

Alexis Gordon

1,300 signatories

catherine lockmiller

Margaret Dodson
Brazosport College, ALA Member 

Kip M Roberson
Director of Library Services
Teton County (Wyoming) Library

Je Salvador
ALA Member

Joe Gagnon

Lillian Whithaus

Allison Benkwitt

Jonathan Greenberg
NYU Libraries

Margaux Morrone
Geneva Public Library
ALA Member

S. Roemer

Giacomo Bianchino
Ph.D Candidate at the Graduate Center, CUNY, and Adjunct Lecturer at Hunter College

Rhonda K Gould
ALA Councilor-at-Large

Christina Gavin (she/her)
New York City Department of Education, school librarian

Emily Witkowski
Executive Board, NJLA 

Elaine Jones Hayes
Special Collections Librarian - Laramie County Library
Cheyenne, Wyoming

Sofia Tort
Marxist lesbian

Matt Driscoll
United Federation of Teachers

Christine Perkins
ALA member

Alexandra Cauley
ALA member

Glenda Insua
University of Illinois, Chicago
ALA Member

Jennifer Aprias
ALA Member
Public Librarian

Alan Leafy Vaughn Jr
Public Services Manager, Sweetwater County Library

Samantha Hartwig 

Erin Stalberg
ALA Member

Beth Carpenter
University at Buffalo
ALA & ACRL Member

Olivia Loeb-Mevorach

Liz Gilbert
ALA Member

Chris Bourg 
Director of MIT Libraries 

Jeremy Ferris

Sarah E. Sheehan
ALA Member

Kaetrena Davis Kendrick

Lisa Galletta
Assistant Director, Smith Public Library

Jane Singer

Sarah Ann Adams
Metadata Specialist, New York Public Library

Rebekka Hanson
ALA / PLA / YALSA member
formerly on the YALSA Popular Paperbacks committee

Kate Wells
Curator, Providence Public Library 

Kilian Webster

Kevin Quirolo
1199SEIU Researcher

Dianne Weinthal
Library UX Designer

Beka Yang
Grants Coordinator, Providence Public Library

Megan Behrent
NYC College of Technology, CUNY

Noel Kopriva
Engineering Librarian

Kelsey Casci
Providence Public Library

Erin Kennedy
ALA member

AJ Robinson
Middle East Librarians Association

Katharine Dunn

Karina Andrus
ALA Member

Jill Baron
Librarian, filmmaker, and co-executive director of the SALALM

Lanham Bundy
General ALA  member

Jasmine Larkin
Archivist, UCLA Library

Suzanna Yaukey

H. Jack Martin
Providence Public Library
ALA/PLA Member

Laura Motley
Providence Public Library

Anna Robinson-Sweet
UCLA Department of Information Studies

Audra Eagle Yun
University of California, Irvine Special Collections & Archives  

Cathleen Miller
University of New England
ALA member

Hannah Whelan 
Documentation and Archives Director, Texas After Violence Project 

Jordan Goffin
Providence Public Library

Sara Smith
ALA member

Rae Hebron
Providence Public Library

Erin Burns
ALA Member

Sherese Card
MLIS Student 

Megan Hodge
Virginia Commonwealth University

Cheryl Gerken
Academic Librarian
ALA Member 

Tammy Johnson
ALA Member

Susan Dunn
ALSC, YALSA and ALA member for 25+ years

Gabbie Barnes
Public Librarian

Mark Hudson
ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT)

Rebecca Fenning Marschall
Clark Library, UCLA

Raphael Sasayama
Getty Research Institute

Caroline Slama
Historic Germantown

Kristina J. Benson
Public Library Director-Retired 

Claire E. Cramer

Julie N. Hornick
Florida Southern College

Allen Jones
The New School
ALA Member

Josie Laine Andrews, MLIS
Teacher Librarian
Nevada Union High School
ALA Member, YALSA Board of Directors

Kristin Freda
Director of Library Services, Bank Street College of Education

Jon Lavieri 

Maile Chung
Recent MLIS graduate!

Scarlet Galvan
Grand Valley State University Libraries

Elizabeth Edwards
Librarian, University of Chicago Library

Chloe Persian Mills
Robert Morris University
ACRL/ALA member

Chris Tanguay
Processing Archivist, MIT

Julie Dinger
Library Manager
University of Minnesota

Milena Seyed
Information Competency Librarian, 
College of the Sequoias, CA
ALA member, 18 years

Monica Maddaford
MLIS student

Emily Simmons

Eric Horwitz
YA Librarian, Brooklyn Public Library
ALA Member

Ewa Dziedzic-Elliott
NJASL president 2022-2023

Shira Pilarski
ALA Member

Chloe Ramos
GNCRT Member, Image Comics Book Market and Library Sales Manager

Mary Markland
Librarian, Oregon State University
ALA Member

Kim DeNero-Ackroyd
ALA Councilor at Large

Cindy Moore
Retired, library director Wyoming

Kate Jaggers
New Jersey Library Association, Past President

Patti Carlyle
Heights Library Board Trustee

Kaitlin Srader
Spectrum Scholar

Peter Allen-Lamphere
Member, American Federation of Teachers Local 2/UFT (MORE Caucus)

Rebecca Gourevitch
Archivist, UC Merced Library

Maddie Reynolds
Librarian, Cornell Prison Education Program 

1,400 signatories

Head of Special Collections & University Archives
San Diego State University

ALA Member

Denise Cathro
Retired School Library Media Specialist

Angel Truesdale
ALA Member

Alexandra Pratt
Public librarian, MLIS
ALA member 

Laurie Neuerburg
ALA Member

Sarah Horowitz
ALA Member, RBMS Chair 2023-2024

Katie Van Sleen
Public Library Worker

Liz Hamilton
Librarian, Northwestern University

Sabine Adrian

Sarah H. Smith
ALA Member and Former Councilor at Large

Niamh Wallace
University of Arizona Library
ALA member

Vincent Zalkind
Public Library Employee

Ryan Tombleson
University of Arizona Libraries

Lisa Martincik
University of Iowa
ALA Member

Jessica Miesner
ALA Member
Library Services Associate, University of Arizona Libraries

Kimberly Libby
Providence Public Library

Rina Hadziev 

Anthony Sanchez
University of Arizona

Kathryn Shaughnessy
Associate University Librarian, St. John's University 
ALA Member

Dez Alaniz
Director, Presidio Research Center, Santa Barbara Trust for Historic Preservation

Anna Lacy 
Haverford College 

Jean Sheviak
Retired Librarian
ALA Member

Diane Bliss
Public school LMS

Jessica Gambling

Kate London
Teacher Librarian German European School Singapore

Diana Park
ALA Member

Jim Neal
Columbia University
ALA President 2017-18
ALA Honorary Member

Melissa Longhi
CUNY Graduate Center

Kathryn Miller
Publishing Services Librarian

Doug Norris
Lead Teacher/Providence Public Library Education Dept
Also serve on Rhode Island Library Board

