Guest Posts on SafeLibraries
Includes people who reached out to me to
publish on their behalf while protecting anonymity.
- "Librarians Use ALA Platform to Bully Parents Opposing Drag Queens Sexualizing Children in Libraries," 21 April 2023. NOTE: while the writing is mine, the messages I transcribed were sent to me by a whistleblower having access to the private ALA-on-Facebook site. More whistleblowers are welcome to watch this page and report: "Library Think Tank - #ALATT". Look at this ridiculous message from these ALA ideology enforcers:
What happens in ALATT, stays in ALATTWhile it's fine to screenshot to share fun memes from here, posting screenshots outside the group in order to shame, belittle, dox or otherwise harass the people in the group will be grounds for immediate removal from the group.
- "Librarian Warns Parents and Librarians About S3xualization of Children; Texas SB13 Legislative Efforts by TXLA Criticized," 4 April 2023.
- "The Lost Art of Librarianship; Tenured Library Faculty Message for Librarians and Patrons," 27 September 2022.
- "The Banned Books Hustle," 17 September 2022.
- "The Battle for Public Libraries: Censorship and Law in Missouri; Guest Post by Lisa Grant," 11 September 2013.
- "Library Patron Laments Free Speech Freeze on People Afraid to Oppose Library Crime; Masturbating Men Leave Ejaculate at the Los Angeles Public Library," 26 June 2013.
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Katelyn Bright |
- "Censorship, Parenting, and YA Literature: The Perks of Being a Wallflower; Guest Post by Katelyn Bright," 7 April 2013.
- "Library Patron Cries Out for Justice and Library Filters Due to Pron in Lincoln City Libraries; Deep Library Love Turns to Fear," 14 March 2013.
- "Time to Ban Patrons Instead of Filtering Porn in Public Libraries; Guest Post by 'Adult Services' Librarian," 27 July 2012
- "High School Student on Censorship," 10 January 2012.
- "Librarians are Guardians of a Trust, by Jo Ellen Ringer, Notus Public Library Director and Guest Writer," 10 April 2011.
- "Public Libraries: Their Potential to Improve Sex Education, by Kristin Davis, Guest Writer," 16 November 2010.
- "Porn in Brooklyn Public Library; Frustrated Patron Provides Photographic Proof; Library Refuses to Act; Two and a Half Million Dollars in Jeopardy Due to Possible Fraud," 18 December 2009.
- "One Man Changed Library Policy And Explains How," 2 April 2008.
Authors Writing on SafeLibraries
While not strictly a guest blog post, many authors and a school superintendent commented extensively here:
- "Kentucky School Superintendent Exposes False Cries of Censorship; Removes Educationally Unsuitable Books from Curriculum Despite Being on ALA's List for Reluctant Readers," 30 November 2009.
And here are children writing sweet letters to author Trenton Lee Stewart, in the comments. The author responded in the comments as well! This is the blog post about which I am most happy:
- "Seeking Author Trenton Lee Stewart; A Child Requests his Response to her Excellent Letter," 1 October 2008.
Posts Consisting Principally of the Writings of Others
- "Libraries Allowing Porn Are Wrong; Donna Rice Hughes of Enough Is Enough Explains Why," featuring:
"FIRST PERSON (Donna Rice Hughes): Porn—In Your Public Library?," by Donna Rice Hughes, Baptist Press, 27 May 2011.
- Librarians Library Porn Problem Detailed by the Library Journal's Annoyed Librarian," featuring:
"The Problem of Library Porn for Librarians," by Annoyed Librarian, Library Journal, 4 May 2011.
- "Will Manley Outs Library Profession as the Only One in the World That Wants Children to Have Access to Pornography; Annoyed Librarian Says Some Librarians Sound Like Smut Peddlars," featuring:
"3 Ways to Get Blackballed in the Library Profession," by Will Manley, Will Unwound, #428, 26 April 2011.
- "The Anything Goes ALA is Out of the Mainstream by Defending the Right of Children to Access Pornography in Public Libraries," featuring:
"Intellectual Freedom Begins at Home," by Will Manley, Booklist, 1 October 2003.
- "Phyllis Schlafly Exposes ALA Fraud; Banned Books Week is Ridiculous Event; Censorship Claims are Fraudulent," featuring:
"The Silliest Celebration," by Phyllis Schlafly, Eagle Forum, 4 December 2009.
- "AFP Says SafeLibraries is 'Clearing House For Information About Challenging Books'; ALA Uses 'Hyperbole' Regarding So-Called Banned Books Week," featuring:
"US Libraries Hit Back Over Challenges to Kids Books," by Sara Hussein, Agence France-Presse [AFP], 6 September 2009.
- "It's Not Censorship, It's Parenting! -- Best Explanation Ever for What's Wrong With the American Library Association and its Effect on Public School Libraries," featuring:
"It's Not Censorship, It's Parenting! Removing Books That are Inappropriate For Our Kids is Not the Same as Banning Books," by Erin Manning,, 18 November 2009.
- "Sensible Censorship: Surfing for Porn Shouldn't Be a Public Library Service," featuring:
"Sensible Censorship: Surfing for Porn Shouldn't Be a Public Library Service," by Elizabeth Hovde, The Oregonian, 11 July 2009.
- "Library Director Extols Internet Filtering; Porn Should Be Excluded From Libraries; Dynamite Reading For Library Directors, Trustees and Patrons," featuring:
"Filtered Internet: Safe, Appropriate, by Dean Marney, The Wenatchee World, 2 July 2009.
- "Child Molester is Library Board Member Who Mocked Parents Complaining About Internet P-rn in Gwinnett County Public Library," featuring:
"Man, 44, Arrested in Child Sex Case; Suspect is Member of the Library Board," by Alex P. Joyner, Gwinnett Daily Post, 29 July 2008.
- "Scandal: ALA Intimidation Squelches Free Speech; Ethical Violations, Threats and Personal Attacks Gag and Censor ALA Opponents to Avoid Open Debate," featuring:
"[ifforum] Chair of IFC on Intimidation of Councilors & Librarians," by Walter Skold, American Library Association, 24 July 2008.
- "American Troops Defamed by ALA Councilor Peter McDonald," featuring:
"[alacoun-ro] [alacoun] Re: Fwd: The Same Old Mis- Corrections," by Peter McDonald, American Library Association, 25 June 2008.
Guest Bloggers Welcome
SafeLibraries is happy to provide a forum for anyone to speak, even those who may be critical of what I am reporting or the way I report it. I will add hyperlinks and graphics and perhaps background information. The posts will appear on the main blog and be linked on this page.
Guest writers may entertain questions and respond in the comments section of the individual blog posts. The comments are not moderated so they will post as soon as published, unless Google imposes a temporary block. You may delete your own posts. I can delete anyone's, and I will if they are trolling.
I am likely the only source that will provide a medium for people to speak their minds on issues they would never dare say to their library director, library association, etc. This is intended for people to provide notice to others, and it will reach many in the library community. Guest bloggers can stay as anonymous as needed to protect their careers (so much for intellectual freedom). I will not disclose email addresses or any other identifying information without permission.
To see how many views your guest post is getting, go to
When providing people with a hyperlink to your blog post, right click on the title and select Copy Link Location or the like. That way you use the post's URL—, not the blog's URL—, as the latter will change depending on the latest blog post posted.