- "21,460 Attend Library Conference Featuring Workshops On Drag Queens And Queering Elementary Schools; At the American Library Association's Annual Conference, the Nation's Librarians Learned How to Circumvent Community Objections to Events Like Drag Queen Story Hour and Other Outrageous, Taxpayer-purchased Materials," by Joy Pullmann, The Federalist, 10 July 2019.
The spy revealed gender insanity and other things. Gender ideology harms children. For example:
- "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate," by Michelle A. Cretella, M.D. (president of the American College of Pediatricians), Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Vol 21 Num 2, Summer 2016, Pages 50-54: "A review of the current literature suggests that this protocol is rooted in an unscientific gender ideology, lacks an evidence base, and violates the long-standing ethical principle of 'First do no harm.'"
Who will be the first to sue the ALA for misleading communities into violating the law, for harming children and communities?
Here is the story in full with the information from the spy, thanks to Joy Pullmann, followed by another revealing story that cites Joy Pullmann:
21,460 Attend Library Conference Featuring Workshops On Drag Queens And Queering Elementary Schools
At the American Library Association's annual conference, the nation's librarians learned how to circumvent community objections to events like Drag Queen Story Hour and other outrageous, taxpayer-purchased materials.
by Joy Pullmann
The Federalist
July 10, 2019
July 10, 2019
The world’s largest library association’s annual conference this year featured more than 100 workshops with an “equity, diversity, and inclusion” theme, according to the American Library Association’s conference catalog. That included workshops with these titles (some shortened): “Creating Queer-Inclusive Elementary School Library Programming,” “Developing an Online Face for a Lesbian Pulp Fiction Collection,” and “Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries: Drag Queen Storytimes in Libraries.”
The ALA annual conference’s workshop selections also included “A Child’s Room to Choose: Encouraging Gender Identity and Expression in School and Public Libraries,” and “Are You Going to Tell My Parents?: The Minor’s Right to Privacy in the Library.” Politically charged talks and workshops like these formed at least one-third of the conference offerings, according to the ALA’s own description and a review of the conference catalog.
The titles and descriptions of the conference’s approximately 300 workshops and talks are not available online. They were only published in a conference app and paper catalog reserved to in-person attendees, many of whose attendance was underwritten by taxpayers through local library budgets. According to the ALA, 21,460 people attended 2019’s annual conference this June, approximately 4,000 more than last year.
The attendee who gave me her conference catalog and mobile app access has told me of internal conflict between her public library employment and Christian faith due to the saturation of this kind of bias in the interconnected library and book publishing worlds. More examples of this extreme bias permeated social media under the conference hashtag, including for some reason having librarians weigh in on U.S. border security and make plans for removing the category “illegal aliens” from their collection catalogs. The conference of course featured bisexual bathroom facilities.
Look--#ALAcouncil can be agile and timely! @7shores's resolution on library services for children in detention centers, denouncing existence/conditions of centers and calling upon libraries provide outreach & services to centers and migrant families, passes unanimously #alaac19— Megan Hodge (@mlhodge) June 25, 2019
Follow-up to SAC II meeting on "Illegal aliens" #LCSH: a working group has been formed to investigate & report on ways that individual libraries can change this heading in their catalogs. @dnjoudrey @aboutness & I et al. will be part of this group. Want to volunteer?? #ALAac19— Violet Fox 🦊 (@violetbfox) June 24, 2019
Fight bias in Machine learning/AI by reading nonhomogeneous authors. Meredith Broussard #alaac19 pic.twitter.com/RBZQM7nqAW— Rebecca Olson (@ROlsonMLS) June 23, 2019
Just watched a guy figure out his very first gender neutral bathroom. Walked in, walked out looking confused, saw the sign, read it, shrugged, walked back in. <3 #alaac19— Andromeda Yelton (@ThatAndromeda) June 22, 2019
An Obsession on Dividing People Based on Skin Color
A large portion of the “equity, diversion, and inclusion” workshops focused on race. One subdivision of these was for participants in ALA’s Spectrum Leadership Institute, which grants a $5,000 scholarship and $1,500 stipend to attend the ALA conference. White people need not apply. See the application criteria:A Saturday morning workshop entitled “Talking with Kids about Race: A ‘how to’ workshop” discussed, according to its conference description, “individual and systemic racism, intersectionality, and white fragility, as well as participant-guided topics to give attendees concrete tools and the confidence to address these issues with young people in the communities they serve.”
