
Saturday, September 16, 2023

Notice and Demand: Withdraw NH State Library and NH Library Association Membership from ALA

Below in full is a form letter New Hampshire people can sign to demand the New Hampshire State Library [@nhsl] and New Hampshire Library Association withdraw from the American Library Association [@ALALibrary].  Source for the form for those interested:
I note some of the basis for the contents of this form can be sourced to the new World Library Association [@WLibraryA].  I am happy WLA is starting to make a difference.  Send the URL of this page or the form itself above to all your friends and families in New Hampshire.

Notice and Demand

Withdraw NH State Library and NH Library Association Membership from ALA

Legal Notice and Warning

Sarah L. Stewart, Commissioner
NH Department of Natural & Cultural Resources

Representative Mike Drago

From the people of New Hampshire and the following New Hampshire House Representatives:
Representative Arlene Quaratiello [@ArleneQforNHRep]
Representative Jake Brouillard
Representative Karen Reid
Representative Kristine Perez
Representative Riché Colcombe


Notice to agent is Notice to Principal and Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent  

I,  , one of the people, as seen in New Hampshire Constitution Bill of Rights Article 1, Sui Juris, am serving Sarah L. Stewart, Commissioner of the NH Department of Cultural and Natural Resources, and Mike Drago, a member of the NH Legislature, with due notice; so that you, as agents of the people, may provide due care and remember your oath which binds you.
New Hampshire Constitution Part 2 Article 84. [Oath of Civil Officers.] Any person chosen governor, councilor, senator, or representative, military or civil officer, (town officers excepted) accepting the trust, shall, before he proceeds to execute the duties of his office, make and subscribe the following declaration, viz.

I, A.B. do solemnly swear, that I will bear faith and true allegiance to the United States of America and the state of New Hampshire, and will support the constitution thereof. So help me God.

Maxim of Law 84c. Punishment is due if the words of an oath be false. Black's, 840.

New Hampshire Constitution Part 1 Article 8. [Accountability of Magistrates and Officers; Public’s Right to Know.] All power residing originally in, and being derived from, the people, all the magistrates and officers of government are their substitutes and agents, and at all times accountable to them.

Maxim of Law 4d. An agent is a person authorized by another to act on his account and under his control. Wasilowski v. Park Bridge Corp., 156 F.2d 612, 614.

Take notice that the diffusion of knowledge and literature in the public realm is an expressly delegated authority in the trust indenture contract called the New Hampshire Constitution. The expressed end of the diffusion of knowledge is to promote the preservation of free government. The historical usage/customs analysis from the time of the adoption of the constitution is clear regarding what is permissible use of taxpayer funds for the encouragement of literature. Where the constitution expresses a duty, it must be strictly adhered to. No interpretation is allowed. Furthermore, only the authority that is expressed is in fact granted; no further grant is permitted; and any other authority taken other than what is expressly granted is an unlawful trespass.
Maxim of Law: That which is granted or reserved in a certain specified form must be taken as it is granted, and will not be permitted to be made the subject of any adjustment or compensation on the part of the grantee. Ex. parte Miller, 2 Hill (NY) 423; Bacon, Max. 26, reg. 4.
Maxim of Law 43b. The expression of one thing is the exclusion of another. Co. Litt. 210a; Broom, Max. 3d ed. 596; Pearson v. Lord, 6 Mass. 81, 84.
New Hampshire Constitution Part 2 Article 83. [Encouragement of Literature, etc.; Control of Corporations, Monopolies, etc.] Knowledge and learning, generally diffused through a community, being essential to the preservation of a free government; and spreading the opportunities and advantages of education through the various parts of the country, being highly conducive to promote this end; it shall be the duty of the legislators and magistrates, in all future periods of this government, to cherish the interest of literature and the sciences, and all seminaries and public schools, to encourage private and public institutions, rewards, and immunities for the promotion of agriculture, arts, sciences, commerce, trades, manufactures, and natural history of the country; to countenance and inculcate the principles of humanity and general benevolence, public and private charity, industry and economy, honesty and punctuality, sincerity, sobriety, and all social affections, and generous sentiments, among the people: Provided, nevertheless, that no money raised by taxation shall ever be granted or applied for the use of the schools of institutions of any religious sect or denomination.
Take notice that the legal form of law must be followed. The People of New Hampshire granted you powers to protect their rights, property, and liberty interests. Not following form of law, which is expressly written in the trust indenture known as the constitution, directly harms the people. Harming the people by depriving inherent rights is an irreparable injury. As a servant and trustee of the people, failure to perform will not stand.
Maxim of Law 46b. Legal form is essential form. 10 Coke, 100.