Stefana Breitwieser

Lizanell Boman
ALA Member

Chip Stewart
ALA Member

Ginny Wolter
Toledo Lucas County Public Library

Gertrude Evelyn Lampart, LCSW-R

Anna M. Madrigal 
Public Librarian
Former ALA Member 

Delaney Jorgensen
MSI student
University of Michigan

Rebecca Clark

Gabriel Lopez
Member of GNCRT's Comiitee to Adress Bans & Challenges

Sam May
ALA Member

MC Brickell
ALA Member

Lynne Mancinelli
Public School Library Media Specialist, NJASL

Katherine Curtis
Librarian, King County Library System
ALA Member
Tom Twiss
Retired librarian and faculty emeritus, University of Pittsburgh

Miriam Neptune
Academic Librarian
ALA Member

Carolyn Jeziorski
ALA Member
Elementary Librarian, UNIS Hanoi, Vietnam

Eric Silberberg
CUNY Queens College

Kris Kasianovitz
UC Berkeley, IGS Library 

Julia Robbins
Deputy Librarian | Municipal Library |NYC Department of Records and Information Services
Former ALA

Angelo Moreno
ALA member

John F. Anderies
Director, John J. Wilcox, Jr. Library and Archives at William Way LGBT Community Center
ALA Member

Ziba Pérez
California Chapter Councilor

Kiana Clark

Janine Guida

Victoria Smith 
Library science graduate 

Mary Abler

Bonnie Lafazan
Springfield Free Public Library (NJ)

Tom Angelo

elissa mondschein

Colleen Theisen
ALA member

Katie Fraser 
University of Nottingham 

James Jacobs

Elizabeth Bevington
Librarian, New York Public Library
ALA Member

Henry Hollander
Der Nister Downtown Cultural Center (Los Angeles). 

Sasha Shlyamberg

Alicia G. Vaandering
Student Success Librarian, University of Rhode Island
ALA Member

Louisa Lebwohl
Librarian, Brooklyn Public Library

Kiyoko Shiosaki

Jezz Bold
Children's Librarian, Brooklyn Public Library 

Patricia Kishman-Smith

D A Dragnich
ALA Member

Gabriel Graña
Teacher Librarian (NC)
ALA Member 

Barbara Harvey 
Grand Valley State University, ALA HSIG

Laura England-Biggs
ALA Member

Judi Cheng

Cecelia Parks
ALA member

Patricia Guardiola

Amy Lau
Archivist, New York Public Library

Alex Smith
Library Specialist/Paraprofessional 

Isaiah West
Prince George‚ County Memorial Library System
ALA Member and Committee Chair

Andrew Worthington
UFT Delegate 

Emily Metcalf
Health Sciences Librarian
ALA Member

Jenna Bossert

Joe Montibello

Debra Trogdon-Livingston
Librarian / CORE Access and Equity Leadership Team

Eileen Rourke

April Levy

Elizabeth Jones-Minsinger
Haverford College Libraries

Elizabeth Sanders
ALA Member, Rainbow Roundtable Member

Michelle Misner
New York Public Library

Emily Guthrie
Library Company of Philadelphia
ALA member

Tiffany Day
Metadata & Catalog Librarian, Member of the ALA Rainbow Roundtable

Roland C Hansen
ALA and Rainbow RT member

Rachel D'Agostino
Library Company of Philadelphia

Julie Holden
ALA Member

Laura Starratt
Emory University

Chaz Carey
Rainbow Round Table Chair-Elect

Alvina Lai

Stephanie Johnson
ALA Member
Technology Librarian 

1,500 signatories

Emma Antobam-Ntekudzi
Reference & Instruction Librarian
City University of New York (BCC) 

Nanci M Hill
Chapter Councilor, Massachusetts

John Kromer
Associate University Librarian, New Jersey Institute of Technology
ALA Member

Gayle Schaub
Grand Valley State University

Alice Griffin
Brooklyn Public Library

Dee Bowers
Brooklyn Public Library

Jay Ruzicka

Sharon Farnel
University of Alberta Library
ALA member

Genna Duplisea

Sharon Baller
Member of NJASL

Jill Waycie
University of Illinois Chicago

Jessie Bond
ALA member

Tokunbo Adeshina
City University of New York

Sophia Ellis

Mary Crauderueff
Haverford College

Valen Werner

Ashley Bressingham
ALA & ALSC Member

Briana Moore
CUNY Bronx Community College 

Katie Zwick
Graduate of NYU's Moving Image Archiving and Preservation M.A. Program

Kelly Webster
Boston Public Library & American Indian Library Association member

Tayla Cardillo
ALA member

Eric Cohen

Keturah Cappadonia
ALA NY Chapter Councilor

Karly Wildenhaus
New York Public Library

Rachel Hochberg
support staff, Haverford College Libraries

Deb Sica
Alameda County Library 
Public Library Association Division Councilor

Odile Harter
Harvard University

Nina Clements
ALA member

Andrea Schuba
ALA Member

Rigby Philips
Graduate Assistant, University of Maryland Libraries

Irina Savinetskaya
Syracuse University Libraries 
ALA member

Kevin Adams

Kerri Copus
ALA Member

Anne L Moore
Retired, UMass Amherst Libraries, Member ALA, RRT. 

Stephanie Bonjack
Head, Howard B. Waltz Music Library
University of Colorado Boulder

Catherine Lantz
ALA Member

Amanda Nelis
Library Assistant, Kennesaw State University
ALA Member

Christina Bevilacqua

Allie Stevens Gosselink
Library Director
ALA Member

JP Mongeau
University of Delaware, ALA Member

Jonathan Ratliff
ALA, Core, and ACRL Member

A P Crowley

Sarah Rodriguez
ALA Member

Jessica Tai

Janet T. O'Keefe
Gloria Coles Flint Public Library
RUSA RSS Board Member at Large

David Dollenmayer
Trustee of the Hopkinton Public Library, Hopkinton MA

Margaret Wagner
Stowe Free Library
ALA Member

Gayle Schechter

Sherre Harrington
Social Responsibilities Round Table Action Council Member & Treasurer

Alexa Goff
Archivist, University of Oregon

Angel Román 
2009 Pratt SILS graduate

Jak Miller
Public Librarian

Thomas Lide
ALA Member

Lindsey Helfrich
ALA Member

Josephine Reyes

Amanda Vazquez
Iowa Chapter Councilor

Angela Shere
ALA member

Julie Bill
Systems Librarian

Kestrel Ward
Member, Committee chair

Laracarina Suarez
Special Collections and Archives Librarian 
Mount Saint Mary's University 

Chelsea Nesvig
University of Washington Libraries Union,
ALA Member

Tim Lozier

Rae-Anne Montague
Chicago State University
ALA Member

Caleb Del Rio
Academic library worker (no direct affiliation to ALA)