The slideshow that accompanied the workshop and was available on the conference app told participants that the United States is “a country built on white supremacy. White supremacy is the operating system in the US.” It also states, “If you are white, the strategies we are sharing today push against white fragility and racism. Pay attention to your reactions and be aware of your body right now. You might be uncomfortable. That’s OK.”
The handout for a Friday workshop on “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” (DEI) tells participants “Leaders on DEI efforts can always expect pushback on those efforts… pushback happens because effective DEI efforts challenge the status quo, and it can feel threatening to many when we start to change ‘the way things always have been.’ Leaders on diversity, equity, and inclusion must expect and manage this pushback” (emphasis original).
Notice how this encourages librarians to resist feedback from patrons and taxpayers, placing public employees over American citizens and undermining classic American consensuses about public service and government’s proper subjection to the will of the people.
Grateful to have our reading list, Disrupting Whiteness in #Libraries and Librarianship, included in @AnaNdumu's recent #alaac19 presentation on Social Unrest, Democracy and Librarianship. It's a work in progress. Many thanks! https://t.co/GClhJC8ocF https://t.co/dmhiQvEwJC— The GWS Librarian (@GWSLibrarian) July 3, 2019
Celebrating Queer Sex with Public Resources, Even for Kids
The workshop titled “Telling Stories, Expanding Boundaries: Drag Queen Storytimes in Libraries” featured Michelle Tea, a lesbian who started drag queen events at a public library in San Francisco. It also featured a “drag queen storyteller” reading to the audience, according to the workshop description.The description in the conference app says: “The DGS [sic, for Drag Queen Storytime] program has been immensely popular with many audiences at libraries across the country, but it has also produced its share of resistance and controversy. The panel will discuss how DGS was developed and originally implemented, how librarians have been using it today, how institutions have dealt with specific successes and controversies, and how DGS relates to intellectual freedom.”
The workshop speakers included ALA’s Kristin Pekoll, the assistant director of the organization’s Office for Intellectual Freedom. Pekoll was active in several workshops dedicated to challenging local communities and patrons’ opinions about appropriate taxpayer-provided materials and events. Another included librarians discussing how they handled patron complaints about a Black Lives Matter display in the children’s department, a Banned Books Week display, and a librarian-provided LGBTQ reading list for teens. These patron objections were treated as attempts at “censorship.”
A visual from Pekoll’s office says one of the five main kinds of “censorship” is “requiring parental permission to access content.” On another panel she participated in, another public librarian who initiated a drag queen story time gave audience members advice about how to overcome community objections to such events, according to a writeup of the event in Library Journal.
Larson shared her library’s effort to create and promote Drag Queen Story Time. Within an hour of the event being featured in the library’s newsletter, complaints arrived via phone and emal [sic]. After the event was picked up by conversative [sic] news outlets, calls started coming in from across the United States. As a result, the library coordinated with local police for added security during the process.
When planning programs, Larson advised librarians to make sure that reference and circulation staff are supported; have a prepared statement about how a program supports the library’s values. Be clear in your goals and prepare stakeholders, such as a Board of Trustees. After the success of their first event, they hosted more without incident.The ALA also provides librarians “crisis communication plans” to shield themselves from altering events or materials they provide with public resources that generate a public backlash, such as the drag queen story hours. A third librarian who hosted drag queen story hours, this time in a Philadelphia-area public library, told the audience the ALA helped him resist community objections to the events.
The June 24 workshop on “Creating Queer-Inclusive Elementary School Library Programming” discussed “ways to dismantle barriers” to such programs, including “crafting arguments,” “reviewing legislation,” and “listing talking points.” The description makes it clear that the workshop is not about only selecting books on this topic but also creating “services and programs.” Please note: The title says elementary school. That’s children younger than 13.
One of the presenters for this workshop, Lucy Santos Green, is the incoming chairwoman for the Educators of School Librarians section of the American Association of School Librarians. Let that one sink in. Then juxtapose it with the description of the workshop about underage children’s “privacy rights” from their parents, which “explore[d] positive and proactive ways that libraries can protect minors’ privacy and confidentiality” and insisted children “have a right to privacy and confidentiality in what they read and view in the library.”
At still another ALA conference workshop, participants brainstormed a list of book recommendations featuring “non-trad families,” which included the titles “My Brother’s Husband” and “Pregnant Butch.”
