
Monday, January 27, 2025

US Government Exposes 'Book Ban' Hoax; What Parents and School Boards Can Do Next

The United States Department of Education has found the "banned books" claim by the American Library Association [ALA] from Chicago, IL, is a "hoax."


It has ended the charade, dropping multiple actions against parents.  The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has:
  1. "dismissed 11 complaints related to so-called 'book bans.'  The complaints alleged that local school districts' removal of age-inappropriate, s[]xually explicit, or obscene materials from their school libraries created a hostile environment for students"
  2. pointing out this is, "a meritless claim premised upon a dubious legal theory."
  3. "Effective Jan. 24, 2025, OCR has rescinded all department guidance issued under the theory that a school district’s removal of age-inappropriate books from its libraries may violate civil rights laws."
  4. "OCR is also dismissing six additional pending allegations of book banning"
  5. "and [OCR] will no longer employ a 'book ban coordinator' to investigate local school districts and parents working to protect students from obscene content."
We learn from this:
  1. Claims of book bans from ALA are and have been a hoax 
    1. (just as I have been reporting here for decades)
  2. Claims of book bans are "meritless" and "premised upon a dubious legal theory" 
    1. (one that ALA made up as part of its approximately 60 year efforts to remove parental rights to better indoctrinate children in schools, powered by taxpayer resources and ALA-trained school librarians:
  3. Claims of book bans are such a hoax that the federal government has dropped eleven complaints about removal of inappropriate materials from school libraries.
  4. Claims of book bans are such a hoax that policy was rescinded where the policy claims hoax book bans violated civil rights laws.
  5. Removing inappropriate books from school libraries doesn't violate civil rights laws.
    1. (Pervasively vulgar and educationally unsuitable books may be removed from school libraries, and removed immediately, without the ALA claim that a review committee is needed, the book must stay on the shelves until the process has ended, etc., all made up requirements from Chicago's ALA that made up these rules in the first place.  So if an inappropriate book is in your school library or a classroom library, it may be removed immediately under the law, namely, the Pico case.  Further, all those trans and gender ideology books are educationally unsuitable, so they may be removed en masse immediately.  That's right, anything educationally unsuitable may be removed immediately.  And when librarians cry foul, remind them they have been working for decades to create an imbalance of books where the trans ideology now vastly outnumbers the books they have slowly weeded out, like Shakespeare and other dead white guys, as ALA puts it.)
  6. Six allegations of book banning are being dropped because book banning claims are a hoax.
  7. A "book banning coordinator" is being fired because book banning in schools is a hoax.
Based on this, what does that mean, what can parents and school boards do next:
  1. All existing Freedom to Read Acts, Libraries For All Acts, Right to Read Acts currently in existence that ALA has promoted, which is all of them, are instantly suspect as they have been based on a book ban hoax.  They should be repealed or legally defeated.  It's law based on a hoax and written by the ALA that perpetrated the hoax in the first place.  It's law that directly harms children.
  2. All legislation seeking to create Freedom to Read Acts, Libraries For All Acts, Right to Read Acts are based on the book ban hoax, so they should be dropped or otherwise disposed.  "The elimination of federal oversight in these matters shifts the responsibility of determining which books are available in school libraries entirely to local school boards, districts, and parents.  For proponents of the change, this represents a victory for parental rights and local governance.  It allows communities to shape their educational environments based on shared values and priorities without federal intervention." ( True.  And the ALA's Freedom to Read Acts, Libraries For All Acts, Right to Read Acts are intentionally designed to take those rights away and leave them in the hands of ALA itself via local ALA organizations, like state associations of school librarians.
  3. All school librarians promoting opposition to book bans are promoting a hoax and using public funding to do so.  They should be required to stop promoting the hoax.  If they refuse, or if they claim to comply but keep using fugitive pedagogy to keep teaching the hoax, they should be fired and their licenses to teach anywhere revoked.  Sounds harsh but do it to a few and the rest will get the message that the law controls, not Chicago's ALA community organizers.
  4. Parents may now assume, instead of that librarians are experts who must know what they are doing so we should defer to them, that school librarians have been hoaxing them for a long time and that providing school children with explicit material is not right, and parents have the right and the power to force school boards to comply with the law instead of with Chicago's ALA.
  5. ALA has reacted to US DOE's action by labeling US DOE, Trump and his voters as arbitrary, cruel, homophobic, racist, dictatorial, and thinking they are above the law, all while wasting tax payer money to defend "book bans."  Well, US DOE just removed the tax payer waste excuse regarding a situation ALA forced in the first place with its banned books hoax.  And the public now sees ALA's defense is the naked statement "Banned Books Are Real" while attacking people as racist and homophobic, showing they have absolutely no legitimate argument that the banned books hoax they created isn't a hoax.  ALA is just going to keep on attacking people.  Full disclosure, ALA has gotten me involved in five defamation suits to silence me or other parents, and I'm in three now concurrently.  All over the book ban hoax.
  6. Parents can stop being intimidated by school librarians crying about nonexistent book bans.
  7. School superintendents can stop being intimidated by school librarians crying about book bans.
  8. School board members can stop being intimidated by school librarians crying about book bans.
  9. School board members can rewrite school policies to remove any references to Chicago ALA's Library Bill of Rights and other diktat.  For example, get rid of the Library Bill of Rights that makes it age discrimination to keep kids from inappropriate material in direct violation of Board of Education v. Pico, allow inappropriate books to be removed immediately in accordance with Board of Education v. Pico, get rid of book review committees that are from ALA and not in the Pico case, and get rid of policies that require books be reviewed only by review sources librarians claim are legitimate.  In reality, that's a significant way ALA librarians force libraries to heavily balance in favor of gender ideology.  Meanwhile, librarians viciously attack wholesome material as inappropriate for public schools: "Moms For Liberty Published Their First Book; And the America First and America Best Group Used a Russian Illustrator For It," by Kelly Jensen, Well Sourced by Kelly Jensen, 25 January 2025.  And recall ALA trained librarians to block Christians from public library meeting rooms, like Kirk Cameron and Brave Books (, while at the same time "sneakily" pushing drag queen gender ideology into public libraries ( 
  10. Currently lawsuits against parents based on the book banning hoax, including those in which I'm involved, will possibly benefit from the federal government exposing the Chicago ALA's hoax.  ALA and its partners like PEN America have ongoing lawsuits in AL, FL, LA, NH, NJ, TX, WY, etc.  The federal government has already dumped 11 cases and 6 investigations.  We all shall see what happens to the current lawsuits ALA instigated.
  11. When you read what the hoax perpetrators themselves say in response to the US Department of Education's action on the book ban hoaxes, notice the response is always to attack the messenger:

Now, everyone, stop being intimidated by librarians, even if they are in Hollywood documentaries about hoax book bans by Sarah Jessica Parker from which librarians are grifting (  Even if they are saying you have to have empathy, like librarian Martha Hickson says when donating $25 to PEN America, as shown above, since empathy is weaponized against you.  Stop your legislators from passing laws written by Chicago's ALA.  Start demanding your school boards dump the policies written by the hoaxers.  Your children being free from indoctrination and s[]xualization is more important than the feelings or even the jobs of school librarians.

ALA's house of cards is about to fall.  Let it.

By the way, here's where I proved it was ALA that infiltrated the White House with the banned books hoax:

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