Annie Armstrong

Katie L.B. Henningsen
Duke University
ALA & ACRL Member

Laura McElfresh
Assistant Librarian, University of Minnesota
ALA Member

Carol McAuliffe
ALA Member

Liz Day
Emerging Technologies/Teen Librarian
ALA Member

Jeffra Bussmann
Cal State East Bay University Libraries
ALA member

Sophie Kenney
ALA member

Wren Pierce
Librarian at Grand Valley State University

Elizabeth Hunt
George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida

Jane Nichols
ALA member

Jasmine Shumaker
ALA member

Joe Lee
ALA member

Debbie Morrow
ALA Member for 40 years

Paul J McDonough
University of Florida Libraries

Andrea Carter
retired librarian

Ellen Knudson
Curator for Book Arts, Special and Area Studies, University of Florida

Amy W. Dodson
Fox River Valley Public Library District
Rainbow Round Table Executive Board Member
ALA Member

Barrett Uhler
University of Florida Libraries

Evie Giaconia

Veronica Milliner
ALA Member

Emily McElroy
University of Florida

Laura DeMarco

Beth Filar Williams
Oregon State University and ALA member 

Tiffany Esteban

Shaye Anis
MLIS Student at the University of Washington

Abbey Thompson
Mount Saint Mary's University-Los Angeles

Marjorie Bryer
Archivist, The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley

Sara Ryan

Kris Johnson
ALA Member (32 continuous years)
Montana Library Association Member (since 2015)

Monica Rettig
Librarian, Brock University (Ontario, Canada)

Jules Shore
ALA Councilor-at-large

Laurie Bridges

Erika Long
ALA Chapter Councilor

Maria Lee
ALA Member
Spectrum Scholar

Rachel Fleming
ALA Member

Zander Zuniga
1,600 signatories

Joanna Thompson
University of Pennsylvania Libraries

Susan Hiner
Academic librarian

Jessica Salinas
New York Public Library (RBMS member) 

Jessa Lingel
Associate Professor - University of Pennsylvania

Rion Berger
ALA member

Sharon Crotser-Toy
Director, St. Ignace Public Library, Michigan

Daniela Suzarte
University of Florida
ALA Member

Lauren Read
Librarian, Enoch Pratt Free Library
ALA, PLA, & SustainRT member

Warren Carter
Hopkinton Public Library
Hopkinton MA  

Claire M. Eubanks
MLIS Student (UNCG)

Peter Z McKay

Dana Bjorklund
Cleveland Institute of Art Library

Becky Spratford
La Grange [IL] Public Library Trustee, Librarian, and ALA Editions Author

Anne Marie Hamilton-Brehm
ALA member

Kristina Olivares
Teacher Librarian - Canadian International School Singapore 

Stojana Popovska

Cyndi Robinson
Executive Director, Illinois Library Association

Vera Elwood
Head, Journalism Library, University of Missouri - Columbia

Arianna Schlegel
Vassar College

Caroline J. White
Archivist and ALA member

Christopher Duvall
Alameda County Library

Marijane White
Data and Research Engagement Librarian
Oregon Health & Science University Library

Cynthia Vrabel
YA Librarian 

Susan Moore
ALA member

Amanda Howard
University of Arizona Libraries, Special Collections

Sarah Washburn

Evan Allen

Jenelle Johnson
University of Pittsburgh Library System

Carri Frola
Archivist, CSUN University Library

Heather Smedberg
ALA member
former chair of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS)

Sara Peden 
Staff member, University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries 

Luke Bohanon
PhD, UCLA Department of Information Studies 

Jenifer Holman
Hope College
ALA Member

Danielle Jones
ALSC Board of Directors

Leah Whitesel
MLIS Student, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Robert Derouen

Meredith Steiner
Children's Librarian, San Francisco Public Library
ALSC Board Member 2020-2023

Shevon Desai
ALA member

Stephanie M. Roach
Library Systems and Applications Developer, San Mateo County Community College District, ALA Member

Vince Garin
Systems Support Librarian
Maine InfoNet Collaborative - Maine State Library/University of Maine

Kristy Gale
Teen Services Librarian, Seattle WA

Maddy Gillette
Librarian (Los Angeles Public Library), ALA Member

Bill Dietz
Bard College

Julia Lane 
Writing Services Coordinator, Simon Fraser University Library 

Ellin Stiteler 

Mario Gonzalez
ALA Councilor-At-Large
Past Senior Trustee of the ALA Endowment
Past ALA Treasurer

Elizabeth Galoozis
ALA Member 

Amanda Brown
Tech clerk at the Buffalo and Erie County Library

Sorcha Sills
I'm an English teacher. 

Martina Xenia Baldi

G.W. Swicord
Library Technical Staff

Kerry Creelman
ALA member

Madeleine Wright
ALA and YALSA Member

Kay Gabriel

Stephanie Chace
Boston Public Library, Librarian - Nutritional Literacy Coordinator

Hazel McClure
Grand Valley State University

Ann Langone
Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association, MLSA/AFT

Morgan Howard
Boston Public Library

Claire Kelley
Seven Stories Press, Marketing Director and San Jose State MLIS student, ALA member

Joanne Endorf
University of Florida

Jessica Bitely
Boston Public Library

Dharma Sandvik

Kelsey Gallagher Mambach
Assistant Director of Libraries, Union College of Union County, NJ

Crystal Chen
ALA member

Eve Neiger
Lead Archivist, Boston Public Library

Allison Tamarkin Paller
Seven Stories Press

Angelina Carney

Rebekkah LaRue

Anthony Arnove, author, editor, and publisher

Nico Belott
ALA Member
Asbury Park Library

Molly Ledermann
Washtenaw Community College
ALA Member

Dory Klein

Celeste Bocchicchio-Chaudhri

Courtney Brown
ALA Member

Eva L. Sotomayor
Seven Stories Press

Lizzy Walker
Wichita State University Libraries

Selena St. Andre
Archivist, George Washington University

Damian Martinez
Grand Valley State University

Zack North
Adult and Young Adult Librarian at Mitchell Public Library

Molly K. Maloney
University at Buffalo
ALA and ACRL Member
Medical Library Association Member

Dan Simon
Seven Stories Press

ALA & YALSA roundtable(?) member

Tessa Gunnell
Frederick County Public Libraries
ALA Member

Margaret Peachy

Ellen Schweitzer

Jocelyn Swick-Jemison
ALA Member

Jen Hoyer
New York City College of Technology

David Silver
Associate professor and chair, Environmental Studies, University of San Francisco

Kathleen Bryant
Young Adult Programmer, Kenton County Public Library (Covington)

MK Brunson
Public librarian and MLIS student 

Pamela Rose
Liaison and Special Projects Librarian, Health Sciences Information Team, University at Buffalo 

