
Friday, December 15, 2023

Tennessee Walking Horses - TN Parents Astroturfed by ALA Use High Stepping Lies to Overwhelm Rutherford County Library Board; It's an ALA Pattern Nationwide

American Library Association [ALA] creates, funds, fund raises for, and advertises local groups to appear as if they were grassroots.  This is called astroturfing as in fake grass.  In reality, local groups just do what ALA wants.  

In Tennessee, like Tennessee Walking Horses, parents are trained to high step ALA's lie that children have a First Amendment right to anything whatsoever, such as books that guide children how to meet a man for a night using the Grindr app.  They explicitly rely on ALA's "Library Bill of Rights" that makes it age discrimination to keep anything from children, although in all other areas of society children are given limited access, like tattoos, voting, drinking, driving, video games, music, etc.  Then, as trained by ALA such as with Unite Against Book Bans, they claim people oppose homosexuality, not that children are receiving CSAM from public libraries. 

So, in Tennessee, there's the "Rutherford County Library Alliance."  It is an ALA astroturfed organization.  Here's where the astroturfing is documented, and when reading EveryLibrary (and its Fight For the First), know that's just a crypto ALA organization created by and working closely with ALA to do what ALA cannot do directly.  See: Rutherford County Library Alliance.  One of its members, for example, is "TM,"—notice how membership is hidden.  TM is Tasslyn Magnusson, pictured below.  She has her "Book Censorship Database by Dr. Tasslyn Magnusson" prominently displayed at EveryLibrary, with her name even in the URL itself:

So it's astroturfed.  Faked grass roots.  Created by ALA.  With one of its own members as a member of a local astroturfed organization, someone who helped create the web site, "Support Teachers CRT Toolkit."  

Is this person's views even known?  Do they represent the local community in Tennessee?  ALA features her in a blog post.  Look what she says, because she's targeting parents groups who oppose the indoctrination of school children by librarians and teachers and decries "censorship":

Tasslyn Magnusson is an educator and a member of children’s literacy organizations who has worked to create the website CRT Toolkit to support educators, parents, and community members who are concerned about misrepresentations and attempts at unjust censorship. 

She said that when googling Critical Race Theory, she found “fear-based ‘toolkits’ for parents to get active at their school boards and in their kids’ classrooms created by organizations with names like Heritage Action for America and Citizens for Renewing America.  And they were very much NOT trying to support educators and books and stories that represented all of American history and diverse stories.  I was astonished by the instructions and detail these toolkits gave to parents—and appalled by the disinformation throughout the kits.”

“I decided if I needed tools—other parents and community members might need them too.”

She's got tools, alright.  And she's turned them against local communities by appearing AS A MEMBER of that local community.  She doesn't like "Heritage Action for America" nor "Citizens for Renewing America," but she's okay with being a member of "Rutherford County Library Alliance."  She's no Tennessee Walking Horse, she's an ALA stalking horse.

As I go on, know this: many "parents" groups around the nation pressuring libraries to keep children exposed to inappropriate material are actually astroturfed creations of ALA, the very out-of-state organization exposing children to harm.  It's an ALA pattern nationwide.  Is your library getting a lot of out-of-towners pressuring your library board into what the community supposedly opposes?  Good chance it's an ALA astroturf mob.  Sort of like when school librarian Martha Hickson handed out trademarked logos of ALA in a New Jersey school board meeting, but I digress. 

Supporter Angela Frederick, an area representative for the Tennessee Association of School Librarians [TASL], writes on Facebook in support of the astroturfed parent group to get them to get out huge numbers, and the books she's talking about that the library removed are "Gender Queer," "Flamer," (detailed above in a post by Asra Nomani to give an example of what a school librarian is defending and how it and books like it are promoted by any means necessary, including as a substitute Bible for being sworn in on a school board—it also illustrates how political activists like someone from Media Matters for America will get on boards simply to promote political agendas, similar to what ALA astroturfed groups are doing to pressure boards) "Let’s Talk About It," and "This Book is Gay," books that promote kink and pedophilia:

TN Public Library Supporters:

I am writing today to let you know of a situation currently affecting the Rutherford County Library System. 

Several books were removed from the collection by the RCLS Library Board back in August.  The steering committee of the Rutherford County Commission met in November and stated that the library board had sought their help in ensuring that the library staff didn't purchase any other objectionable materials using taxpayer funds.  The steering committee directed the library board to come up with a plan to prevent these purchases, and stated that if such a plan was not acceptable to them, they would pull county funding from RCLS. 

Currently Rutherford County funds 60% of RCLS's budget, so no county funding will essentially close the libraries.  This would obviously be a travesty for the residents of Rutherford County. 

If you are a resident of Rutherford County, please contact the steering committee and let them know how a defunded public library would affect our community.  You can copy and paste these addresses to contact them directly:  (,,,,,,  

Another way to help is to attend the next meetings of both the library board and the steering committee.  The library board will have a specially called meeting on Monday, December 18th at 5:00 p.m. at the Rutherford County Courthouse.  The next steering committee meeting is on Monday, January 8th at 5:30 p.m. at the Historic County Courthouse Commission Chamber.  We need all the attention we can get on these two meetings. 

Helpful links:
Interview with Rutherford County Library Alliance members:

Thank you,
Angela Frederick
TASL Member
[Ed: TASL Area Representative, Buffalo River Region, term ends 2024]
Angela Frederick

See that?  "The steering committee directed the library board to come up with a plan to prevent these purchases, and stated that if such a plan was not acceptable to them, they would pull county funding from RCLS."  That's a double standard, meaning a lie.  Librarians brag about pulling funding from libraries in states that adopt the "Right to Read Act" that explicitly makes ALA's "Library Bill of Rights" into state law without any discussion of its radical 60s roots.  They are gleeful about that.  See: "To Fight So-called Book Bans, Some States are Threatening to Withhold Funding," All Things Considered, NPR, 14 December 2023.

But here a library is going to pull funding if the librarians keep buying CSAM, and suddenly this ALA astroturf group led by a CRT Toolkit creator from out-of-state is crying about a denial of rights.  Double standard.  

The whole astroturf published on Facebook was about "defunding" the library because CSAM was removed and they feign fear more will be removed.  They want people to write to the board.  They want people to attend the meetings.  "We need all the attention we can get on these two meetings."  

But it's not locals who want this.  It's ALA!  ALA is using an astroturf group they created, funded, and gave publicity!  

So if Tennessee wants to see Tennessee Walking Horses putting on a show after being trained by ALA with direction to make excuses for CSAM by claiming children have a First Amendment right to that, then go watch the circus in action.  Do go, to support the board against the ALA's astroturfed group.  But the board should stay on course and serve common sense, community standards, and the law, and not some Marxist-led group of librarians from Chicago, Illinois, who created a local group to pressure and bully the board.  

So now the board knows the truth.  Now we know Rutherford County Library Alliance is a stalking horse for American Library Association, being used to obtain a temporary advantage so that out-of-state ALA can target what it really wants: children in Murfreesboro, TN.

And this kind of circus set up by ALA is happening in community after community, set up by ALA.  Everyone, not just Tennessee, should learn about and ignore/defeat the ALA astroturfed acolytes.

I'll be sending this to the email addresses I learned from the astroturfers.

By the way, here's ALA targeting children, because if a board allows an ALA astroturf group to pressure it, it might as well see what ALA wants—children:

URL of this page: 

Join World Library Association:

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