Tuesday, May 30, 2023

School Librarians: Martha Hickson Putting the Lie in Librarian

School librarians lie.  It's that simple.  Let's look at Martha Hickson's statements for which she was been awarded $13,000 by American Library Association, as explained in my previous post:

Kleinman, Dan. “School Board Hears About School Books and American Library Association’s Invidious Control.” SafeLibraries® (blog), May 28, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/05/school-board-hears-about-school-books.html.

I draw her statements from this NJ Spotlight News video, then analyze line by line to show the lies that lead directly to the s3xualization of school children:

Gagis, Joanna. “NJ School Librarian Receives National Award for Resisting Ban on LGBTQ Books; Lemony Snicket Prize Goes to Martha Hickson of North Hunterdon Regional High School.” NJ Spotlight News, August 12, 2022. https://www.njspotlightnews.org/video/nj-school-librarian-receives-national-award-for-resisting-ban-on-lgbtq-books/.

NJ Spotlight News Reporter Joanna Gagis - Martha, tell us about the books that some in your regional high school were trying to ban.

School Librarian Martha Hickson - I am a librarian at the North Hunterdon High School in Annandale, New Jersey, which is part of the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District.  Last September, there were objections to five books, and the common theme among all five books that were objected to was that they addressed LGBTQIA themes.

Reporter - Was there language in those books that parents or others found problematic?

School Librarian - Yes, there was.  They found the language problematic, but I would invite any of those parents to come to the cafeteria during any given lunchtime, and they would see that that's part of the average teenager's vernacular.

Reporter - And so how did you succeed in keeping those books on the shelf?  What was your platform?  What was your message?

School Librarian - It was a difficult process, but basically, the platform and the message is the First Amendment.  We, as citizens of the United States, have the right to read and think freely, and it was continuing to hammer that message home.  And just because you're a teenager doesn't mean that you are without those First Amendment rights.

Reporter - How problematic do you see what's happening around the country right now, where there are groups looking to ban books that they find to be problematic in libraries and schools?

School Librarian - It's a huge issue.  You know, banning books or objecting to books is certainly every parent's right for their own child.  Every parent has the right to dictate or work in partnership with their children to determine what their child would read, but that right stops at your own front door.  You cannot tell other parents, other children what they may or may not read.  What's amplifying this is that the books have become a tool in a larger social and political movement.  What's extremely frustrating to the library community is that lists of books that are being created by political organizations are being circulated around the country.  The books are being objected to without people even reading them, and the objections come in the forms of random passages that are taken completely out of context and read aloud at board meetings for the purpose of manufacturing outrage.

Reporter - The American Library Association awarded you The Lemony Snicket Prize for Noble Librarians Faced With Adversity.  What does that award mean to you?

School Librarian - I'm thankful that by receiving the award, the issue of the right to read is being raised to greater prominence, not only within the library community at large but the general public.  I'm also very humbled to receive it because as your questioning thus far has implied, I am by no means the only librarian to have experienced challenges, to have experienced personal attacks to reputation and integrity, and to have fought for the right to read.  There are hundreds of librarians going through this around the country, and I was very happy to accept that award on their behalf.

Reporter - Martha Hickson, thank you so much.

School Librarian - Oh, you're welcome.

School librarian Martha Hickson starts off truthfully: "I am a librarian at the North Hunterdon High School in Annandale, New Jersey, which is part of the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District."  So far so good.

The second sentence starts with the lies: "Last September, there were objections to five books, and the common theme among all five books that were objected to was that they addressed LGBTQIA themes.  True, then false.  True, five books were challenged for inappropriateness in a school environment.  

Then the jump off the cliff.  She attributes the challenge to homophobia, specifically claiming the parents opposed "LGBTQIA themes."  There are hundreds of books in school libraries with "LGBTQIA themes" but only five books were challenged?  Why not all of them?  The parents opposed the educational inappropriateness of the material in a school setting, not the "LGBTQIA themes."  Martha Hickson knows this, but no one's going to get in the way of her goal of s3xualizing as many school children as possible, hence the lies.

People know the LGBT excuse is just that, but school librarians act like they're in control.  Here's an example of someone else who knows school librarians think they are clever:

Kurpis, Jon. “School Librarians and the False Book Banning Narrative.” Substack newsletter. Jon Kurpis Official Substack (blog), May 26, 2023. https://kurpis.substack.com/p/school-librarians-and-the-false-book.

Heck, even library directors know this is a joke:

Kleinman, Dan. “The Banned Books Hustle.” SafeLibraries® (blog), September 17, 2022. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2022/09/the-banned-books-hustle.html.

Anyway, even the reporter doesn't immediately accept her claim of homophobia by the parents, so she pointedly asks whether the parents simply opposed the inappropriate language.  The school librarian only then admits to that, but goes on to say big deal, it's already what the kids talk about in the lunchroom anyway.  First, she made an assertion of homophobia that she tacitly withdraw once challenged by the reporter, and good on the reporter.  Second, she asserts that the children are foul mouthed at lunchtime.  So basically she defames the children.  I can promise you no way do school children at lunchtime speak in a manner that reflects the contents of the books she's defending and promoting to s3xualize the kids despite the law, community standards, and common sense.  So after defaming the parents and getting called out for doing so, she switches to defaming the children.  Wow.  Just wow.

