New evidence has been uncovered proving intent to defy the Illinois Open Meetings Act [OMA] in Orland Park Public Library's [OPPL] defiance of the OMA. Therefore I ask to update the record of my previous Request for Review by taking into consideration this new evidence.
The new evidence consists of OPPL working with the American Library Association [ALA] to produce training on how to use OPPL's successful stonewalling, censorship, and suppression of free speech to defend free access to pornography in public libraries and advise librarians nationwide how to emulate OPPL's results, where ALA makes me the enemy of such efforts by saying, emphasis on IF in the original, "First off is whether you have any way to limit attendance to RAILS members. IF Dan Kleinman or some of our detractors attend, we will need to change our content. We've dealt with this before, so if it is an open webinar, we just need to know that."
Below is the new evidence, the ALA email dated November 7, 2014, naming me and disclosing self-censorship or the need to hide things if I or "detractors" are present. Ernest Istook, the author of the Children's Internet Protection Act, has called me a "trusted source" on ALA misinformation ( ). Now it appears ALA itself tacitly admits I'm a "trusted source" on its own propaganda as it announces the need to hide the propaganda when I am present to record it or debunk it.
It is no wonder the efforts within the library community in Illinois are so strong to defy Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] law. The contents of that webinar/training would be very revealing as I was not present so ALA spoke freely.
I heard part of what ALA taught was that libraries should destroy public documents or evidence of illegality that could be accessed via FOIA requests. In Illinois, that may be a Class 3 Felony with loss of public office and benefits, and there's a three year statute of limitations ( 720 ILCS 5/32-8 ).
I'll note FOIA requests on OPPL have produced no substantive communications between OPPL and ALA, none, but tons of advertising, almost as if OPPL has already instituted a policy of destroying public documents in violation of the law. Indeed, the more we wait for OPPL to comply with FOIA requests to produce a recording of the ALA/OPPL webinar/training, the more concern there is that public records are being destroyed. I wonder if the Attorney General has any power to seize computers and iPads before OPPL destroys any public records, any more public records, or evidence of illegality.
In another community, West Bend, WI, ALA quietly gave a $1000 grant to one of its acolytes and the only evidence discovered was via FOIA requests, and only in a single email from the acolyte herself bragging to the library ( ). I bet the library didn't realize the import of the simple message. In typical ALA fashion, ALA used that person too and library personnel to give training to other librarians on how to thwart, not help, patrons raising legitimate concerns ( ).
With pressure like this from the ALA to violate law, it is no wonder OPPL violates OMA with alacrity, including by singling me out, just as ALA singles me out. And this email is before I was blocked from the December OPPL-BoT meeting:
From: Barbara Jones []
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 12:28 PM
To: Deborah Caldwell-Stone; Dee Brennan; leadership
Cc: Barbara Jones
Subject: RE: Possible workshops to address Orland Park situation
Dear Dee, please see below. Any date below is OK with us. Here's how I envision it. We can work together so this is something that works for you and your audience. It needs to be what they need.
First off is whether you have any way to limit attendance to RAILS members. IF Dan Kleinman or some of our detractors attend, we will need to change our content. We've dealt with this before, so if it is an open webinar, we just need to know that.
Thanks for letting me know that ALA can have the content to use later on if we need to. We want to repeat this for trustees. And/or, this session can include trustees as well.
IF it is closed, here is a draft of what I propose:
1. 20 minutes: I go over the timeline of what happened in Orland Park, with examples of press coverage, et al. Mary Weimar may not want to participate. On the other hand, she might! I want to say right off that I think she is doing a fabulous job, so the idea is not to be negative about Orland Park. We actually will show some of the things they did so well.
2. 30 minutes, plus 30 minutes Q & A: Deborah lists the legal issues, at each point, and tells the audience what she and Orland Park's attorney advised.
3. 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes Q & A: Macey Morales (PIO) or I list the public relations/press issues.
4. 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes Q & A: Bob Doyle (or Kip) list the political issues to pay attention to. For example, Kip alerted all the legislators who might get involved.
5. 20 minutes, plus 10 minutes Q & A; Marci Merola or I review the advocacy issues, developing talking points, getting out in front of the situation.