Karl G. Siewert
Academic librarian in Oklahoma, active in OLA, OK-ACRL, and ALA

Max Macias
Independent Librarian

Andrea V. Grimes
Book Arts & Special Collections
San Francisco Public LIbrary

Derrick Harden

Polly Thistlethwaite
The Graduate Center Library, CUNY

Ellen Warning
Library Assistant- Kenton County Public Library, Covington, Kentucky

Hal Schrieve
New York Public Library
Children's Librarian

Clara Cabrera

Kathleen McCook
ALA Member
University of South Florida

Katy Anastasi
Clark College Libraries
1,700 signatories

Hallie Clawson
Librarian, CSU Dominguez Hills

Laverne Mann
ALA Chapter Councilor, New Jersey Library Association

Amy McAbee
ALA member

Ralianna Garcia, MLIS
Solano County Library Staff
ALA Member

tiziana lohnes

Julia Lubey
ALA Member

Amy Gray

Veronica Armour

Beth Raff
ALA member
NJASL President Elect

Jennie Correia

Michael B. Jones
Library Director

Leslie Hayes

Brianne Hawes
Former ALA Member 
current library employee

Sarah Wingo
Institutional Member
Villanova University

Sam Leif
ALA Lifetime Member
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Katherine Casey
ALA/ACRL member

Jillian Sparks
St. Olaf College

Jasmine Sykes-Kunk

Jason Kruse
ALA Member

Samantha Mills
Branch Head, Vancouver Public Library (Canada)

Charessa Sistek
ALA Member, Rainbow Round Table Member

Laila Brown
Academic Librarian

Jessica Hymers
MLIS Student, University of Toronto

Meaghan Gibeaux

Leah Dudak
Syracuse University, iSchool, PhD student

Jennifer K. L. Bradshaw
ALA Member

Janet Rhodes
West Custer County Library District
ALA Member

Kelsey Nordstrom-Sanchez
ALA member
California State University Monterey Bay

Emily Clasper
ALA Member

Davis Erin Anderson

Keiko Sanders

Jennifer Wells
Oregon State University
ALA Member

William Shakalis
Associate Librarian, Emeritus
Worcester State University
Worcester, Massachusetts

Robert Kohl
Multnomah County Library
ALA member, ALA CORE member

Faith Jones
Library Director, Columbia College Vancouver

Jack Eoghan Hession

Jeff Campoli

Tanya Ellenburg-Kimmet
University of Dayton, Roesch Library

Jessica Kohout-Tailor
ALA Member

A.J. Muhammad

Alicia Gough
New Jersey Library Association [NJLA], Staff

Amy C. Vo
Princeton University

Uta Hussong-Christian
Oregon State University Libaries

Kristen LaBonte
ALA Member

Annie Platoff
Academic Librarian, UCSB

Angela Jordan
Teton County Library

Margarita Shawcross
ALA Member

Elspeth Healey
University of Kansas
ALA Member

Suzanne Lipkin
ALA member

Amy Sears
Teaneck Public Library
ALA Member

Kate Drabinski
Principal Lecturer, Gender, Women's, + Sexuality Studies, UMBC

Matt Ruen
Scholarly Communications librarian, Grand Valley State University

Jo Cornish

Charlotte Lellman
Harvard Medical School

Rebecca C. Thayer
Harvard Medical School Library

Kathleen DeLaurenti

Tina Rose

Laura Zeigen

Shay King
Head of Business Development at the Racine Public Library (Racine, WI)

Jane Collins

Alexis Cantu
Adult Services Librarian at Chicago Public Library

Jessie Tepper
I work at a publisher that attends and supports ALA.

Rebecca Reznik-Zellen
University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries

Adam Young
Work at a Library

Jade Lopez
Public Librarian

Heidi Burkhardt
University of Michigan Library
ALA and ACRL member

Anne Haines
Indiana University Libraries

Lillian Castillo-Speed
ALA Member

Miki Goral
UCLA Library

Sine Hwang Jensen
UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library

Addy Robinson
ALA Member

Olivia Olivares
Instruction & Outreach Librarian, University of California, Merced

Corliss Lee
Member of ALA and ACRL

Erin Durham Wright
University of Maryland Baltimore County
ALA member

Mark A. Puente
Purdue University Libraries and School of Information Studies 

Rhonda Kauffman

Jessica Fenster-Sparber

Libby Coyner

David Michalski
Social and Cultural Studies Librarian, UC Davis

Dena Marger
Library Director, Dummerston, VT

Judy Lee
University Programs Teaching Librarian, University of California, Riverside
Member: ALA, ACRL

Loesja Vigour
UK-based librarian

Nicholas Brown
University of the Arts London

Christina Benson 

Alessandra Seiter
Community Engagement Librarian
Harvard Kennedy School

Tim Buckingham
Public Librarian
Somerville Massachusetts 

John H. Bondurant 

Georgia Titonis

Kalmia Strong
University of Iowa Libraries

Jane Barnwell
Grants Manager, University of Florida Libraries

Jennifer K. L. Bradshaw
University of Iowa

Amanda Kowalski
Digital Archivist

Marisol Moreno

Valerie Florez
Academic Librarian
ALA Member

Dianne Aldrich
ALA Member, 20 years

Steve Tetreault

Charity Stokes
NMRT Councilor

Joe Askins
ALA Member

Kurt Wittig 
ALA Member 
1,800 signatories

Sarah Joseph
ALA Member

Cindy Bowen
ALA Member

Jensen Fisher, MLIS, AHIP-S
Frank Ritchel Ames Memorial Library 

Elissah Becknell
Cataloging & Metadata Education Librarian
ALA Member

Adrienne Sanders
ALA member

Aliqae Geraci
Director, Reuther Library, Wayne State University
ALA Member

Library Employee and ALA Supporter

Jim Kuhn
ALA Lifetime Member
The University of Texas at Austin

Lisa Studier
Catalog Librarian, New York Botanical Garden

Shelly McCollum
University School Librarian
ALA Member

Jon Drucker

Alison Kastner
Reader Services Librarian, Multnomah County Library

Marie Hviding

Tricia Greenstein
ALA member, APALA Social Media

Judanne Hamidzada
Community Libraries of Providence  
ALA Member

Michael Babinec 
Librarian, ALA member

Bob Diaz
ALA Councilor

Jennifer Sippel
Faculty Librarian, Minneapolis Community and Technical College

Dr. Sayantani DasGupta
Senior Lecturer, Columbia University; children's author, Scholastic 

Wesley R. Bishop
Jacksonville State University 

Stephen Francoeur 
Baruch College
ALA member

Kyle Lukoff

Amy Roberts
Archivist at University of California Riverside

Lisa Nagid

Abigail Gobrn
ALA and CORE Member, CORE Communications Chair 

Pam Rybus
ALA member 
Retired school librarian

Matt Imrie

Dinah Sanders
MLIS, San Jose State University; former library software senior product manager

