
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Anticapitalism is the 'Big Idea' of American Library Association Conference PLA2024

Anticapitalism is the "big idea" of American Library Association [ALA] conference called PLA2024 by its Public Library Association [PLA].  Have your governments just funded your librarians to attend ALA conferences, to be members of ALA or its PLA?  Then you just funded a political effort to destroy your country and your way of life.

At the PLA 2024 Conference April 3-5, 2024, in Columbus, Ohio, on the main page for the conference, are two "featured speakers" Dr. Bettina Love and Mary Annaïse Heglar, both being "Big Ideas Speakers."

"The Big Ideas Series has become a crowd favorite of PLA Conference attendees. Similar to 'TED Talks,' Big Ideas kicks off your day with an inspiring speaker sure to challenge your mind and spark your creativity."  

So how might these speakers at an ALA conference you're paying your librarians to attend have their minds challenged and their creativity sparked?  With anticapitalism, of course.  Can we see yet another reason why ALA must be defunded and why ALA conferences are just about indoctrination?

Let's look at the inspiring big ideas of Dr. Bettina Love that are supposed to challenge the minds of public librarians, at least as reflecting on X at @BLoveSoulPower:

Bettina Love:  "Just just can't understand how we don't have an once of humanity for people trying to live in a pandemic. F*ck capitalism and greed."  [Perfect example, by the way, of how you create the problem, blame capitalism, then provide the solution: anticapitalism.]

Bettina Love:  "These facts say it all!!! Capitalism = death for Black and Brown people. We got receipts for this."

Bettina Love:  "Fix it, White Jesus. These folx sitting up there laughing as this man spins capitalism into Christianity. I see why #KanyeWestSundayService was there. #lies"

Bettina Love:  "The way capitalism traps people into thinking they will be rich one day, so they empathize with billionaires and not their neighbors is too much for me. #TaxTheRich #Taxing". [Kind of gives a little insight into why the Democrats seek to tax the right and are running on raising taxes.  Yet look what happens to "neighbors" from the unbridled crime rates and the open borders.]

Now let's look at the big ideas to spark creativity from Mary Annaïse Heglar per her X @MaryHeglar:

Mary Annaïse Heglar:  "A big part of the problem with so many climate 'solutions' is that their authors don't understand that capitalism is a CAUSE of the climate crisis, not a SOLUTION to it."

Mary Annaïse Heglar:  "i want pancakes, but i don't have time to make them. f*ck capitalism."

Mary Annaïse Heglar:  "it is truly wild how capitalism will see a problem and be like 'I know! Let's do the same thing we've been doing—just MORE of it!'"

Mary Annaïse Heglar:  "If you can identify money as one of the biggest impediments to climate action, how do you NOT identify dismantling capitalism as a solution?"

Mary Annaïse Heglar:  "I'd say there's no capitalism as we know it without 'white supremacy' not so much 'whiteness'"

So the "Big Ideas" for public librarians to learn on the public's dime are anticapitalism, with a side helping of racism and hate.  This is what librarians are learning as Big Ideas to kick off their day at an ALA conference with an inspiring speaker sure to challenge their minds and spark their creativity.  Then they come back to the local communities and implement the anticapitalism and racism and hate they just learned.  All taxpayer funded.  All of it.  Memberships, conferences, travel, meals, incidentals, all of it.

Here are comments from others on this topic:

Time for more states to defund ALA and stop sending librarians to be indoctrinated.  Yes?  Use the hashtag #PLA2024 so the librarians there can see what you are saying about this.

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