The reporter then asks how the school librarian kept the book on the school shelves.  Her answer is, "the platform and the message is the First Amendment.  We, as citizens of the United States, have the right to read and think freely...."  "And just because you're a teenager doesn't mean that you are without those First Amendment rights."  That is spectacularly flat out false or wildly misleading.  School children do not have a First Amendment "right to read" absolutely anything in schools.  This was decided in 1982 by the US Supreme Court.  It's 2023.  Martha Hickson had forty one years to figure this out.  She already knows it.  But she's just going to plow ahead and keep pushing, or "hammer[ing] that message home," as she puts it.  Just one more way librarians put the lie in librarian.

And as to that vaunted "right to read," that was made up out of whole cloth by the American Library Association.  School children do not have a right to read anything a school librarian gives them:

Kleinman, Dan. “Librarians Attempt to Legislate 1960s Radical View That Age Is Not Morally Relevant.” SafeLibraries® (blog), April 10, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/04/librarians-attempt-to-legislate-1960s.html.

The reporter then asks a softball question and Martha hits it out of the park.  The reporter asks her about "book bans" across the country and who are the "groups looking to ban books."  Martha must have thought she's in media heaven.  "It's a huge issue."  No it's not.  Book banning is a nonexistent issue.  The last book ban in the USA was in 1963.  Schools removing educationally unsuitable or pervasively vulgar material from schools is not book banning.  The United States Supreme Court even made that clear in 1982.  For more on that, see this:

Volokh, Eugene. “Removal of Books With ‘Lascivious Content’ from School Libraries Likely Constitutionally Permissible.” Reason.Com (blog), August 9, 2022. https://reason.com/volokh/2022/08/09/removal-of-books-with-lascivious-content-from-school-libraries-likely-not-unconstitutional/.

The school librarian then says parents and only parents can keep inappropriate material from children and only their own children: "You know, banning books or objecting to books is certainly every parent's right for their own child.  Every parent has the right to dictate or work in partnership with their children to determine what their child would read, but that right stops at your own front door."  She's making an excuse for why school librarians s3xualize school kids to their hearts content.  So she's lying.  Parents elect school boards and expect them to make those very decisions of what's inappropriate for the school's library.  

That they don't and cede control to American Library Association is another story.  Indeed Martha's lies are part of the reason school boards pass off such decisions to the school librarians who happily make those very decisions, then sit on materials reconsideration boards to ensure parents rights are entirely subverted and the children continue to be s3xualized with books like "Gender Queer."

Martha goes on: "What's amplifying this is that the books have become a tool in a larger social and political movement."  Here Martha starts her diatribe that amounts to projection.  She claims there's a "larger social and political movement"—you know, the parents objecting to their children being s3xualized in school libraries—which is just projection.  In the link I gave above about the 1960s radical view about "age" inserted into the "Library Bill of Rights," it is the librarians who have pushed a "larger social and political movement" by s3xualizing school children, so much so that today the American Library Association has a Marxist President, Emily Drabinski, who brags about her Marxism and how she's bringing "collective power" to ALA:

That's followed by more projection: "What's extremely frustrating to the library community is that lists of books that are being created by political organizations are being circulated around the country."  It's American Library Association creating lists of books that are circulated around the county, and those lists emphasize educationally inappropriate and pervasively vulgar materials.  Indeed, American Library Association gives books like "Gender Queer" multiple awards, expressly for the purpose of popularizing them for further spread to even more kids.

American Library Association. “Gender Queer: A Memoir | Awards & Grants,” February 4, 2020. https://www.ala.org/awardsgrants/gender-queer-memoir.

American Library Association. “2020 Alex Awards | Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA),” January 25, 2021. https://www.ala.org/yalsa/2020-alex-awards.

"The books are being objected to without people even reading them, and the objections come in the forms of random passages that are taken completely out of context and read aloud at board meetings for the purpose of manufacturing outrage."  This statement is deceptively deceptive.  A liar's lie.  First, challenges made on books never read are almost always rejected and I advise everyone to read completely any book they wish to challenge.  So that's a fluff statement.

The deep deception comes from her next phrase, "objections come in the forms of random passages that are taken completely out of context and read aloud at board meetings for the purpose of manufacturing outrage."  Do you see the deception?  No, you don't.  That's how good this lie is.  When she says,"completely out of context," that's the lie.  See it yet?  No?  She is an excellent liar.

When she says, "completely out of context," she's talking about the 1973 US Supreme Court case that ruled obscenity is to be judged "as a whole" and not out of context.  That's a liar's lie.  Why?  Because that case holds no sway over school library cases.  None.  It's the 1982 case that controls and that allows for immediate removal of educationally unsuitable and pervasively vulgar material.  So "completely out of context" is irrelevant.  That 1973 case is irrelevant.  Her statement is deceptively deceptive.  It's a liar's lie.  You didn't even notice it, it was so good.  Read more about this in detail here:

Kleinman, Dan. “Details on Stopping Indoctrination in Schools and Libraries: Guide for Parents and Legislators on Obscenity, Drag Queen Story Hour, 1619 Project, Etc.” SafeLibraries® (blog), January 28, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/01/details-on-stopping-indoctrination.html.

Martha Hickson's lies are so good—and when she appeared in Roxbury the school board voted to keep "Gender Queer"—they remind me of the lyrics to the Billy Joel song called "Stiletto," and she travels from library to library giving advice on how to "hammer that message home":

Joel, Billy. “Stiletto.” Billy Joel Official Site, October 12, 1978. https://www.billyjoel.com/song/stiletto-3/.