Elliana Bowen

Alyssa Picard
Member, ALA

Cynthia Christie

Katya Schapiro 
Library Director, Easthampton Public Library

Dan Kletter 

Kurt Boberg

Orvie Dingwall
University of Manitoba

Julie Turley

Trenton DuVal

Rose Rodriguez

Elizabeth Davis
ALA Member

Chip Calhoun

Lisa Sloniowski

Liv Hanson
ALA & ALSC member

Madeline Veitch
Associate Librarian, SUNY New Paltz

Matthew Garklavs
E-Resources Librarian, 
Pratt Institute Libraries 

Michael Peterson
Library patron

Sarah Dziedzic 

Yolonda Edwards

Mike Conti
Library worker, ALA & AFSCME 1624 member

Mia Ciallella

Kelly Mills

Joshua DeVries
Texas State Employees Union

Maria T. Accardi
Faculty Librarian
Coordinator of Instruction and Assessment
Indiana University Southeast

David S Crawford
Fellow, Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (UK)

Rain Perry
Former Branch Manager, Meiners Oaks Library

Paul Quinzi
Law Library Reference Attorney

Elizabeth Christian

Ryan Knight

Tim Tripp

Lorraine leitz

Emanuela Bianchi
New York University

Nathan Hohl
ALA Member 

Mike Jung
Author, illustrator, librarian

Whitney Holt

Arpita Bose
Health Sciences Library Director
ALA member

Erin Gunderson
Fargo Public Library
ALA Member

Cindy Hohl #WarriorLibrarian
AILA Past President & ALA President-Elect, In Service & Solidarity 

Alejandra S. Méndez, Ed.D.
ALA Member

Tara Patterson 
Library paraprofessional

Fernando Este
I am an ALA Active Member

Anita Bass
ALA member
BCPL-IAMAW Local Lodge 4538 President

Matt Davis
Systems Librarian

Livingstone Marmon

Pamela Gunter

Debra Elfenbein
Special Collections Librarian, Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore; Member, Pratt Workers United

Bee Potter

Renae Lattin
None-just a visitor

Christine Curreri
Librarian Baltimore County Public Library

Jennifer Hecker
Librarian, Archivist, Consultant

Nick Demske
ALA member
PLA member
PLA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice Committee Member

Lesley Garrett
ALA Member
MLIS Student

Angela Pashia

Breen Tivnan
Library Assistant, Lake Forest School District 67

Phoebe Waldron
ALA Member

Pamela Pedersen

Tara Robertson

Kerri Dame-Robinson
Austin Public Library 
ALA Member 

Anne Langendorfer
University of Tennessee, Knoxville 

Janice Winkler
University of Manitoba 

Samantha Quiñon Snair
Tuft University
ALA Member, Emerging Leader 2018

Caroline Broeren
Chicago Public Library
ALA Member

Esther Kaplan 
Current masters in library and information science student and will become an ALA member after! 

Lauren Kehoe
New York University
ALA Member

Annika Barranti Klein

Monique Clar

E. Friedman

Nisha Mody

Leigh Topfer
no affiliation with ALA (retired librarian)

Lauren Lepanto

Katrin Nielsdottir 
University of Manitoba 
1,900 signatories

Pamela Wren, MLS

Kelly Hath
Western Libraries, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada

Steve Ely

Julie C. Tozer
Public librarian and AFSCME (NJ) Local 1454 executive board member

Heidi Hetzel

Christina Sirois 
Harvard Kennedy School Library & Research Services
ALA member

Shannon Mattern
University of Pennsylvania

Rich Rubin

Vinson Li

Alison Farrell 
Memorial University of Newfoundland - Canada

Tonya Mahar
Manager, Library Services
Baycrest - Toronto, Canada

Laura J. Smart
University of Western Ontario Libraries

Kim Carson
Head, Teaching & Learning
Western Libraries
Western University
London, Ontario, Canada

Sadaf Ullah
Medical Librarian

Angela Kaesheimer
Library Associate - Kenton County Public Library

Kristin Hoffmann
University of Western Ontario

Natalie Vielfaure

Heather Bidzinski
University of Manitoba, Archives & Special Collections

Amanda Ross-White, AHIP, MLIS

Alanna Marson

Jessie Cunningham

April Schweikhard
ALA Member

Meredith Tummeti
ALA Member

Robin Desmeules
Cataloguing Librarian, McGill University Libraries

Laura Banfield
McMaster University

Sam Popowich
Digital Infrastructure Librarian, University of Winnipeg

Natalie Colaiacovo

Allison McArthur

David Jackson 

Stephen Spong
Western University Library

Elizabeth Miller
ALA Member

Christian Pustka

Jennifer Dumond
Education Services Librarian, NOSM University 

Rumi Graham
ALA member since 1989

Meghan Burke

Denise Horoky - Educator
Teaching and Learning Academic Librarian 

Lorie Kloda
McGill University Libraries

Heather Mumford
Harvard Medical School

Heather Pretty
ALA and ALA CORE Member

Jennifer Ticknor

Renate Cumming, Librarian

Grace O'Hanlon
University of Manitoba

Richard Carter
Librarian, University of St. Michael's College, Toronto

Richard Carter
Librarian, University of St. Michael's College, Toronto

Kristin Kerbavaz
University of Western Ontario

Katie McDonough
Delaware Library Association

Marilyn Clarke
Librarian, IALS - Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, UK

Marianne Reeves
ALA Member

Ruby Warren
University of Manitoba

Mê-Linh Lê
University of Manitoba
ALA Member

Jodie Morin
Library Director
Buena Vista University
ALA Member

Kelly Kimberley
Toronto Metropolitan University Libraries

Katina L. Rogers

Ian Fraser
University of Winnipeg

Jennifer Soutter
Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians

Sonya Betz
University of Alberta

Anna Glassman

Sarah Connolly
ALA Member

Nabeel Siddiqui
Assistant Professor of Digital Media at Susquehanna University

Kenneth McFarlan affiliation apart from my MLS being recognized by the ALA. 

Evan Sterling
University of Ottawa (Canada)

Sandra Cowan
ALA accredited academic librarian

Lauren Dodd

Patricia Moore

Karen MacDonell

Sara Abbatemarco

Paula Cardozo
Professional Librarian III
University of Lethbridge Library
ALA Member

Jacob Berg

Anders Tobiason
Boise State University

Colleen Pawliuk
BC Children's Hospital

Justine Wheeler

Anna Franz
Yale University
ALA member

Denyse Rodrigues
Mount Saint Vincent University
ALA member

Kathy Sexton
Oak Park Public Library

Liz Rodrigues
Humanities and Digital Scholarship Librarian, Grinnell College

Paul R. Pival

Gillian Akenson
Queen's University, Ontario (Canada)

Dee Wallace
Acquisitions & Metadata Librarian, University of Winnipeg

Elizabeth-Anne Johnson
Archivist, University of Calgary

Jenna Friebel
librarian, ALA member

Franklin Kennedy

Amber Billey
ALA Core Metadata and Collections Section Past-Chair

Leah Maughan
CILIP Member (UK) 