"CONSTITUTION. In American law. The written instrument agreed upon by the people of the Union or of a particular state, as the absolute rule of action and decision for all departments and officers of the government in respect to all the points covered by it, which must control until it shall be changed by the authority which established it, and in opposition to which any act or ordinance of any such department or officer is null and void." 
Cooley, Const. Lim. 3. Black’s. 4th ed.

Take notice that you are hereby made aware that Marxist ideology is being perpetrated by ALA president Emily Drabinski, a self-described Marxist, and member of the Democratic Socialists of America, to force Marxist ideologies on communities across the state against the will of the people.

Take notice that Ms. Drabinski has promised to “advance a public agenda that puts organizing for justice at the center of library work.” In a 2013 publication titled Queering the Catalog: Queer Theory and the Politics of Correction she supported the idea of forcing librarians to become politically engaged. She further stated at the 2023 Socialism conference in Chicago, "Public education needs to be a site of socialist organizing. I think libraries really do too. ...Classroom libraries, but also school libraries of all kinds." She concluded that "We need to be on the agenda of socialist organizing."
Take notice that Marxist ideology is contrary to the liberty interests of the People and the form of government you swore to protect. By allowing Marxist ideology to be knowingly brought into public libraries, you are in violation of your expressly delegated duties and the fundamental principles of law in New Hampshire.
Take notice that the law precludes a decision on any matter to be made on the grounds of cultural zeitgeist; it is of no consequence if some people or persons in our society promulgate the idea that Marxism is acceptable, regardless of their reasoning. In the words and actions of ALA president Emily Drabinski, she and the ALA are actively promoting Marxist ideology by organizing ALA member librarians and trustees against the wishes of the communities they claim to serve. Again, the expressed purpose of public education and funding for public libraries is to promote the preservation of a free government. The law is clear.
Maxim of Law 39y. Principles prove, they are not proved. 3 Coke, 40. Fundamental principles require no proof; or, in Lord Coke's words, "they ought to be approved, because they cannot be proved." 3 Coke, 50a.

Take notice that we do not live in a democracy where a majority, or even a vocal minority, has any right to subvert the law or control the rights of others. Rather, we live in a constitutional republic where the rule of law is written; and all lawful laws must be obeyed. In a constitutional republic, our form of government is found in the strict guidelines laid out in the grants of powers; and antecedent to all governments, our individual rights are guaranteed and not to be questioned. It is therefore against the trust reposed in government to promote any ideologies that collective privileges or grievances are somehow of higher authority than individual rights given to us by God. Since the foundation of the law of the land is clear on the matter, it is maladministration for any public servant to permit the promotion of any form of Marxist or Socialist ideology that is contrary to our republican form of government.

Kentucky Constitution Bill of Rights Section 2: Absolute and arbitrary power over the lives, liberty and property of freemen exists nowhere in a republic, not even in the largest majority.

Maxim of Law 51a. The government cannot load a citizen with imposition against his will or consent. 2 Coke, 61.

Maxim of Law 51b. The government is to be subject to the law, for the law makes the government. C.L.M.

Maxim of Law 51c. Obedience makes government, not the name by which it is called. C.L.M.

Take notice that the New Hampshire Library Association (NHLA) is a member of the American Library Association (ALA). The ALA is promoting the diffusion of inappropriate material in public libraries across New Hampshire as well as other states. Recently, Montana and Texas have taken the lead in standing for the rights of the People by cutting ties with the ALA because of the ALA's stance on using libraries as places to gather collective power and sew public discourse.

Take notice that as a servant or trustee, you contracted with the people. The common law is the law of the land. The People have a guaranteed right to redress any harm against them. The People have in personam jurisdiction over their servants and trustees at all times. It is the duty and responsibility of the People to teach you the law and keep you safe and from making errors. You have been notified, and this will now stand as evidence in any court of record.

Maxim of Law 92aa. The deprivation of any rights may be punished. Cummings v. Missouri, 4 Wall. (71 U.S.) 277, 320.

New Hampshire Constitution Part 1 Article 7. [State Sovereignty.] The people of this State have the sole and exclusive right of governing themselves as a free, sovereign, and independent State; and do, and forever hereafter shall, exercise and enjoy every power, jurisdiction, and right, pertaining thereto, which is not, or may not hereafter be, by them expressly delegated to the United States of America in Congress assembled.