And, "purpose of manufacturing outrage"?  Really?  Parents nationwide speaking out about the pervasively vulgar books and reading them and getting kicked out of school board meetings for doing so, all because American Library Association has complete control over school libraries, that's all for the "purpose of manufacturing outrage."  All these people at once decided to "manufacture outrage"?  What?  They aren't actually outraged?  It's just "manufactured"?  Wow.  The state governors speaking out about school books and the s3xualization of children, all just "manufactured"?  Again, school librarians put the lie in librarian.

The school librarian is then asked about the $10,000 award given her by the American Library Association.  For librarians, lying pays and to hell with the school children.  Martha doesn't skip a beat and goes right into the propaganda, here supporting the "Right to Read Act," that is intended to address "the issue of the right to read" educationally unsuitable and pervasively vulgar books in schools and to assist librarians who have "experienced personal attacks to reputation and integrity, and ... have fought for the right to read."  So Martha is right on message for the American Library Association's efforts to pass legislation nationwide to codify its "Library Bill of Rights."  No wonder Martha's winning multiple awards from ALA. 

By the way, speaking of "personal attacks to reputation and integrity," the school librarians bring that on themselves with actions like this peacock display from Roxana Caivano and her husband/attorney at a school board meeting in Roxbury, NJ:

Finally the interview ends and Martha says, "Oh, you're welcome," only the second sentence besides the first that doesn't comprise deception and lies.

School boards: You now know school librarian Martha Hickson is a deceptive liar, and all for the purpose of s3xualixing more school children.  Look, I met her.  She is very nice personally.  But what she is doing to communities and especially their children is very harmful.

Where do all of these lies lead?  To political action to solidify a school librarian's ability to s3xualize more children and to enshrine American Library Association's s3xualizing "Library Bill of Rights" into law, such as in New Jersey.  As you listen to these politicians, hear the echo of the lies Martha Hickson tells as they are essentially the same:

All these lies, from the school librarian, the politicians, and the media comes from a central source, namely, the American Library Association and its new effort called Unite Against Book Bans.  It created UABB in response to parents getting "Gender Queer" pulled from so many schools using that 1982 US Supreme Court case.  Read about it here, and listing the lies contained therein would take many more posts, so I'll quit for now, just know every single sentence is either false or deceptive, including the poll:

American Library Association. “Unite Against Book Bans.” Accessed May 30, 2023. https://uniteagainstbookbans.org/.

So the title of this piece is, "School Librarians: Martha Hickson Putting the Lie in Librarian."  I hope I adequately explained exactly what's going on and how and why she's putting the lie in librarian.  If not, I'll be writing more about Martha Hickson, this time exposing each and every step she trains school librarians to take to keep the educationally unsuitable and pervasively vulgar material flowing to children in schools.  Even if she's nice when you meet her.  

The above is my opinion, like all my posts.  But I provide reliable sources to back up my opinions so you can judge for yourselves.


Martha Hickson is such an expert at lying that she has been awarded by the New Jersey Library Association as the "Librarian of the Year"!  School librarians s3xualizing school child pays! @Sassy_Librarian!  So sassy!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

School Board Hears About School Books and American Library Association's Invidious Control

Below is the transcript of the extemporaneous speech I gave to the school board in Roxbury, NJ, on 23 May 2023.  It highlights American Library Association's [ALA] invidious control of local school policy—and the board/citizens/media are not even aware.  All school boards need to hear it.

I explain how ALA added the word "age" to its Library Bill of Rights based on input from a 1960s radical, thereby overriding local interests like in Roxbury, NJ, with Chicago, IL, interests.  The school board could, if it freed itself from the mind virus, remove educationally unsuitable and pervasively vulgar books immediately per Board of Education v. Pico, without any reconsideration committee, and without leaving the books on the shelves while the process drags on.

To top it off, I used a card handed out to me and others at that very meeting by ALA double-awarded school librarian Martha Hickson, pictured top right and below, as an exhibit during my speech.  I showed how the card evidences ALA interests are promoted, not local interests, without people even being aware "Free People Read Freely" is a registered trademark of ALA.  

ALA awarded Martha Hickson $3,000 for keeping school kids reading "Fun Home" then another $10,000 for keeping school kids reading "Gender Queer" and "Lawn Boy."  Martha Hickson getting $13,000 for helping to sexualize school loads of kids throughout New Jersey is akin to the author of a bill promoting child sex changes winning the "Children's Health Hero" award.  And here she is in Roxbury supporting school librarian Roxana Caivano in promoting to children the same educationally unsuitable books.  See my previous stories on Roxana and her defamation lawsuit against parents here and here then here.

She's basically paid by ALA to go to school board meetings to hand out cards to propagandize people with ALA's trademark "Promoting public awareness about rights under the First Amendment, and censorship with regard to books and reading materials; initiatives to support the rights under the First Amendment and to oppose censorship...."  Then school boards like in Roxbury think it's "censorship" to keep school kids from reading educationally unsuitable and pervasively vulgar material in schools.  

And media displays it prominently, pictured at right on NJ Spotlight News, but doesn't reveal its source and doesn't realize its more evidence of ALA control over school libraries that an ALA double-awarded librarian walks into Roxbury and hands out ALA trademarked material without anyone realizing the significance.  Not even the R in a circle ® was used to indicate it was a registered trademark.  It was super subtle but proves Chicago, IL, influence can walk right into a New Jersey board of education meeting and completely take over with no one noticing.

