
Sunday, June 4, 2023

ALA Admits School Books May Be Legally Removed From Schools Under Pico

The American Library Association [ALA] admits—to themselves and not for public release, but I'm going to link it here anyway—that school books may be legally removed from school libraries under the Board of Education v. Pico case.  This is remarkable since:
  1. ALA claims books may never be removed from schools when they know that's wrong, and
  2. ALA created Unite Against Book Bans as a direct response to so many parents getting "Gender Queer" removed from public schools using that same Pico case.
  3. This proves they know their claims are fake, Unite Against Book Bans is a bullying campaign, and efforts to suppress librarians from leaking the document such as with statements like, "Due to the charged nature of this topic, we ask that you refrain from capturing and sharing photos, videos, or other identifying information from this session in order to ensure the well being of our speakers and attendees," and "Please do not share or republish without permission" show they intend to continue to propagandize the public and state legislatures about "Books Under Fire."  It's children under fire, by school librarians, but ALA is going to call it books under fire.
The specific statement proving ALA knows Pico allows school to remove certain books immediately is this: "School boards have greater discretion over school library materials; if the board can demonstrate that the materials are 'educationally unsuitable,' or 'pervasively vulgar,' the removal may be upheld by the courts."  This is EXACTLY what I have been reporting here on SafeLibraries:

Kleinman, Dan. “Details on Stopping Indoctrination in Schools and Libraries: Guide for Parents and Legislators on Obscenity, Drag Queen Story Hour, 1619 Project, Etc.” SafeLibraries® (blog), January 28, 2023.

ALA provided this information at the April 2023 Texas Library Association [TXLA] conference.  The first page says:
Thank you for joining us for Books Under Fire: Intellectual Freedom in an Era of Censorship. 
Due to the charged nature of this topic, we ask that you refrain from capturing and sharing photos, videos, or other identifying information from this session in order to ensure the well being of our speakers and attendees.
ALA doesn't want parents and legislators to see this, so naturally SafeLibraries is highlighting it and linking to it.  They don't want Texas legislators nor parents to see them admitting books may be legally removed from public schools since that opposes their efforts to get as many kids as possible to read books Pico would have removed, including by opposing legislation such as HB 900.  Isn't that interesting?  

By the way, ALA asks this precisely to prevent me personally from exposing what they are training librarians.  My having published such information in the past about ALA has been very damaging to its credibility—it even convinced someone to sue me for defamation, twice, in federal court!  She and ALA lost.  Any librarians have any notes or recordings from this meeting?  Send to me, please.

Here is the document revealing ALA knows Pico allows book removals from schools (from a link found here): 
There is so much more enlightening about that document, but spelling out the above and making the document easy to obtain without using FOIA/TPIA is good enough for now.


And on top of the above, the ALA creator of Banned Books Weeks said if a book doesn't fit a school's selection policy, and I quote, "get it out of there."  Now certainly Judith Krug isn't a censor, right?  See:

Kleinman, Dan. “Marking 25 Years of Banned Books Week: An Interview with Judith Krug.” SafeLibraries® (blog), September 23, 2011.

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