
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

People are Turning Against American Library Association

People are turning against the American Library Association.  People have had enough.  The tide is finally turning.  Here are articles about this, followed by some very pointed, popular tweets.

Note:  A new library association is coming to replace ALA.  These are perfect examples why.

Girten, Nicole. “Library Commissioners Concerned About National Association’s New ‘Marxist Lesbian’ President; State Commission to Consider Leaving American Library Association in Upcoming Meeting.” Daily Montanan (blog), June 23, 2023.

The Montana State Library Commission will consider withdrawing from the American Library Association later this summer after a state commissioner raised concerns — splashed in right-wing media outlets — the president-elect is a "self-proclaimed Marxist."

Gallardo, Jonathan. “Campbell County Library Board Passes New Collection Development Policy.” Wyoming Tribune Eagle, June 14, 2023.

The policy strikes out all references to the American Library Association.  This includes the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom to Read Statement, both of which are from the ALA.  In September, the library board voted to have no connection to the ALA, which has been accused by some residents of pushing a liberal agenda.

McFarland, Clair. “After ‘Sexualization’ Controversy, Gillette Public Library Cuts Ties with American Library Association.” Cowboy State Daily, October 27, 2022.

After more than a year of controversies over sexually graphic library books in Gillette, the Campbell County Public Library board has voted to cut ties with the American Library Association.   
The move also cuts funding and affiliation with the Wyoming Library Association, which is a chapter member of the ALA.  




  1. Traditional librarianship values critical thinking, political neutrality, and information literacy. I've followed your activism for nearly two decades, Mr. Kleinman, and, all due respect, when presented with alternate points of view or, god forbid, challenges to your conclusions, your reactions range from patronizing and dismissive to conspiratorially hostile. If this new anti-woke library association to be named later is going to have any chance of success, please select a leader who is capable of navigating conflict without accusing any- and everyone who disagrees with them of being an ALA mole.

    1. Okay! The new library association will be a serious effort to provide positive services, and I intend it to grow over time into an eventual replacement for ALA. It will not be another platform for me to report on ALA activities, and it will not be an "anti-woke" library association. I'll keep all my "patronizing and dismissive to conspiratorially hostile" writing limited to my current platforms.

      Frankly, I want it to be so good and so useful that even you will join it. Your feedback will always be welcome.

      While I'm writing, I also want it to benefit librarians. Under ALA guidance, many librarians work in a s3xually hostile work environment and know not to complain. They are told if they don't like it they can quit their jobs. That's going to change with the new library association policy. Librarians will be subject to far fewer incidents of s3xual harassment. Once this takes hold, almost all librarians will want this. And ALA will have to adapt and improve its own policies or it will shrivel away.

      I see a few librarians are already mocking me for my efforts. This is the first step they always take to keep the status quo, and the status quo is librarians working in hostile work environments and all the other problems ALA represents. But more librarians are already reaching out to me to help build the new library association. And library employees. And library trustees. And library directors. And state politicians. So there's a chance the new library association will become one favored by everyone, a bright and positive alternative to ALA.

      The Montana State Library Commission just voted 5-1-1 to end all affiliation with ALA. A public library in Gillette, Wyoming, has removed all affiliation with ALA. So people are already moving away from ALA. The questions is can I build the new library association fast enough? It will help if the new library association starts getting major donors so web sites and more can be built faster, better.


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