It's invidious—no one on the board nor the public nor the media even realized it—even when it walked in their doors and was handed out at that very meeting.  Right over their heads.  Then the Roxbury board voted to let the kids keep reading this material in school, despite law, despite community standards, despite common sense.  Those ALA awards and propaganda cards are really working well.  

ALA controls the books by giving them awards or adding them to lists, the selection policies, the reconsideration policies, the need to leave the books on the shelves during reconsideration, the "Library Bill of Rights" age discrimination claim that guides the school board, even the ALA propaganda handed out right at that very meeting—but somehow it's the moms and especially those Moms for Liberty who are the problem.  Oh yes, I filed an OPRA/FOIA request on the school to determine the extent of the intrusion of ALA control and never received a response.

Now here's the speech:

Speech to Roxbury Board of Education

Hello, I’m Dan Kleinman. I’m from Chatham, SafeLibraries.  I came here tonight to talk to you.  As a school board, you should know that this is a very important decision for you to make, but sometimes the decision that you make is somebody else’s decision and you don’t even realize it.  

One such case would be, for example, if you allow any book in school on the theory that it’s diverse and inclusive, when in fact, for example, they, the leader of the American Library Association says that they know, that librarians know books are sexually inappropriate for children but they are to be "reframed," that’s her word, as diversity and inclusion.  

So when you’re complaining about outside influence of groups like Moms for Liberty, the real outside influence comes from organizations like the American Library Association. [laughter from librarians, clapping from parents]

Here tonight I got a card that was handed to me by the very nice Martha Hickson.  She’s a school librarian who helps guide librarians around the state of New Jersey. [clapping from librarians]. And she was very nice.  I also met Tony Caivano, he was very nice too.  

And this card says, "Free People Read Freely."  Right?  Sounds great.  But what you don’t know is this is a registered trademark of the American Library Association.  This people are actually here promoting the interests of the American Library Association from Chicago, Illinois.  They’re not here promoting your interests or your students or your community.  It’s Chicago, Illinois that this is promoting.  This is their registered trademark.  

It was the American Library Association who added the word "age" into the Library Bill of Rights.  That word, "age," is why they’re here today, why we have these books, because it’s "age" discrimination to keep children from seeing anything, according to the American Library Association.

Well that got into the Library Bill of Rights fifty years ago from, um, uh, a 1960s radical named Edgar, uh, Friedenberg, I believe, and the American Library Association liked that idea and inserted it into the Library Bill of Rights.  Before that is was communities like yourselves and school boards and parents who made decisions about what goes on in, in schools and books.  They made the decisions.  You made the decisions.  

But for fifty years it’s the librarians who inserted that word from those 1960s radicals, "age," into the Library Bill of Rights.  They’re the ones who have now set up the, the whole "Freedom to Read."  Well, children don’t have a freedom to read inappropriate material in schools.  There’s no First Amendment right to this stuff.  Board of Education v. Pico 1982 US Supreme Court makes that clear.  

You have every right to remove materials from schools immediately and without that review committee that you talked about.  The case means … [clapping from parents] 

[times up]. Thank you. 

SafeLibraries Tweet About ALA Influence Out In the Open

So while at the meeting I tweeted about this out and open yet subtle ALA influence that no one noticed:

Roxana and Tony Caivano Spike the Ball; Media Shrugs

By the way, watch Roxana Caivano and her husband/attorney spiking the football in one of the most disgusting displays I have ever seen by a school librarian, especially in the context of inappropriate materials in her school library over which she is suing some of those parents—if this is a litigation tactic, it's a really bad one that may even run afoul of attorney ethics rules (RPC 1.3, 3.3(a), 4.2, 4.4(a), 8.4(c), 8.4(d)?)

And again media sides with the school librarian—it leaves out this atrocious behavior that itself is newsworthy:

Stay tuned.  I'll be writing more on Martha Hickson.  She was very nice and nice to me, by the way. Still, stay tuned.

Lastly, speaking of Moms for Liberty getting blamed for how school boards let ALA control how they operate to harm school children, watch this retired teacher expose a woke school board:


See also:

Kleinman, Dan. “School Librarians: Martha Hickson Putting the Lie in Librarian.” SafeLibraries® (blog), May 30, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/05/school-librarians-martha-hickson.html.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Biggest Mistake Ever: Codifying the Library Bill of Rights

The biggest mistake is codifying the American Library Association's so-called "Library Bill of Rights."  

As previously reported, the Library Bill of Rights incorporated Marxist ideology that it's "age" discrimination to keep children from educationally unsuitable and pervasively vulgar material in schools.  Now such materials have spread to schools nationwide via school librarians and only school librarians.  See:

Kleinman, Dan. “Librarians Attempt to Legislate 1960s Radical View That Age Is Not Morally Relevant.” SafeLibraries® (blog), April 10, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/04/librarians-attempt-to-legislate-1960s.html.

Even Librarians Agree Codifying the Library Bill of Rights is Wrong

The effort to codify the Library Bill of Rights is so wrong, so egregious that even progressive librarians are reluctantly forced to agree with me:

Babbitt, Jeffrey. “Why We Should Never Stop Materials Challenges, But Never Lose Them Either.” Sisyphus in the Stacks (blog), May 13, 2023. https://sisyphusinthestacks.wordpress.com/2023/05/13/why-we-should-never-stop-materials-challenges-but-never-lose-them-either/.
Even so, in the final analysis, I agree with Dan that challenges should not be completely forestalled and I find the legislating of a professional code like the Library Bill of Rights to be curious and unnecessary.  The permanent ban on challenges to library materials silences the voice of dissent in the library’s community.  It is a bully move by the ALA, it seems to me, and seeks to unbalance the scales in favor of a professional class deemed to know better what children need than parents do.

