
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Councilman Ron Nirenberg Wants CIPA Filtering in the San Antonio Public Library

Councilman Ron Nirenberg wants CIPA filtering in the San Antonio Public Library.  Bravo!  What an excellent example for other governmental leaders.  See:

For a discussion of the issues facing governments, everyone should read the following as it applies to any city and saves me from repeating it here:

By the way, I saw one of the news reports say filtering opponents claim porn is viewed only 1% of the time.  That is simply false:

Specifically as to SAPL, here is older information on the porn problem at the library:
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentAs a Christian I am appalled at you granting permission to your Library for children to view, use, read, see pornographic material.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentAs a Christian, and someone who is trying to influence the lives of younger Americans, I find it appalling that you would allow pornography in libraries. Please do something to stop this. If you don't then maybe your children, or grandchildren will be looking at this. Do you really want them to do that? I sincerely hope not.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentAs a very concerned citizen and taxpayer in San Antonio, I am writing to ask you to do all in your power to secure the technology available that will block the accessibility to pornography through the library's computer Internet.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentAs an ex-San Antontioan I was appalled to find that the young people of San Antonio School would have access to pornography in the school libraries. My children were educated in Olmos, Nimitz, and Robert E Lee and were well ahead of the children in the school district we came into in Vermont/New Hampshire and pornography was not a part of the education in SAT. Pornography will not help, but only hinder the minds of your young people in SAT. Remember that as civic leader of a great city the responsibility for leadership calls for leadership by example. SET A HIGHER STANDARD. Please.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentCan you please get that porno off the Internet. It is against God and all He represents.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentDuring you campaign for mayor, I sensed that you were a man with strong moral values. Please confirm my belief in you by using your influence to get the access to pornography out of our Public Library. It is an offense to sell porno material to minors in stores, and I feel that the library is equally guilty by providing access to this kind of material. I do not want my tax dollars spent for such trash!! For the welfare of our city's young people, please put an end to this atrocity.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentFirst of all, congratulations on being elected our new mayor. I am writing you to find out what type of action plan you have to stop the free access to Adult sites on the internet at the public library. I have two small children (and a third on the way), and will not allow them to go to the public library lest they accidentally see an explicit pornographic picture. The city has regulations to prevent minors from seeing this type of trash in stores or at theaters, so why should it not be regulated at the public library? There are definitely pictures on the internet that violate the 'obscenity' laws currently in place. I believe in freedom, and I believe in decency. Please help us protect our children, and email me with your response.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentHoward, it isn't wise to allow children access to pornography in any situation where the influence of your office or personal moral leadership is concerned. There are programs available to place in your library computers that would prevent their access to this sickening material. I am absolutely certain you would not approve of young children or grandchildren in your own family reading and viewing obscene material. Please take whatever action within the power of your office to see that this problem is corrected quickly and positively.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am a San Antonio and a Pastor of a major Internet Ministry. As such I always have been proud to represent San Antonio as a wonderful place to raise a family and a great place for children. Recently Mr. Peak, I have been amazed at the "do nothing" approach that our city has had over the issue of pornography on the Internet at our libraries. If a child tried to purchase pornography at a local ice house, he could not. If he tried to buy liquor, he would be denied, cigarettes, the same. Yet Mr. Mayor he can go to our library and access the raunchiest trash on the Internet. It must cease now!
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am appalled at what has been happening at our City Library. I am, of course, speaking about the pornography being accessed through the Internet by minors. But what concerns me even more is the attitude and position taken by the City Library! A spokesman for the Library who says "most parents do not want a third party intervening on their behalf"? Does that mean we do not have the right to enforce any rules governing the Library because that would be a third party intervening on their behalf? That just doesn't make sense.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am concerned about our children (and adults, for that matter) having access to pornography via our city library internet.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am horrified to hear that children are able to access internet pornography on the internet in San Antonio Public Libraries. You are the Mayor of the wonderful city of San Antonio. You can do something about it, and I encourage you to take a stand against this.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am strongly opposed to pornography being available to minors at the public library. Failing to do everything in our power to prevent access to the pornography is failing to live up to our responsibilities as citizens, parents, and adults. I expect you to take action to restrict the access to pornography at the public library.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am utterly appalled to learn that the San Antonio library system is allowing children to access pornography over the internet. You are putting responsible parents in the position of having to deny their children the use of the library facilities in so doing. There is no justification for this position at all. Adults who wish to access pornography over the internet can buy their own computers and do so from their homes. There is no need for the public library to subsidize this type of activity for adults, and in so doing to ruin the library experience for kids. Furthermore, it should be easy enough to set age limits for access to certain machines and to put internet nanny software on machines kids have access to. I hope these suggestions are helpful.