Crowd-sourced book list creation with @melgillman during the @libcomix Friday Forum #libcomixala19 #libcomix #alaac19 pic.twitter.com/9CWsAvRgdI— Emily Drew (@Abracadabrarian) June 21, 2019
The outgoing ALA president tweeted pictures of herself sporting LGBT pride wear at the conference:
Happy Pride!🌈 Sharing pics from #alaac19 wear the Rainbow Friday & moments with @DebSica @andrewkpace @tadawes #pride🏳️🌈 #stonewall50 pic.twitter.com/ZsBSqR6zxB— loidagarciafebo (@loidagarciafebo) June 30, 2019
All these people, and this large organization that serves almost exclusively public institutions, clearly feel completely comfortable broadcasting their cheerful feelings about queer sex — and other extremely politicized and controversial subjects — in public. Have any of them ever stopped to think about how their decision to do so may contribute to some of the polarization, alienation, and anger Americans are experiencing towards each other currently?
Are all these supposedly well-read people completely ignorant of the fact that the majority of the world’s religions and religious adherents, which comprise the clear majority of the world today, plus the vast majority of cultures in world history, consider the kind of behavior they’re cheering depraved, damaging to children, self-harming, and socially destructive?
At least half of America does not agree with bisexual bathrooms or denying opportunities to white people based on their skin color. They are not on board with “queering” public elementary school libraries. How can we trust these librarians’ judgment and management of public resources after seeing this kind of bias, which is extreme to the point of open hostility against our deepest values?
ALA’s leaders and workshop approval committees don’t have to agree, of course. But could they at least, as the woke say, engage in a bit of perspective-taking? Or would they prefer to continue abusing the public trust placed in them and the public institutions they influence? What do they think will be the outcomes of that decision?
What a moment to meet Palaces for the People author @EricKlinenberg. He says: “Libraries stand for and exemplify something that needs defending: the public institutions that – even in an age of atomization and inequality – serve as bedrocks of civil society.” #ALAAC19 #LOCatALA pic.twitter.com/zmVHlBdqt5— Carla Hayden (@LibnOfCongress) June 22, 2019
Joy Pullmann (@JoyPullmann) is executive editor of The Federalist, mother of five children, and author of "The Education Invasion: How Common Core Fights Parents for Control of American Kids." She identifies as native American and gender natural. Her latest ebook is a list of more than 200 recommended classic books for children ages 3-7 and their parents.
Copyright © 2019 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.
NOTE: Within the above article reporting on self-arrogated free speech advocates planning to bypass community concerns to target children in violation of law and community standards, the following ALA censors block me, a whistleblower, on Twitter—including the ALA President and antisemite Loida Garcia Febo:
- Megan Hodge, @mlhodge, "ALA Councilor, NMRT past president, 2011 Emerging Leader. she/her/hers"
- Violet Fox 🦊, @violetbfox, "Classification schemer. Moving and shaking with the help of my friends. #critcat #AskACataloger (she/her)" "I am a reformer by nature but I don't think ALA is reformable at this point; the inertia & conservatism is too heavy. I'll still be working w/in ALA b/c that's where cataloging concerns live, but excited to support new organizations that strive to make librarianship more radical."
- Andromeda Yelton, @ThatAndromeda, "Superpositive wrecking ball of goodness. Like putting your finger in an electrical outlet in a good way. @ALA_LITA Past-President. Software dev @BKCHarvard."
- Loida Garcia Febo, @loidagarciafebo, "ALA President 2018-2019. Libraries pillars of public education. Communities. Reading, Wellness enthusiast. English/Spanish/Latina/Librarian • LoveAccents"
How can we trust these librarians’ judgment and management of public resources after seeing this kind of bias, which is extreme to the point of open hostility against our deepest values? https://t.co/Aqfg916oyR— Joy Pullmann (@JoyPullmann) July 10, 2019
See also:
tigerlily: When Did #Librarians Get Woke? https://t.co/1r4JIyqlHF— Ricochet (@Ricochet) July 13, 2019
"When Did Librarians Get Woke?"
by tigerlily
13 July 2019
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Local Librarian // Image credit shutterstock.com |
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Pride Month is celebrated at the Boston Public Library in June 2018 – Image credit Keith J Finks / Shutterstock.com |
I suppose I should’ve been surprised by Ms. Pullmann’s article, but I really wasn’t. It seems the ALA has been moving to the left for several decades now. I first became aware of this shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In the immediate aftermath of those attacks the Congress passed and President Bush signed into law what was called the Patriot Act, the purpose of which was to strengthen national security. Specifically, the ALA opposed Section 215 of that law, which provided for the collection of “business records,” as per this fact sheet prepared by a group in support of the law. To be fair, there were legitimate concerns regarding this provision of the law and the Congress eventually allowed Section 215 to expire in 2015. That said, the ALA’s reaction to the law was hysterical and went beyond criticism to willful disobedience of the law via purposeful destruction of records they thought pertinent to the law.