Finally Getting Media Attention

Well I'm happy to see this issue is finally getting some media attention.  Church Militant has just published a scathing report on ALA's efforts to codify the "Library Bill of Rights," picture top right, and I highly recommend reading the whole report:

Moyski, Martina. “Illinois Radical Dems Fundamentally Transforming Public Libraries; ‘The Biggest Mistake Ever.’” Church Militant, May 22, 2023. https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/illinois-set-to-push-porn-on-kids.

Here is the report in its entirety—because it is that good (hyperlinks in original):

Illinois Radical Dems Fundamentally Transforming Public Libraries; ‘The Biggest Mistake Ever’

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (ChurchMilitant.com) - Illinois is set to enshrine the corruption of children into law, thanks to its collusion with the Marxist-led American Library Association.

The proposed legislation, House Bill 2789, has passed both the House and the Senate and is now awaiting the signature of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker. Among an array of legal amendments and declarations, the bill requires that all public libraries must adopt the so-called Library Bill of Rights or be denied state funds.

Pritzker and the radical Democrats running the state frame the bill in glowing terms, spinning it as an anti-censorship measure to advance the so-called ideals of diversity, equity and inclusion.

"I look forward to signing HB2789 to fight back against book bans," the governor recently said. "Illinois children shouldn't be kept from learning about the realities of the world."

Illinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias, who also serves as state librarian, drafted the bill. The card-carrying member of the ALA referred to the passage of the bill as a "triumph for our democracy" as well as a "great victory for future generations to come."

Giannoulias, who has been assisted up the state's political ladder by Barack Obama, added, "Unfortunately, a scourge of censorship is polarizing and disrupting communities throughout our country; it has also threatened the safety of our amazingly dedicated librarians, the likes of which they have never seen before."

The Library Bill of Rights is a sort of ALA manifesto, declaring that seven basic policies should guide the services of public libraries and librarians. Adopted in 1939, the document is now being used to fundamentally transform the public library system, which is now under the leadership of Marxists.

Deborah DeGroff, a homeschooling mother and an authority on children's literature, has been puzzled by the increasing influence of the ALA's bill of rights.

The author of Between the Covers: What's Inside a Children's Book? told Church Militant, "I have questioned this for years. Who penned this list of rights? Which power gives them legitimacy?"

Critics of the Illinois bill and the ALA's bill of rights point to its dangers and deception.

Library watchdog Dan Kleinman has been scrutinizing the ALA's decades-long maneuvers to corrupt children.

In an article posted on his blog, SafeLibraries, Kleinman exposes article VII of the bill of rights as radical finagling of the ALA to establish age as a morally irrelevant issue.

Article VII states, "People, regardless of origin, age, background, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use."

Kleinman comments: 
A small group of librarians just decided to add the word "age" to their "Library Bill of Rights" that they had previously made up. They were enamored with the anything-goes-at-any-age views of a 1960s radical sociologist named Edgar Friedenberg who wanted equality of rights between adult and child library uses. So they added the word "age." You see, before then, everyone knew you don't allow children school library access to inappropriate material. We all know it now too, we just let the librarians bully us into thinking it's a First Amendment right when it isn't.
Kleinman, whose blog is dedicated to raising "public awareness of crime, sexual harassment in libraries, and inappropriate books and websites in schools due to American Library Association policy," sounded the alarm about the dangers of Illinois House Bill 2789. He told Church Militant:
Codifying the Library Bill of Rights into law is like embedding the Marxist viewpoint that children and adults should have the same sexual rights in order to pervert the children. [It] will be the biggest mistake ever when it comes to parents, and their children being sexualized in public schools. The Library Bill of Rights is a "camel's nose under the tent" situation for sexualizing children. It's because it basically says anything goes. ... If that becomes a law, it's going to be awful.
The firebrand also had a lot to say about ALA's leadership pushing sexually inappropriate material for children under the guise of promoting diversity, equity and inclusion:
They know this material is sexually inappropriate for children, but they are trained by the director of the [ALA's] Office for Intellectual Freedom [Deborah Caldwell-Stone] to "reframe" (that's her word) this material as diversity, equity and inclusion. So they know the material is inappropriate. ... And the law says that you cannot remove material because it contains diversity, equity and inclusion. That means you cannot remove any sexually inappropriate material whatsoever—that's the goal of the law. These people have been sexualizing kids for over 50 years.

One piece of so-called children's literature taking center stage in discussions in Illinois and elsewhere is Gender Queer. The book was given an Alex Award from the ALA in 2020 for its appeal to teens aged 12-18.

The sexually graphic, comic-book-style memoir includes depictions of sex acts and vulgar language, befitting Pritzker's plea for books "about the realities of the world." It is just one of the thousands of such books that Illinois libraries will have to keep on their shelves to receive state funds.

DeGroff points out that it's not just sexually inappropriate pieces that the Marxists are promulgating to corrupt children. The author points to Brave Girl: Clara and the Shirtwaist Makers' Strike of 1909, a book suggested for 4–9 year olds that teaches young children to be social justice warriors.