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am writing in regard to the recent news that children have access to pornography over the internet in every library in San Antonio. It is my understanding that not only are children allowed access to it, but in many cases is in open view for all other children in the library to see (in spite of the protective screens). I also understand it is against the law to tell the person at the computer that what they are viewing is inappropriate. I strongly protest your policy of allowing this kind of material in our libraries.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am writing to request your action relating to the Library/Internet issue. Although your office purports very few calls have been received, I respectfully submit to you that the inaction and irresponsibility of your constituents is no excuse for your own ambivalence. You are in the position of leadership and are therefore in the best position to respond for the good of our community. My husband and I both voted for you. You were our councilman and your position on such issues as the art allocation led us to believe your standards most closely resembled our own. With all due respect, Mr. Mayor, please don't hide behind the proverbial "polls" doctrine that implies the leader is no longer accountable when the community is too slovenly to speak up.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am writing to you because I recently heard on KSLR, a Christian Radio Station, that you are not and will not do anything to stop our minor children from viewing pornography on the internet. I personally could not and would not want to be responsible for allowing our minors to view such trash.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI am writing to you concerning the pornography that is available to minors on the San Antonio Library Internet. Since it is illegal for minors to purchase pornography at stores, I believe it should be restricted from their access at the public library. We have certain restrictions in what is allowed in billboard, magazine, and television advertisements. Our tax-payer funded library should have the same.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXAdult Accessing PornographyI am writing you in reference to a recent visit to the McCreless Library on 8-6-97. At the time of my visit, I needed to use the reference computer to locate a book for my college class, as I passed the terminal that houses Internet capabilities at a glance I noticed that the man of approximate age of 55 was viewing pornographic material. I am writing you to inform you, as a paying customer of your library system living in Wilson county I purchase my library privileges, I do not advocate the availability of this type of material. It's one thing to consider the censorship of the written word but a person has to make a decision to read such material. In no way, did I consent to that material and I was exposed to it. I am very grateful that on this rare occasion I did not have my 13-year old son with me.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI cannot believe that YOU would allow youngsters access to internet pornography! That is APPALLING! As a Christian, an Concerned American citizen, I think this needs to be addressed and stopped! One does not feel safe sending one's child to the library anymore!! Absolutely disgraceful!
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI object to my taxpayer money being used by the San Antonio library system to make pornography available to minors.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI object to the availability of pornography to minors on the internet at our city's libraries.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI think I have a good compromise to the "porn on the internet" problem. As a librarian myself (at a research library in town), I understand the need to provide information. However, as a parent, I object to my children having unlimited access to pornography. Even my teenage daughter couldn't believe that the library ( a place of learning) would provide her with something that is illegal for her to purchase.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXChild Accessing PornographyI think usage of Internet-ready computers should be monitored. Many times I have waited an unnecessary amount of time to perform research on the web, only because there are teenagers (high-school age & younger) downloading pornographic web pages or homeless people ( I know because they have the same clothes on everyday & smell BADLY) spending their days in chat rooms, engaging in silly social conversations! The library has become a day-care center.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI want you to know how I feel about pornography being freely available in my public libraries through unrestricted Internet access. Freely available to anyone of any age. Typically, the younger people are the more computer literate and are more likely to find all there is to find on the Internet. These are the same people who are the most vulnerable to pornography's damaging effects. Just as I never want our libraries to ever have Penthouse or Hustler available in the stacks, I don't want pornography available on the library's computer terminals.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI was shocked to hear yesterday that our libraries are allowing teens to access pornographic material on the internet. In the past, I have always thought of the library as a wonderful place for our young people to go and read and see the wealth of wonderful books available. I could hardly believe that the library would allow teens to access such filth on their computers.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI would like to address the issue of pornography on the Internet which is being made available to the children of our community at the local library. I vehemently oppose my tax dollars being used to make pornography available to anyone much less the impressionable youth of San Antonio. It is my hope that you as mayor of this city will do all in your power to put a stop to this practice as soon as possible. I would also like you to make your position known on this issue so that I may better determine whether or not to vote for you in future elections.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentI, as a Christian, am disturbed at the thought that you would have nothing to say about letting children access Pornography on the Internet in libraries. Studies show that cities with strip clubs and porno shops have a higher rate of rape and sexual assault. Please do something for our, and your children, and the people (mostly woman) of your city.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentIt has been brought to my attention that the local library is now allowing access to the internet to the local teens and children in the area. I am appalled that this would be allowed. On the internet are many sites which contain crude pornography. Please, please reconsider allowing the children access to such sites. The world is disintegrating as it is. Do you want to say you played a part in that by turning your back on this?
