
Monday, September 4, 2023

Libraries to Become Sites of Socialist Organizing, Hopefully Accelerating Exodus from American Library Association

American Library Association has revealed that its driving purpose is converting libraries into sites of socialist organizing.  This news, from the mouth of ALA President Emily Drabinski at the Socialism Conference 2023, was investigated and reported by Dr. Karlyn Borysenko.  Her report contains the activation energy needed to accelerate the reaction of libraries and librarians in jettisoning membership in ALA, a reaction that has already started.  

Why fund any part of an organization actively working to subvert America by turning her libraries into sites for socialist agitation—taxpayer funded, no less?  

Here are the reports on the matter so far:

Borysenko, Karlyn. “Exclusive Recording: American Library Association President Emily Drabinski Says ‘Libraries Need to a Site of Socialist Organizing’; Undercover at the Socialism 2023 Conference.” Substack newsletter. Actively Unwoke (blog), September 4, 2023.

Charles, Jeff. “American Library Association President Says Libraries Should Be ‘Sites of Socialist Organizing.’” RedState, September 4, 2023.

Linebarger, Cullen. “Video: Lesbian Marxist American Library Association President Brags About Subverting ‘Normal Family Types’ and Makes Anti-White Statements.” The Gateway Pundit, September 4, 2023.

Socialism 2023. “Socialism 2023: Freedom To Learn: Black and Asian American Solidarity Against Attacks on Antiracist Education,” September 2, 2023.

A little history.  On 6 April 2023, Socialism Conference @SocialismConf announced Emily Drabinski would be a "featured speaker[] at Socialism 2023."  On 10 April 2023, Janice Danforth @DanforthJb alerted several others to this, including myself (@SexHarassed). That same day, quote tweeting Janice, I said, "Can any #moms #dads attend this and record for publication what this Marxist is saying and doing?"  

Then on 29-30 April 2023, I and Xi Van Fleet (@XVanFleet) tweeted how Emily's affiliation had been changed from ALA to CUNY, a university where she works.  As Xi put it: "Drabinski cowardly changed her ALA affiliation to CUNY.  Her updated title of Critical Pedagogy Librarian tells us she is a follower of the Brazilian Communist educator Paulo Freire.  Drabinski is the one leading our libraries in their effort to racialize, sexualize, & Marxianize our children!!!"  And of course Xi was right.

On 4 September 2023, Dr. Borysenko, already planning to attend and report on the Socialism Conference and now aware of Emily Drabinski's presence, reporting how Emily, at a conference attended by actual terrorists, introduced herself merely as "a librarian," then asked the people there to join her in the Marxification of school and public libraries:

I think your point that public education needs to be a site of socialist organizing, I think libraries really do too. 
I haven't seen that, working in libraries, but I think there’s a real opportunity here to both connect with what’s happening in public education, what’s happening in libraries, but also we need some help with libraries. 
We need to be on the agenda of socialist organizing.

It cannot be any clearer.  If anyone was looking for a sign to drop membership in ALA, there it is—ALA's President asking terrorists, including "dangerous terrorist Angela Davis," and other Marxists at Socialism Conference 2023 for "help with libraries.  We need to be on the agenda of socialist organizing."  

ALA is coordinating with terrorists/Marxists, it's coordinating to overrun local control, no local government wants libraries to become sites for socialist agitation.  Why pay ALA another penny?

The time to drop ALA membership is now.  Do it.  Don't fund it another day.

Remember, World Library Association has been created, and we are ramping up to help everyone replace ALA.  Visit


Political leaders who already jettisoned ALA are seeing the Borysenko report and urging other states to get out now:

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