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The main reading room of the New York Public Library – Image credit Keith J Finks / shutterstock.com |
More recently the ALA has eagerly joined in on the current practice of expunging from polite society dead white people for some real or imagined transgression against one the pillars (sex and race) of today’s identity politics. In 1954, the ALA established the Laura Ingalls Wilder award – a lifetime achievement award for authors and illustrators of children’s literature – and named her as the first recipient for her “Little House” books. In 2018, the ALA renamed the award the Children’s Literature Legacy Award because her work does not comport with the ALA’s “…core values of inclusiveness, integrity, and respect” since her books “…reflect dated attitudes towards indigenous people and people of color.” In their announcement stripping Wilder of her honor, the ALA also made sure to congratulate themselves for not removing these horrible works from their library shelves. How generous of them.
With their appetite whetted by the Wilder award renaming, the ALA decided to take down a much bigger fish in the library world in 2019 – that of Melvil Dewey, the inventor of the Dewey Decimal system of library classification. And so at this year’s annual conference it was decided to strip Dewey’s name from the American Library Association’s top award – the Melvil Dewey Award- which is awarded annually to an individual who has demonstrated “creative leadership of a high order” in such fields as classification and cataloging, library management, and library training. It seems that Mr. Dewey had a bit of a #metoo problem. According to one biographer, Dewey “…was a serial hugger and kisser,” while another biographer stated that Dewey engaged in “unwelcome hugging, unwelcome touching, and unwelcome kissing” with women subordinates over a period of decades. Sounds a bit like Joe Biden, doesn’t it? He also has another problem in that he discriminated against Jews, Blacks, and others in a club he owned.
Whenever I hear or read of these situations of an organization taking a decidedly progressive turn, I am reminded of Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of Politics, the second of which is “Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.” It is remarkable how often this process comes to pass. It is almost as true and immutable as Newton’s Three Laws of Motion. I should note, at least in passing that authorship for this law seems to be in dispute. It is also regularly assigned to John O’Sullivan, a former editor of National Review. If anyone can clarify this conflict, please feel free to speak up.
I mentioned earlier my image of a typical librarian. The clip below from the 1940 movie The Philadelphia Story presents a somewhat exaggerated version my typical librarian.
Copyright 2019 Silent Cal Productions, LLC.
Excellent comment below I'm republishing here so it gets seen:
David Anderson
Mon Jul 15, 09:11:00 PM 2019
As readers here may know, in March of 2018, the Public Library Association (PLA) hosted its biennial national conference in the City of Brotherly Love – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – and among the programs offered was one entitled “Drag Queen Story Hour: Reading Fabulously”.
Shared with attendees for titles to read in setting up their own DQSH were those that “best support a program for young children exploring gender fluidity.”
First listed on the program handout touting the spread of “The Ever Growing Queendom” was Rachel Aimee, New York City DQSH chapter founder.
Speaking of spreading, those in the audience during the DQSH presentation of that March meeting of library enthusiasts – official representatives and staff - from across the country may or may not have known that Aimee co-founded in 2005, developed and was editor-in-chief of “$pread”, a sex-workers magazine.
“$pread” was “criticized by some branches of feminism that believe that sex work is inherently degrading.”
Aimee believes otherwise.
Aimee’s “$pread” website declares of her magazine staff, “Most of us are real sex workers. Among us are street workers, pro-dommes, escorts, strippers, nude models, porn workers and pretty much anything else you can think of.”
“The assumption that sex workers are too dumb to publish a magazine really pisses us off,” Aimee wrote.
When asked what was next for “$pread”, Aimee responded “We’re looking for sex workers to paint, mutilate, or otherwise decorate sex toys” for her then-upcoming show’s special exhibit entitled “One Sex Worker Nation Under Dildo.”
If your search engine is set to filter out adult content, then you may not know what ‘dildo’ means, nor the world Aimee envisioned.
Did the members of your library association where you live attend the Rachel Aimee, NYC Director of DQSH, sponsored event at the March 2018 Public Library Association conference in Philadelphia?
And, just as important, even as political districts vet their candidates, does your library district screen for character those who would stand before your children, your grandchildren, the children of your community?
Source quotes may be found in an article I wrote from which the excerpt above is taken: https://thesubtimes.com/2019/02/26/letter-drag-queen-story-house-not-what-you-may-think/
NOTE ADDED 16 July 2019:
The Hormone Health Crisis | with Endocrinologist William Malone, MD:
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