Another example DeGroff points to is I Look Up to Ruth Bader Ginsberg, which is intended for children ages 1 and up. A blurb for the board book on Amazon reads, "It's never too early to introduce your child to the people you admire! This board book distills Ruth Bader Ginsburg's excellent qualities into deliciously illustrated little baby-sized bites, with text designed to share and read aloud."

DeGroff asks, "Whether someone is a fan or not of the former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is not the issue. But why are we reading this to the youngest children?"

Once Gov. Pritzker signs the bill, HB2789 will take effect on Jan. 1, 2024. It will provide a template for other states to follow or resist.

URL of this page: 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Roxana's Rumble in Roxbury: Caiviano Calls for Censoring Parents

Roxana Caivano is whipping up a rumble in Roxbury.  She's a school librarian who promotes pervasively vulgar books in a high school in Succasunna, NJ.  I've written about her here:

Kleinman, Dan. “Roxbury High School Librarian Roxana Caivano and Gender Queer.” SafeLibraries® (blog), March 5, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/03/roxbury-high-school-librarian-roxana.html.

Kleinman, Dan. “School Librarian Sues Parents Over Explicit Books in School Library.” SafeLibraries® (blog), April 20, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/04/school-librarian-sues-parents.html.

Parents have spoken at school board meetings to ask officials to remove the educationally unsuitable material.  For this and for writing on my post, the librarian sued the parents for defamation.

In an apparent strategy to prove to the judge that she was right to violate common sense, community standards, and Board of Education v. Pico, Caivano has called for a rumble in the school board meeting occurring this Tuesday, urging her supporters to "silence" the parents.  She's calling for censorship of parents by bullying them and crowding them out from public meetings.

So in New Jersey we have a defamation lawsuit to silence parents, and now an explicit call for mass numbers of protesters to "silence" the parents by essentially shouting them down and blocking them out from participating in the next school board meeting.  This school librarian should be fired on this basis alone, let alone her activities to promote the s3xualization of children.

The Roxbury School Board is hereby being warned by me that a tsunami is heading its way, one completely created by Roxana Caivano and her supporters, and it's intended to silence parents seeking to have educationally unsuitable material removed from school libraries in accordance with law.  

If there's a speaker signup sheet, Roxana's rabble have been directed to show up early to grab those spots to crowd out the parents.  There must be two signup sheets, one for each side of the issue of the legal removal of educationally unsuitable material from school libraries.

Here is my first report of the evidence for Roxana's rumble in Roxbury:

Allow me to type here what is written in those graphics, bold emphasis added, including an explicit call by Caivano to "silence them" and to bring out "MORE of you" and to get them to "reach out" to others to bring in even more people to pressure the school board:

Good evening REA, please read the message below from our district Librarians.  To add to their message, I just saw today a post on the Roxbury Community Page asking for "concerned" parents to show up in support of this movement that has been started by a select few.  We need an equal if not MORE of you to show up in support so we can silence them.  Especially those of you who live in district, please also reach out to any parents or people in the community who would help.........

Some of you may know about the recent attempts to ban books at the High School.  These challenges began before the school year even started and continue today.  I know many of you have faced similar objections in your schools and classrooms, and it has to stop.  Our School Board meetings have become a place where hate and vitriol has been spewed over the past several months, and it’s time for that to come to an end.  

We are writing to ask you to attend the next Board meeting on Tuesday, May 23, at the High School, and stand up and speak up for the right to read.  Our students need free and unfettered access to all sorts of information.  Some we may like, and some we may not like, but it’s their right to choose for themselves. These kids need books that will help them navigate their lives.  They deserve to have books available to them that they can see themselves in.  And no one, no one at all, has the right to tell another child what they can and can’t read.  You want to tell your child they can’t do something?  That’s your right as a parent.  But don’t tell mine. 

We know it’s a tough and difficult decision to get up and speak at a Board meeting.  The people who oppose these books have had many people come and support them, while those who support free speech have been quiet.  We need to let the Board know that there is a large contingent of parents, staff, students, and community members who support the right to read.  So please, if you can, come out and attend the next Board meeting, and the next, and the next.  Bring a friend!  Bring your family!  If you can’t make it, flood the Board with emails supporting free access to books. 

If you would like to speak (or write), but are unsure about what to say, reach out to one of us and we can provide you with talking points.

Thank you for your time, and we hope to see you on Tuesday, May 23, 7:30 at the RHS cafeteria.


Roxana Caivano, RHS Librarian

Kristin Palanchi,  EMS Librarian

Karen Fasino, LR Librarian

Copyright © 2023 Roxbury Education Association, All rights reserved. 

Here is an email from Roxana Caivano to all librarians in Morris County, NJ, again bold emphasis added for the flat out lies and political agitation to obtain an advantage in her defamation suit against parents and to promote Chicago's American Library Association interests:

SOS on behalf of Roxbury Township HS Librarian!!!!

Roxbury’s HS librarian has been under attack since August 2022 for the inclusive books in the HS library. You know the drill. You know which books. Google "Roxana Caivano" and you'll get the gist. After months of being publicly called a groomer, pedophile and pornographer online and at school board meetings, last month she sued 4 parents for defamation, slander and libel. I've been made aware that next Tuesday's board meeting (May 23 at 7:30 PM) will be a flash point. Moms for Liberty is assembling the rabble rousers to overrun the meeting, and she is reaching out pleading for help. Crowds matter. Numbers matter. Visible support matters. Please come out to Roxbury Township high school on May 23rd. 1 Bryant Dr, Succasunna, NJ 07876. The meeting is at 7:30 but because of the expected crowds, you should plan to arrive by 7 at the latest. You don’t need to speak but it would help if you wear RED so the support is obvious.

