
Sunday, May 5, 2024

NH HB1311 Students' Freedom to Read Act

Regarding HB1311 on 5/7/2024, I have an illuminating document from a University of Houston professor who explains how for almost 60 years American Library Association has been working to take power away from parents and school boards precisely to expose school children to inappropriate material.  It's linked below and you'll hear it from no one else.

You see, you have a piece of legislation that came up this year, and you have to decide it this year, all based on some guidance from David Paige who remains part of the American Library Association from Chicago, Illinois.  That guidance, like that 1311 "safeguards the rights of parents" when the exact opposite is true, is crafted to be misleading about the legislation and is based on 60 years of people trying to accomplish what 1311 would accomplish.  They don't have the power to force this law themselves so they work to mislead state and federal legislators into voting for it.  People with 60 years of experience are misleading people with six months of experience into passing a law that meets the aspirational creed of a private Chicago organization that works for the exact opposite of what's best for the education of school children, those in New Hampshire included.

This article linked below provides the balance you need to see clearly what is really going on.  It catches you up on 60 years of political activism from activists in Chicago seeking to obtain control of school libraries nationwide.  Indeed, ALA is working to get these same laws passed in states nationwide and has already fooled Illinois and Maryland into passing such laws.  Will New Hampshire be next?  Only you can stop it.  I strongly urge you all to read this before​ voting on whether to set The Chicago Way into the law of New Hampshire, because then you'll vote against HB 1311, your eyes having been opened:

Thank you.  Feel free to contact me (phone, text, Signal, Telegram, same number, 973-610-8296).  And I may be sending a second email regarding HB 1311.

Above was sent via email to:;;;;;

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