
Thursday, July 13, 2023

Montana State Library Dumps American Library Association; Time to Follow Suit

Montana State Library Commission dumped its membership in the American Library Association in a most astonishing way that should become an example for many others:

We immediately withdraw from the ALA and discontinue any further payments except for existing contracts to it or its subsidiaries.  The body of the letter to the ALA is as follows:

Dear Executive Board and Officers,

The purpose of this letter is to announce the MSL immediate separation from the ALA.  Our oath of office and resulting duty to the Constitution forbids association with an organization led by a Marxist.


MSL Commission “Montana State Library Commission Meeting Event Details - 11 July 2023.” Accessed July 13, 2023.

Stapp, Jennie, State Librarian. “American Library Association Membership Public Comment,” July 10, 2023.

2023, July 11: Montana State Library Commission Meeting, 2023.

Girten, Nicole. “Montana State Library Commission Votes to Withdraw from National Association.” Daily Montanan (blog), July 12, 2023.

Sakarriasen, Alex, Montana Free Press. “Montana State Library Withdraws From National Association; The Commission Framed the Decision as a Way to Remove Montana’s Libraries from the ‘Vanguard of the Culture Wars.’” Flathead Beacon, July 12, 2023.

This is a seismic shift in library world.  The Marxist leader in question reacted by lashing out (and censoring who can respond, as shown), "That is not the Montana—or Montanans—I know."

Hat tip: @BasedLibrarian:

The claim is made they will lose out on valuable services.  No, indoctrination is not a valuable service, even if couched in fancy words like "shared goals" and "critical training."  Here's Montana Library Association, an ALA mini me, doubling down on the devotion to Marxism, only using words that look innocent but that mean the opposite to Marxists, like "The Montana Library Association invites the public ... to support their local libraries as pillars of education, inclusivity, and community building":

Montana Library Association, Inc., and Kirk Vriesman. “MLA Statement in Response to Montana State Library Commission Decision to Withdraw from ALA.” Montana Library Association, July 11, 2023.

The librarians brought this on themselves:

What needs to happen next is for more state library commissions (and libraries generally) to drop ALA membership as well.  And that's exactly what people are saying:

I wrote previous that "People are Turning Against American Library Association," and this Montana case is just the latest example.  Time to make it happen in your own states.  

I'm creating a new library association to help accelerate the process of dumping ALA, so please follow along.  Looks like I'm off to a good start, cheers from child safety advocates and jeers from groombrarians:

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