Michelle Mussuto
Librarian, CSU Chico
ALA member

Leah Hopton
Communications Manager, BC Electronic Library Network

Melanie Mills
President, Ontario Library Association; Director, FIMS Graduate Library, Western University (Canada)

Katherine Miller
Librarian, Past Member of ALA

Allison Rein

Pamela Kruger
ALA member
ACRL member

Rebecca Montgomery, MLIS

Darcie Smith
Hospital Library Manager

Ania Dymarz
Simon Fraser University

Jennifer Robinson
Western Libraries

Jordan Ruud
University of Arkansas - Fort Smith

Emily Frigo

Casey Smith, PhD
Chair of Liberal Arts
Delaware College of Art & Design

Jason Heckathorn
University of Florida Libraries

Ayana Looney
MLIS, ALA member

Colleen Bell
University of the Fraser Valley (British Columbia)

Priscilla Carmini

Kristine Paulus
Collection Development Librarian, New York Botanical Garden

Kris Joseph
Assistant Librarian, York University

Caro Pinto
ALA Member 
2,000 signatories

Kristin Chapman, MLIS, AHIP, SRSS

Samantha D'Acunto 
Manager of Public Services and Reference Librarian, New York Botanical Garden

Jennifer Grant
York University Libraries

Ilo-Katryn Maimets

Paige Bradley

Trina Grover
Librarian at Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

Rebecca Stuebe
Multnomah County Library

Dr. Carol Williams
Professor of History, Dept. of History, University of Lethbridge, Alberta CAN.

Matthew Black

Maddie Romansic
University of Washington Libraries

Barbara Sobol

Lawrence Fiorelli (they/them)
Brooklyn Public Library
former ALA Stonewall Award chair

Alyssa Sklar
ALA Member 

Brenda Bell 
Western Libraries, Western University, London, ON Canada

Pearl Herscovitch

Stacy Brinkman
UC Irvine Libraries

Kimberly Shotick
ALA member

Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz 
NYU Libraries 

Megan Fitzgibbons
ALA Member

Patti Ryan
York University Libraries

Greg Bosley

Hale Polebaum-Freeman
Williams Libraries
ALA Member

Naz Torabi
Toronto, Canada 

Hal Loewen

Corinne Abba
George Brown College (Toronto, Canada) 

Tomasz Mrozewski 
York University Libraries

Katrina Cohen-Palacios
York University Libraries

Benjamin Salt 
Central Saint Martins Library, University of the Arts London 

Shea Wert
User Services Librarian, New York Botanical Garden

Meagan Stanley
Teaching & Learning Librarian, University of Western Ontario.  Non-member. 

Katie Rojas
University of Virginia

Suzanne Preate

Brittni Ballard
ALA member, Learning Technologies Librarian Towson University

Kathy Joseph
DLA member and Membership chair for DLA

Bethany Keeley-Jonker
Professor, Trinity Christian College

Nicolle Lemay
Canadian librarian

Rhiannon Jones
ALA member

Lorelei Sterling
University of Alaska Anchorage, ASIG Co-Convenor, FULDG Co-Chair

Meg Miller
University of Manitoba

Jill Minor
Librarian, ALA Member

Aaron Dobbs
ALA Councilor for Small Round Tables

Jeannie Bail
ALA IFLA Representative to Management & Marketing Standing Committee

Sata Prescott
ALA member, RRT member

Sara Janes
University Archivist, Lakehead University

Caitlan Maxwell
No ALA affiliation

Mara L. Thacker
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Andrea Slonosky 

Quinn Dombrowski 
Co-president, Association for Computers and the Humanities
ALA member 

Victoria Chambers

Melanie Cassidy
University of Guelph

Danielle De Jager-Loftus
ALA South Dakota Library Association Chapter Councilor

Danielle Marie Bitz
Indigenous Engagement Librarian, University of Winnipeg
ALA Spectrum Scholar 2016/2017

Jessa Mockridge
Subject Librarian, Goldsmiths, University of London

Feminist Library, London, UK

Emma Rooney
University of Michigan School of Information

Raquel Espasande
Bluestockings Cooperative Worker-Owner

Bryan Neil Jones

Erica Freudenberger
ALA Member

Michelle Reed
Library Futures
ALA Member

Lisa Krajecki
affiliated with the ALA

Ken Jones
Brooklyn Public Library

Louise Gillis
Dalhousie University Libraries

George Thompson
Associate Librarian, California State University, Chico

Sharon Swados
Dir. of Sales and Subsidiary Rights, The New Press, and lifetime public library patron and supporter

Sarah Christensen
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Tiffany Pagni

Victor G

Ali Cotterill

Jonas Herriot
Library Manager - Henley Business School

María Evelia Emerson
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Matthew Roberts
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Kim Ranger
Grand Valley State University Libraries

Bianca Finley Alper
Digital Project Archivist, University of Arizona Libraries

Shauna-Kay Harrison
ALA Member

Katherine Ryner
ALA Member

Lars J. Klint
Harvard University
ALA Member

Isabel Quintana
Harvard University 
ALA & ACRL Member

Laura Sherriff

Honor Moody
Harvard Library
ALA, CORE, ACRL/Rare Books and Manuscripts Section member

Angela Jones
Youth and Family Program Coordinator, Skokie Public Library
SEIU Local 73

Lynda Day
Brooklyn College

Claire DeMarco
Harvard Library
Chair, ALA-Core Technical Services Directors of Large Research Libraries Committee

Tamara Goheen
Community Services Coordinator, Austin Public Library

Lynette Mejia
Louisiana Citizens Against Censorship

Cynthia Reid
Harvard University

John Dickson
Library assistant, Harvard University

S. Millard
ALA Member
Book Lover

Anna Van Someren

Melinda Carr
Access Services, Harvard University

Emily Macleod
Union Public Library
Union, NJ

Jasmine Jones
ALA Member

Laura Melbourne
ALA Member

Terri Grief
ALA GameRT Councilor

Tanis Franco

Gia Farruggia
Public Library Worker

Val Lem
Academic Librarian

Joe Carrano

Cassandra Shiflet
Digital Collections Specialist, Temple University
SAA Member

Megan Keller Young
University of Illinois Chicago

Kristen Kruse
University of Manitoba

Sarah Ainsworth

J.E. Molly Seegers 

Renee Ting
Mountain View Public Library
2,100 signatories
Michelle Schwartz
Librarian, Toronto Metropolitan University

Martha Attridge Bufton

Laurin Arnold
ALA Member

Heath Umbreit

Heath Umbreit

Daniela Dover
Oxford University

Susan Dove Lempke
Lincolnwood Public Library

Tristan Gordon
American Prison Writing Archive

Maria E. Ruiz Olide
ALA Member

John Kaderbek

Aaron Smith
Adult Services Librarian, Ypsilanti District Library (Michigan)