Here is Roxanna's plea

I'm reaching out because at some point you wrote or text or emailed to offer some support in my fight against book banning. If you are local, I'm asking if you would be willing to come to the Board meeting and speak up. We need a crowd to show we are united. If you aren't local, or can't come, then I ask you to email the Board of Education with letters supporting free access to books. Tell your friends, come with a colleague, bring your family and favorite book. These challenges began before the school year even started and continue today. Roxbury's School Board meetings have become a place where heat and vitriol has been spewed over the past few months, and it's time for that to come to an end

I know it's a tough and difficult decision to get up and speak at a Board meeting. The people who oppose these books have had many people come and support them, and those of us who support free speech have been quiet. We need to let the Board know that there is a large contingent of parents, school staff, students, and community members who support the right to read

If you would like to speak (or write), but are unsure about what to say, reach out to me and I can send you some talking points

Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you on Tuesday, May 23, 7:30 at the RHS cafeteria

Respectfully, Roxanna.

Board emails:




Just read that.  It's pure projection.  Like this: "Moms for Liberty is assembling the rabble rousers to overrun the meeting."  Not true.  

But the school librarian is using that lie to assemble her own rabble rousers to overrun the meeting: "Crowds matter. Numbers matter. Visible support matters. Please come out to Roxbury Township high school on May 23rd. .... You don’t need to speak but it would help if you wear RED so the support is obvious.  ...  [C]ome to the Board meeting and speak up. We need a crowd to show we are united. ...  We need to let the Board know that there is a large contingent of parents, school staff, students, and community members who support the right to read."  

This is what's called projection, accusing others of what you are doing.  A school librarian is "rabble rousing" to get people to pressure the school board.  And why?  It's pressure to continue to allow school children to read the educationally unsuitable material school librarians introduced and now want the school board to rubber stamp.

I'll bet Dr. James Lindsay would call it "communist agitation:'

Did you notice another communist tactic?  Label people.  Roxana Caivano labels people as book banners spewing hate and vitriol, assembling a rabble to overwhelm the school board meeting led by a national group called Moms for Liberty. Victims of communism know exactly what this labeling trick is, pictured top right, like Xi Van Fleet: "It is an old Communist tactic against their political enemies."

This political agitation to keep school kids reading about butt plugs, anal beads, writing to your favorite p*rn star, and how to use online s*x apps to score a man for a night has two main goals:

1) Goal one is to support Roxana Caivano's defamation suit against the parents by demonstrating to the judge that the parents are book banners spewing hate and vitriol, assembling a rabble to overwhelm the school board meeting, led by a national group called Moms for Liberty.  And her husband is her attorney, knows and supports this, and should be disbarred or at least reprimanded for attorney ethics violations for supporting these efforts.

2) Goal two is to support American Library Association's effort to s*xualize children by its addition of "age" to its "Library Bill of Rights" and its "Unite Against Book Bans" effort to bully school boards into thinking kids have a "right to read" educationally unsuitable material.  

Both "age" and "right to read" comes from Marxist insertions and made-up rights, as I have proven here:

Kleinman, Dan. “Librarians Attempt to Legislate 1960s Radical View That Age Is Not Morally Relevant.” SafeLibraries® (blog), April 10, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/04/librarians-attempt-to-legislate-1960s.html.

They say it's Moms for Liberty pushing their way into communities when it's American Library Association that has worked for over half a century to get to the point we are today where pervasively vulgar materials itself pervades American public schools, and parents who complain are sued for defamation.  The ALA lays out this very plan here, and notice how what Roxana Caivano is doing to pressure the school board with political agitation matches nicely: https://uniteagainstbookbans.org/toolkit/

Notice she says, "We need a crowd to show we are united."  That's Unite Against Book Bans.  

I wouldn't be surprised to see professionally made signs saying "United Against Book Bans" like I saw in Glen Ridge, NJ, where parents were so intimidated (just the opposite of what Caivano says) that they didn't show up and I was the only person to speak in support of the parents because I was the only person to anticipate the political agitation.  Still, that was a public library and not a school library.  

A school library has educationally unsuitable material only because school librarians put it there and they are fighting by any means to keep kids reading such material, even if it's common sense and perfectly legal to remove it, and remove it immediately without any need for a reconsideration process created by ALA to drag out the process so it goes away.

By the way, if you didn't already know, educationally unsuitable material or pervasively vulgar books school librarians insist children have using the made up "right to read" are like this:

The school board needs to understand that Roxana's rumble in Roxbury is to pressure the school board by giving a false appearance of popularity that is actually political agitation to support the Marxist views of librarians from Chicago, IL, pushing it into NJ schools, then she wags her finger at Moms for Liberty for doing exactly what she herself and the librarians are doing.  

When Caivano lies about "the inclusive books in the HS library," she really means s3xually inappropriate books "reframed" as inclusive per her ALA leader:

The children are the intended victims.  Caivano could not care less about them as she whips up this rumble to support her defamation lawsuit and ALA's Unite Against Book Bans s3xualization efforts this is likely helping to fund her efforts.