Take notice that I, one of the People, for the reasons stated above, order Sarah L. Stewart, Commissioner of the Department of Cultural and Natural Resources, to immediately withdraw the New Hampshire State Library and the New Hampshire Library Association membership(s) from the American Library Association; and for House Representative Mike Drago to ensure that my order is carried out. In the event that Commissioner Stewart does not comply within three (3) business days of receiving this notice, I further instruct said Representative to form an investigatory committee and begin impeachment proceedings, by the authority vested in them in NH Constitution Part 2 Articles 17 and 38.

Maxim of Law 52b. When anything is granted to another, that also is granted without which the thing granted would be of no effect, or cannot exist. 11 Coke, 52; Shep. Touch. 89; Hob. 234; 3 Kent, Comm. 421; Ienk. Cent. 32 case 63; Co. Litt. 56a; People v. Hicks, 15 Barb. (N.Y.) 153, 160.

Maxim of Law: When anything is commanded, everything by which it can be accomplished is also commanded. 5 Coke, 116.

Maxim of Law: One lawfully commanding must be obeyed. Jenk. Cent. 120.

Maxim of Law: Obedience is the essence of the law. 11 Coke, 100.

Take notice that the People have found at times that servants and trustees are getting false information from private associations called (BAR Assoc). These entities are not government nor are they public. They did not contract with the People. If you take harmful advice against your Oath and the Trust Indentures known as the Constitutions, they cannot protect you from maladministration. Maladministration is the jurisdiction of the People, the highest authority. You contracted with the People.

Maxim of Law 24k. The contract makes the law. Black’s, 2d. 704; Bouv. 135; Allen v. Merch. Bank of N.Y., 22 Wend. (N.Y.) 215, 233.

Maxim of Law 57a. Ignorance of those things which one is bound to know excuses not. Hale, P.C. 42; Broom Max. 267; 4 bl. Comm. 27.

Maxim of Law 24j. Private contacts (or agreements) cannot derogate from public law or right. Dig. 50,17,144,1.
Maxim of Law 5h. There is no doubt that the rights of others cannot be prejudiced by private agreements. Dig. 2, 15, 3, pr.; Broom, Max. 623.
Take notice that as a servant of the People, you are also protected by the People's authority as you perform the good works and grants of power specifically laid out in the expressed public trust indenture known as the Constitution. All statutes are to be in pursuance of the Constitution, and we the People are aware of more corrections to be made. Let this Notice be your shield and armor to carry out your sworn duty without delay.

Please take final notice. As Trustees and Servants of the People, you must adhere to the New Hampshire Constitution, as all provisions are strictly mandatory. As Trustees and Servants of the People, if you believe these statements to be untrue, or if you believe that you have the authority to disregard the form of law and trample the inherent rights of the People by refusing to follow the demands in this notice, you must respond by affidavit, point by point sworn under the penalty of perjury showing where you derive authority to disobey these demands.
If you fail to show clear grants of constitutional authority, then your actions are a trespass against the People with full knowledge, intent, and malice. The People can and ought to be redressed of their grievances for their individual rights being trespassed. Any man or woman who decides to suppress this notice agrees to pay ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per infraction, and any disputes by any public officials or private actors who are bound by contract to the New Hampshire Constitution agree to have these matters heard before an Arbitrator of my choice to be bound thereby. All responses must be submitted by affidavit, point by point, sworn under penalty of perjury within seven (7) days of receiving this notice, or you agree, by acquiescence, that all statements in this notice are true and fact. Further, you agree that you are acting with full intent, knowledge, and malice by trespassing against the People and that no court shall be able to rehear this matter, but it shall stand as evidence, truth, and law in all courts of record.

Maxim of Law: It has been said, with much truth, "Where the law ends, tyranny begins." Merritt v. Welsh, 14 Otto (104 U.S.) 694, 702.
This notice is sent to you in peace and with the love of Christ so that you may provide due care to those who have all political power, the People.

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Join World Library Association:


  1. "Notice to principal is notice to agent"? Black's Law Dictionary citations? A fee schedule?!? Are you finally going full sovcit on us, Dan?.

    1. I merely republished that. I'm about to republish something else, only from librarians.

    2. OK, so you didn't write it. That doesn't change the fact that it's full of psuedolegal goobledegook, and as a former attorney you should avoid giving it even a hint of legitimacy.

    3. Whatever you think is not an interest of mine. I think your goal here is to troll or to smear, like your "sovcit" comment. Since I'm not certain, I'm leaving your comments up. And meanwhile, other states have dropped out of ALA, and the Executive Director of American Library Association has immediately resigned, no explanation given, right during Banned Books Week. You think what you like, I'll keep reporting based on reliable sources, namely, ALA or the librarians themselves.


Comments of a personal nature, trolling, and linkspam may be removed.