Times can be adjusted, of course. This is 3 hours and maybe that is too much! We will help with publicity if you want. Thanks so much for this opportunity! Barbara
That is a telling communication. It is from the nation's leading facilitator of harm to women via unfiltered library computers ( ). OPPL-BoT undoubtedly saw that communication. As terrific reporter Sharyl Attkisson tweeted, "You can often tell by the tone that something else is at play. Why do they try to squelch debate and discussion of issues of public importance?"
You can often tell by the tone that something else is at play.Why do they try to squelch debate & discussion of issues of public importance?
— Sharyl Attkisson (@SharylAttkisson) December 10, 2013
Further new evidence of an intention to violate the OMA is that when OPPL director Mary Weimar initially told me it was technically impossible for me to attend a board meeting electronically, "The library is unable to accommodate your request," that was a lie. It was a lie then, as I previously stated in my Request for Review, but new evidence shows it's a big lie, a big screen lie. In reality, not only can OPPL communicate electronically, but it can do so in a big way, per this Chicago Tribune story from yesterday:
- "Pulitzer Prize Winner Julia Keller to Skype at Orland Park Public Library Book Discussion on May 22," by Orland Park Public Library, Chicago Tribune, 16 May 2014. (,0,3750064.story )
Author and Pulitzer Prize winner Julia Keller will Skype with the Orland Park Public Library ... in the library's meeting room.
With the assistance of the Internet, a large screen, and audio, Keller will discuss her most recent novel "Bitter River." ....
The group will have the opportunity to ask Keller questions through Skype....
If I am not allowed to speak at the OPPL-BoT meeting Monday night, with or without "the assistance of the Internet, a large screen, and audio," it will likely be another unauthorized "restriction on public comment." Further, it will be in the face of the Attorney General whose representative Steve Silverman warned in the opinion cited above, "This office cautions the Board to avoid restricting public comment on substantive bases that are not addressed by its established and recorded rules."
If the OPPL-BoT blocks my speaking again, it will likely be a violation of OMA, evident defiance of the Attorney General, and a Class C Misdemeanor. The OPPL-BoT may be subject to arrest. Another Illinois board was arrested for violating OMA by suppressing public comment:
- "Exclusive: Citizens Arrest Park District Board for Refusing Public Comment," by Mike Flynn, Breitbart, 16 May 2014. ( )
Civil litigation may follow:
- "Clark County Park District Facing Open Meetings Act Civil Suit…," by Jim Kraft, Illinois Leaks by Edgar County Watchdogs, 15 May 2014. ( )
Here is my original Request for Review and response that I have now supplemented with new evidence above:
- "Open Meetings Act Violations by the Board of Library Trustees of the Orland Park Public Library," by Dan Kleinman, SafeLibraries, 17 February 2014. ( )
- "Response re Orland Park Public Library Request for Review - PAC 27987 - Open Meetings Act," by Dan Kleinman, SafeLibraries, 27 March 2014. ( )
I am copying OPPL on this submission of new evidence to be sure they know ahead of time that I should not be blocked from speaking at Monday's meeting. Today, Friday May 17, I have asked the OPPL director to allow me to speak at Monday's OPPL-BoT meeting. We'll see what happens.
Thank you for your consideration of this new evidence tending to show an intention by OPPL-BoT to violate the OMA law and perhaps an inducement by ALA to have OPPL break other law as well. I sincerely hope the Board will begin to follow the law and obviate any possible arrests and civil litigation. I hope I will be able to speak at Monday's meeting.
Dan Kleinman
Library Watchdog at SafeLibraries
641 Shunpike Rd #123
Chatham, NJ 07928
CC: Orland Park Public Library
Let's be clear we are talking about a public library that is allowing the viewing of child pornography, then it does not report the crime to the police and destroys computer evidence. You see, ALA teaches that while child pornography is a crime, no librarian is in a position to judge what it is, only judges can do that. Then ALA teaches libraries to delete the evidence so police cannot get it, and that's exactly what happened and happens in OPPL. ALA orders libraries to delete public records, including those evidencing crimes such as child pornography, and many libraries follow its diktat despite laws designed to prevent such public record destruction. ALA calls it "patron privacy" but no patron has the privacy to break the law and no library has the legal right to destroy public records.
Look at OPPL's "Incident Reports" and look how the police were not called for child pornography viewing:
![]() |
Multiple reports of child porn viewing in library, then police not called. Source: "Library Crisis Communications Workshop Presentation Recreation" |
I fixed an oops, so now it correctly references West Bend, WI.
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