It's up to the school board to see through this smoke screen of agitation and bullying and false accusations against parents, realize children do NOT have the "right to read" anything they want in schools, then act accordingly to protect school children from harm. The school board needs to apply law, community standards, and common sense. Teaching kids to hook up with adults for sex and that STDs are no big deal satisfies none of those interests—except those of the school librarians who "sneakily" s3xualize children.  It may even be criminal.  That's why they are on the board, for school children's sake, not for the perpetuation of Chicago's ALA anything-goes views.

Friday, May 19, 2023

Librarians Collude to Hide Truth From Parents and Legislators

Librarians collude to hide truth from parents and legislators.  Whether they are the President of the Texas Library Association flat out lying to Texas legislators or anonymous librarians chatting in a private Facebook group, the point is the same—keep people in the dark about how librarians are intentionally harming school children.  

So let me show you the lying that Mary Woodward just did, pictured at right, followed by breaking whistleblower news on how librarians collude to violate open government rules.

Mary Woodard, President of TXLA

Mary Woodard stood before the Texas legislature and testified as follows: 

Partnering with parents is a best practice for school librarians.  In fact, we LOVE parents who are interested in what their kids are reading.  

That sounds nice.  Even emphasis on the word, "love."  It's a complete lie.  The head of the Texas Library Association just lied outright to Texas legislators to fool them into opposing legislation her TXLA opposes.

Watch her say this in the video linked here regarding #HB900 starting at 2:35:

20230321 88th HB900 TxLege Public Education Hearing - Tx Library Assoc. President, 2023. https://vimeo.com/818015939/6c2b71469a.

It's a flat out lie because reality is 100% the opposite.  School librarians will not partner with parents, and they HATE parents who are interested in what their kids are reading.  This is the reality.  This is known because TXLA trains librarians to hide information from parents despite the law precisely to keep parents in the dark about what their children are reading.  See: 

Kleinman, Dan. “School Librarians Train to Violate FOIA Law to Keep Parents In the Dark About Sexualizing Children.” SafeLibraries® (blog), December 5, 2022. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2022/12/school-librarians-train-to-violate-foia.html.

So much for "increasing transparency," another lie by Mary Woodard before the Texas legislators.  Are there no consequences for flat out lying—and repeated lying—during testimony to the Texas legislature?

What the Whistleblower Revealed

As if to evidence the corrosive effect of the training to keep parents and legislators in the dark by actively thwarting compliance with Texas law, librarians are now colluding with each other on Facebook to hide truth from parents.  

This was just disclosed to me by a whistleblower, because even librarians can't stand the disservice and the illegality being done by their peers to harm children:

Librarians online are starting to avoid using searchable terms to talk about book challenges. 

“My superintendent received a "request" for a list of books that the district libraries have on some specific topics.  (I will let you surmise what those might be. 😑)  My initial reaction it to provide the link (which is posted publicly) to Destiny and call it a day.  (We have supportive admin.)  Thoughts?”

“That’s exactly what I did along with “ our entire book collection always has been, and always will be posted publicly on our school website.”  I left it at that and they can do their own fishing.”

“If you go through your legal department, talk to them about "topics" requested and the fact that catalogs use specific "subjects" or key words for search purposes.  If this gets super sticky, those distinctions could be important.”

“took me 11 hours to do a FOIA request as requested by my Super.  No one else knows how to run the data they were asking for.

This was my response to the whistleblower:

Could you expand on that so I understand it better?

This was the whistleblowers's response to me (with my own [changes] to bypass censors):

The first’s message was the original post.  The quotes that follow are from responses. 

It’s fairly clear what the librarians are talking about but they’re making an effort to avoid using words or terms like: censorship, LGBTQ+, p[0]rn, p[0]rnographic, challenge, and parents.

The overall tone of the conversation was bitter and angry.  “Make them do their own fishing.” —> make it hard for concerned parents to investigate if the library has filthy, inappropriate material.

It was the obfuscation in the post that really caught my eye, as well as how annoyed the librarians were to having to do the work of responding to things like FOIA requests


So the sentence, librarians online are starting to avoid using searchable terms to talk about book challenges, you’re saying that that was part of a Facebook post to the public and that is not a statement that you are making to me?  If so, have you a URL?

Further response:

The librarians avoiding using searchable terms is my interpretation of this post.  It could be incorrect.  This was in a private Facebook group called “Learning Librarians.”

Hidden in Plainview

Let me close by reminding people that Texas school librarians may have been directly involved in the forced s3xual activity on a first grader by other first graders in Plainview ISD, by providing books that became the model for the forced activity, and my inquiry into that is being stonewalled as we speak because they have not reduced or eliminated fees in accordance with law:

Kleinman, Dan. “Plainview ISD TPIA-FOIA Request.” SafeLibraries® (blog), May 10, 2023. https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2023/05/plainview-isd-tpia-foia-request.html.

Conclusion:  Collusion

From the above and more, it's hard not to conclude librarians collude to hide the truth from parents and legislators.  Their leaders lie to legislators, they are trained to hide the truth from parents in a manner that violates open government laws, they collude online to "avoiding using searchable terms," and now my TPIA/FOIA request is being suppressed.

Thank you to the whistleblower.  More whistleblowers are welcome to contact me.

Lastly, help fund the stonewalled FOIA request:

Kleinman, Dan. “Click Here to Give Now to FOIA Fees for Plainview ISD Texas by Dan Kleinman.” GiveSendGo.com, May 17, 2023. http://www.givesendgo.com/HiddenInPlainview.

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