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentIt has come to my attention that your public library system allegedly allows children to access pornography on the Internet. I cannot believe that this is true, but, if it is, I want to express my objection to such a policy. I know that I am not a resident of San Antonio, but pornography adversely affects all communities. We all pay a high price and its effects can be felt nationwide. Please look into this matter. I thank you for your time in reading this e-mail.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentIt is my understanding that children have access to pornography through the Library Internet provision in the San Antonio library. I want to register my objection as a Christian, a parent, and a United States citizen. I am sure you can exercise your influence to halt this condition, and appeal to you to do so.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentJust a quick note to let you know that my family and I do not feel that pornography has a place in a public library.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentJust a short note to let you know that I strongly disagree with the city library and city counsel to let public viewing of pornography in our library system.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentJust wanted to let you know that I do know how to "program my VCR" and I also have a library card and have used the computers at the library! Why is it that you and Ms. Garcia feel that those who oppose children having access to pornography on the internet in the library must be uneducated and computer illiterate? I also [gasp!] am a registered nurse and own a home computer! Regardless, I still feel that it is wrong for children [who cannot go into an X-rated video store or to the corner 7-11 to rent or purchase porn legally] to punch a few buttons on the computer at the library in our city and see things they shouldn't! Many parents are not aware that this pornography is available to their children at the library. It seems by your comments in your column that you and Ms. Garcia feel that parents are not intellectual enough to decide what is best for their children.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentMr. Mayor PLEASE do not allow our children to watch pornography on the internet at the library. You are their only hope of stopping an addiction that could last a lifetime God Bless you and may he cause you to grow in great power.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXAdult Exposing Children to PornograMy 16 year old daughter was using the computer for school research and a man at the next computer was watching pornographic pictures and how to purchase obscene sex toys. I am appalled that the library would give people access to this type of program. This programming should be blocked so others aren't exposed to this filth.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentPlease, be responsible enough to story the permission of smut at our San Antonio Public Library. I have children, but will never permit them in a library without an adult. This is sad!!!
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentPlease, please do not allow my children or anyone else's children to have access to pornography on the internet. I want to go on record as being completely against this scourge in society, which pornography is! I feel you should use the software available to block pornography.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentThe fact that there is software out there to block the pornography, then why don't we utilize it? Since when do children need to have pornography in order to do their school work and other projects?
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentThe internet is not a constitutional right. I use it daily for resource, for business, for entertainment. However, I have restricted my family from being able to access porn sites. If I can do that for my family, so can you and should you for underage minors. If I opened up my home for the neighborhood kids to come and find pornographic sites on my computer, then I would be arrested for the contributing to the delinquency of minors. I would not be hailed as a First Amendment protectionist, and I have news, nor are you seen in that light either.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentThe San Antonio library system is permitting children, any age, to access pornography on the internet at the libraries. Our Mayor Howard Peak seems to be silent on this and we, (Christians) need help. PLEASE, send a brief email to Mayor Howard Peak at ( and let him know, as a Christian, you are appalled!!!!!
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentThere must be limits set for public access on the internet, especially when involving the use by children. To say a minor can not buy cigarettes or tobacco products. Then allow them to see and read playboy, penthouse, hustler or other publications. Just does not make sense. There must be some control to keep faith with parents who trust the public officials to show sound judgement in looking out for their children.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXChild Accessing PornographyThere was a time when the Public Library was a place that commanded respect, if not a sense of reverent awe. After all, it housed the vast treasury of human knowledge, the combined works of the best and the brightest of our species. It was, in a sense, sacred. Sure, it also contained books that were mediocre, and even some downright duds. But the Library, by and large, has traditionally been a place for lofty endeavors like learning, exploration, and personal enrichment. The building up of culture and civilization. Imagine the blow to my (apparently archaic) sensibilities when, upon a recent visit to the downtown Central Library, a still new edifice in our city which should merit the wonder and respect of all great libraries. I discovered that many of our "lost generation" of youth are whiling away their time in these great Corridors of Knowledge, but specifically, in the dark corners of obscenity-infested, quasi-illiterate Internet "chat rooms," which are accessible on the Library's public computer ter
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentWe are writing to you to express our utter disbelief that you, as an adult, cannot protect our children from harmful, sexually explicit information on the internet at the San Antonio Public Library.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentWith all due respect, please do something about the pornography being easily accessed by kids in Public Libraries. I as a Christian, am very appalled by the whole thing. There has to be some kind of block, or STRICT supervision, but I know that won't be enough.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXComplaint / No IncidentYep, you are under the gun politically, but take the hit and pull the plug on pornography at the library. If it is allowed (and I do not endorse it), make sure it is limited to those of legal age. If my child went to the library and was permitted to watch that stuff, and came home and began to act out any of what was seen, I would bring a law-suit of a sizeable amount to get your attention. Perhaps this is what is needed. If you do not have the courage to do the right thing, the best next approach is for someone to bring an action against the city and make them pay for the destruction of our children.
San Antonio Public LibrarySan AntonioTXChild Accessing PornographyYou need to monitor patron's usage of Net access computers! I'm tired of teenagers spending four hours in chat rooms or downloading pornographic pages while I need to research something.



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