Cassandra Thompson 
Illinois Heartland Library System 
ALA Member

Bradley Northcote

Michael L. Stewart
Metadata Librarian, University of Delaware Library, Museums and Press

Jaime Taylor
University of Massachusetts

Meghan Ecclestone
Past member, ACRL

Mathew Vis-Dunbar

Sara Homan
Widener Library, Harvard University

Cecile Farnum
Librarian, Toronto Metropolitan University Libraries

Matthew Reidsman
Grand Valley State University

Jefferson Harbin
University of Lynchburg

Diana K. Wakimoto
Librarian & ALA Member

Annie Sirski
President, Students of the American Library Association at the University of Washington iSchool

Miklos Hubay
Metadata Librarian, LIS PhD (Hungary)

Tim Wolfe
Dartmouth College Library

Janet Rothney
University of Manitoba

Denise O'Malley
Harvard University 
ALA Member

Cara Cadena
ALA member

Laura Cohen

Mariana Robertson

Evan Stewart 

Jessica Longo

Mary Reynolds
LAWCHA member

Kenya Senecharles

Heidi K. Dawes
Cornell University

Nicole Fonsh

Mandy Salley

Noel Reich
ALA Member, RRT Member 

Marina Valenzuela
Previous member, current member of AALL

Renata Ewing

Susan E. Thomas
Instructional Services Librarian, Pace University, New York, NY
colleague of Emily at LIU for 7 yrs

Jake Rosenzweig
Adult Services Librarian, Salt Lake City Public Library

J. Wendel Cox
Dartmouth College Library, DCLWU

Maura Johnson

Kelly Davis
Yale University

Adrienne Canino

Eleanor Ball
ALA Member

Cristen Polley
BC Electronic Library Network

Jessica Hollister

Leanna Barcelona

Helen Wong Smith

Meg Suhosky

Alex Wilensky 

Rose Harrison
Delaware Library Association

Heather Campbell
Western University, institutional member

Eliza Bettinger
Cornell University Library
Member, ALA

Donna Baluchi
University of Utah

Matthew R.M. Cassidy
Branch Librarian, Albany Public Library (Albany, NY);
NYLA Prison Librarianship Panelist 2020

Bonnie Wielt
Albany Public Library

Emily Baer
ALA Member

Colette Smith-Strong
Rainbow & Social Responsibilities Round Tables member

Kelly Czarnecki
ALA Member
YALSA Past President

Timothy Colman 

Ashley Colstad

Nicole Zeller
Library worker

Claire Packham
City, University of London

C. Elliott
ALA Member, Reference & Instruction Librarian

Mary Moser
Engagement & Advancement Librarian, UMass Boston
ALA member

Meghan Bailey
Librarian and Archivist
UMass Boston

Jessica Holden
University of Massachusetts Boston

Jane Cothron
ALA member

Jennifer Garner
ALA Member
2023 President Association for Rural & Small Libraries
Director, North Liberty Library 

Marianne LaBatto
Associate Archivist, Brooklyn College Library

Alexandra de Luise
retired librarian, Queens College/CUNY
ALA member since 1980

Yelena Novitskaya

Carrie Jedlicka
Kingsborough Community College Library, CUNY 
ALA member

Rosemary Farrell
ALA/ACRL member

Max Thorn
Librarian, Queens College-City University of New York

Rena Grossman
CUNY Librarian, former ALA & ACRL member

Ian McDermott
LaGuardia Community College, CUNY

Beth Borene
Delaware Library Association

Kate Fais

Sarah Tuttle
UW Seattle

Kristen Hanley Cardozo

Leah Torres, MD MS
Physician in Alabama

Christine Eldred 

Joshua Peach
Librarian, CUNY - New York City College of Technology

Ken McDouall 
Washington State Library 
ALA / PLA Member

Marilyn Day
Librarian III at Healey Library, UMass Boston; ALA member

Kelli Trei
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Michael August
Library Assistant - Chesapeake Public Library, ALA member

Deborah L. Corbin
Branch Assistant, ALA Member

Chloe Riley
Librarian, Simon Fraser University Library
ALA Member

Maureen Babb
University of Manitoba

Lauren Collister
Former ALA member
University of Pittsburgh

Mariana Regalado
Brooklyn College, CUNY

Haruko Yamauchi
Librarian, Hostos Community College (CUNY)
ALA member
2,200 signatories
Sarah Prindiville

Eve Kausch
University of Washington

Emily Connelly

Martha Tenney
Barnard College 

Alyssa Valenti
Raritan Valley Community College
ALA, ACRL Member, Past President NJLA College & University Section

Chelsea Hartness

Em Heyburn
University of Georgia Libraries

Abbey Hensley

Emily Cara
Library Staff

Lara Friedman-Shedlov

Cammie Hardouin
ALA Member

Beatrice Pulliam
Rhode Island Library Association

April Sheppard
SRRT Past-Coordinator

Derek Wilmott
University of Toledo / ALA, SRRT, and Core member

Eileen M. Palmer 
ALA Member.  Former Chapter Councilor

Silvia Lin Hanick
LaGuardia Community College, CUNY

Allison Reisig
ALA Member
Nebraska Librarian

Elizabeth Brown
GNCRT Treasurer, GameRT Secretary

Lauren Stark

George Bergstrom
ALA Member
President of the Games & Gaming Round Table

Carol Kassel
New York University, ALA Member Institution

Joshua Newport
Member of ALA

Rachel Mahre
New York University

Jamia Williams

Weatherly Stephan
NYU Libraries

Rebecca Strang
ALA Games & Gaming Round Table Past-President

Sam Mandani
NYU Libraries
ALA/ACRL member

Richard McGowan
Research Librarian - NYU School of Medicine

Carol Choi
ALA Member

Rye Gentleman
ALA Member

Lia Warner
ALA Member

Nora Lambert
Content Specialist, NYU Libraries

Joseph G. Pawletko
New York University Digital Library Technology Services

Samuel R. Putnam
New York University
Vice-Chair, Science & Technology Section, ACRL

Stacy Torian

David Michon

Enrique Yanez
NYU Libraries

Amanda Watson
Librarian for English and Comparative Literature, New York University
ALA member

Lily Susman
ALA Spectrum Scholar

Lorna Rourke
Librarian Emerita, St. Jerome’s University in the University of Waterloo
Former ALA member

Jennifer Rosenthal 

Edith Beckett
ALA member

Jessika Davis

Lisa Horowitz
Member since 1997

Betsy Fagin

Melissa Yip

Alex Wermer-Colan
Temple University

Amanda Waller
ALA Student Member


Scott Collard
NYU Libraries

Ariana Valderrama
Chicago library supporter

Michelle Kim

Louisa Choy
UMass Boston

Joan Castro
Access Services Coordinator at Stella and Charles Guttman Community College (CUNY)

Samantha Walsh
Hunter College Libraries, City University of New York (CUNY)

