Friday, May 19, 2023

Librarians Collude to Hide Truth From Parents and Legislators

Librarians collude to hide truth from parents and legislators.  Whether they are the President of the Texas Library Association flat out lying to Texas legislators or anonymous librarians chatting in a private Facebook group, the point is the same—keep people in the dark about how librarians are intentionally harming school children.  

So let me show you the lying that Mary Woodward just did, pictured at right, followed by breaking whistleblower news on how librarians collude to violate open government rules.

Mary Woodard, President of TXLA

Mary Woodard stood before the Texas legislature and testified as follows: 

Partnering with parents is a best practice for school librarians.  In fact, we LOVE parents who are interested in what their kids are reading.  

That sounds nice.  Even emphasis on the word, "love."  It's a complete lie.  The head of the Texas Library Association just lied outright to Texas legislators to fool them into opposing legislation her TXLA opposes.

Watch her say this in the video linked here regarding #HB900 starting at 2:35:

20230321 88th HB900 TxLege Public Education Hearing - Tx Library Assoc. President, 2023.

It's a flat out lie because reality is 100% the opposite.  School librarians will not partner with parents, and they HATE parents who are interested in what their kids are reading.  This is the reality.  This is known because TXLA trains librarians to hide information from parents despite the law precisely to keep parents in the dark about what their children are reading.  See: 

Kleinman, Dan. “School Librarians Train to Violate FOIA Law to Keep Parents In the Dark About Sexualizing Children.” SafeLibraries® (blog), December 5, 2022.

So much for "increasing transparency," another lie by Mary Woodard before the Texas legislators.  Are there no consequences for flat out lying—and repeated lying—during testimony to the Texas legislature?

What the Whistleblower Revealed

As if to evidence the corrosive effect of the training to keep parents and legislators in the dark by actively thwarting compliance with Texas law, librarians are now colluding with each other on Facebook to hide truth from parents.  

This was just disclosed to me by a whistleblower, because even librarians can't stand the disservice and the illegality being done by their peers to harm children:

Librarians online are starting to avoid using searchable terms to talk about book challenges. 

“My superintendent received a "request" for a list of books that the district libraries have on some specific topics.  (I will let you surmise what those might be. 😑)  My initial reaction it to provide the link (which is posted publicly) to Destiny and call it a day.  (We have supportive admin.)  Thoughts?”

“That’s exactly what I did along with “ our entire book collection always has been, and always will be posted publicly on our school website.”  I left it at that and they can do their own fishing.”

“If you go through your legal department, talk to them about "topics" requested and the fact that catalogs use specific "subjects" or key words for search purposes.  If this gets super sticky, those distinctions could be important.”

“took me 11 hours to do a FOIA request as requested by my Super.  No one else knows how to run the data they were asking for.

This was my response to the whistleblower:

Could you expand on that so I understand it better?

This was the whistleblowers's response to me (with my own [changes] to bypass censors):

The first’s message was the original post.  The quotes that follow are from responses. 

It’s fairly clear what the librarians are talking about but they’re making an effort to avoid using words or terms like: censorship, LGBTQ+, p[0]rn, p[0]rnographic, challenge, and parents.

The overall tone of the conversation was bitter and angry.  “Make them do their own fishing.” —> make it hard for concerned parents to investigate if the library has filthy, inappropriate material.

It was the obfuscation in the post that really caught my eye, as well as how annoyed the librarians were to having to do the work of responding to things like FOIA requests


So the sentence, librarians online are starting to avoid using searchable terms to talk about book challenges, you’re saying that that was part of a Facebook post to the public and that is not a statement that you are making to me?  If so, have you a URL?

Further response:

The librarians avoiding using searchable terms is my interpretation of this post.  It could be incorrect.  This was in a private Facebook group called “Learning Librarians.”

Hidden in Plainview

Let me close by reminding people that Texas school librarians may have been directly involved in the forced s3xual activity on a first grader by other first graders in Plainview ISD, by providing books that became the model for the forced activity, and my inquiry into that is being stonewalled as we speak because they have not reduced or eliminated fees in accordance with law:

Kleinman, Dan. “Plainview ISD TPIA-FOIA Request.” SafeLibraries® (blog), May 10, 2023.

Conclusion:  Collusion

From the above and more, it's hard not to conclude librarians collude to hide the truth from parents and legislators.  Their leaders lie to legislators, they are trained to hide the truth from parents in a manner that violates open government laws, they collude online to "avoiding using searchable terms," and now my TPIA/FOIA request is being suppressed.

Thank you to the whistleblower.  More whistleblowers are welcome to contact me.

Lastly, help fund the stonewalled FOIA request:

Kleinman, Dan. “Click Here to Give Now to FOIA Fees for Plainview ISD Texas by Dan Kleinman.”, May 17, 2023.

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