Joseph Morris
Outreach Associate
Brooklyn Public Library

Jojo Karlin

Jonas Lamb
ALA Member
Immediate Past President, Alaska Library Association

Nick Passabet

Perry Genovesi
Free Library of Philadelphia Librarian & AFSCME District Council 47 Local 2187 Steward & Delegate 

Chris Pollette
Emory University

Nicole Greenhouse

Jonathan Cope
College of Staten Island,CUNY 

Emily Bullough
Salt Lake County Library
ALA Member

Peter Sachs Collopy
University Archivist, Caltech

Courtney Griffin
MLIS student - University of Washington
Former Montana State University Library staff

Jaclyn Wilson

Ali Versluis 
University of Guelph

Charlie Leppert
Librarian Trainee

Laura Hart
Publishing Professional

Rachael Bild 
Skokie Public Library
ALA member 

Tova Johnson

Gioia Stevens
New York University Libraries

Karen McGrath 
ALA member

Molly Brown
Reference and Outreach Archivist 
Northeastern University

Vanessa Banti
ALA Member

Amy Brunner, MLIS
Independent researcher & unemployed archivist

Jozsef Meszaros
Columbia University

Patrick Frownfelter
ALA Member

Cara Marta Messina
Marist College

Courtney Hunt

Whitney Wimbish

Rebecca Colesworthy
SUNY Press

Rebecca Colesworthy
SUNY Press

Emily Heath
Brooklyn Public Library, ALA member 

Angelica Rodriguez 

Helen H Spalding
ALA Member/Former ACRL President

Moacir P. de Sá Pereira


Ezra J. Teboul
Student Librarian, Concordia University 

Frankie Condon
University of Waterloo

Stephanie Abba

Raz Reuel Nesher
Reference Librarian, Springfield City Library
Springfield, MA

Lalitha Nataraj 

Stacy Costabile

Renée Trilling

Veronica Arellano Douglas
ALA Member
University of Houston Libraries

Gabriella Cassidy 
MLIS Student 

Amanda Hegge

Megan (Sage) Hulings
ALA Member

Matthew Kurz
Orangeburg (SC) County Library
ALA Member
2,300 signatories

Julie Beth Napolin
President of The New School Chapter of AAUP

Elizabeth Allen
Librarian and former NMRT member

Aaron Dinwiddie
Alameda County Library
Library Clerk

Claire Lobdell
Librarian and Archivist at Greenfield Community College; Library Freedom Project member

Dr. Caroline Joy Dubinsky

Chrissy Lawlor
ALA member

Heather Holmes

shea settimi
Library Clerk, Olive Free Library

Amy Dickinson
ALA Member

Maria Arteaga Cuevas
ALA member
Spectrum Scholar 2023-2024

Jack Sulzer
Past president, member PA Library Assoc. 
ALA member

Gail Matheson
Past member

Bronwen Bitetti
Clark Art Institute Library 

sava saheli singh
York University

Bryan Jones

Megan Wong

Marisol Moreno Ortiz
Reference and Instruction Librarian

Doyun Lee
Enoch Pratt Free Library

Cas Vandersyde

Tyler Rouse
MLS Student

Tyler Rouse
MLS Student

Adam Peretzman

Justine Rivera
Youth Services Librarian

Jeanne Birdsall

Sara Zarowin
Reference Librarian, Westhampton Free Library and Lindenhurst Memorial Library

Loriana Donovan
Librarian at Queens Public Library, LMS student at Queens College
ALA member

Toni Nicosia
CUNY Queens College, President of Queens College Library & Information Science Student Association

Jayme Sponsel
Davidson College Library

Patricia A. Matthew 
Montclair State University 

Emily Spunaugle
ALA LHRT Past Chair

Ryan Cordell
School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Meredith Martin
Princeton University

Kel Karpinski

Kelly Watson
West Virginia University 

Bethany Winters
Congressional Papers Archivist, West Virginia & Regional History Center

Tim Dolan
Greenfield Community College

Garrett Norris

Peter Farrell
University of Ottawa (Canada)

Hannah Kane
Youth Services Librarian and ALA member

Daniel Hickey
New York University

Joanna M. Arteaga La Spina
ALA Councilor-at-Large

KatieRose McEneely
Abbott Laboratories 
ALA Member

Eryn Campbell
Research Library Manager
SLA KWM Chapter President

Emily Sherwood
Research Librarian, NAIC
ALA Member 

Nicholas Poole
CEO, CILIP (UK Library Association)

Karen Rutherford
SLA Member

David Cappoli
UCLA School of Law

Innocent Afuh
Texas University Libraries.

Erica Ervin
University of Michigan Library

Samantha Intriligator
Pharmaceutical Librarian

Bryan J. Sajecki
SUNY University at Buffalo

Heidi Butler

Jenny Benevento

Amanda Jo Greep
Trustee, Homewood Public Library
ALA Member

Amanda B. Albert, MSLIS 
University Librarian & Assistant Professor, Fontbonne University

Theresa Birkett 

Nicholas Schueller

Katie Jackson

J. Edgar Mihelic 
Elected Trustee, Linda Sokol Francis Brookfield Public Library 

Laura O'Kane

Moira Armstrong

Amanda ReCupido
Vice President, Downers Grove Public Library Foundation

Ash Whitlatch

Howard Winant
University of California, Santa Barbara

Kyla Worrell

Denise Neujahr

Mary Reynolds

Jennifer Keyser
Policy Coordinator Librarian, Multnomah County Library
ALA Member

Rachel Kinnon
San Francisco Public Library

Jean Richardson

Cailean Cooney
New York City College of Technology, CUNY

Lindsey Pucci

Lynné Colbert

Andrew Hairston

Amber Taylor

Jay Popham
Volunteer, Texas State Library and Archives Commission 
Austin DSA

Peggy Korpela

Kelly Link

Mary Ellen Gilson

Chelsea Arnold
Library Director
Bloomfield Public Library
ALA Member

Jenni Kitchen
ALA Member

Kelsey Cheshire
Virginia Commonwealth University

Rob Cheng
MLIS Student

Kathryn Lybarger
University of Kentucky Libraries
ALA member

Jaena Rae Cabrera
President of APALA

Amanda Watson
Librarian for English and Comparative Literature, New York University

ALA Member 
Shamefully employed at a religious university that discriminates against LGBTQIA+

sherri saines
Ohio university

Paul C. Campbell
ALA and ACRL Member 

L. Bryant Willis

Miriam Nelson
ALA Core Preservation Section 

Beronica Avila 
Denison University 
ALA member 

Raquel Donahue
Public Services Librarian
Houston Community College 
ALA Member

Linde M. Brocato
Special Collections Cataloger

Torie Quiñonez
Cal State San Marcos University Library

Allison Carr
California State University, San Marcos

Karen Tinajero-Vazquez
Librarian, California State University San Marcos

2,400 signatories

Talitha Matlin
STEM Librarian, CSUSM

Peter Gunther

Qualia Sway
New York Public Library

Emma Molls

Mandy Henk

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