Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Library Delays Child Porn Incident Report; Holyoke Public Library Director Maria G Pagan Lies to Hide the Truth From the Public

Here we go again, another public library supporting child pornography viewing. The Holyoke Public Library, MA, delayed three days before reporting the crime. "I'm just disgusted by it," the Police Chief said. "It should have been reported immediately."

See, "Holyoke Police Chief Anthony Scott Criticizes Library Staff for Waiting 3 Days to Report Child Pornography Viewing," by Ken Ross, The Republican, 15 June 2009, and "Library Faulted in Internet Case," by Ken Ross, The Republican, 16 June 2009.

Library Director Maria G. Pagan claims pornography viewing has not previously occurred. When she is told it has happened numerous times, she continues to deny it. "'There are going to be certain times in the day the computer room is not going to be staffed,' she said. As a result, 'It's the parents' responsibility to keep an eye on the kids.'"

Hey! Ever hear of CIPA-complaint Internet filters? Obviously, your optional filters DO NOT WORK!

  • "The Holyoke library does not allow patrons to view Internet pornographic material of any kind on its computers, [library director] Pagan said. 'If you're caught and it's offensive to somebody, you can't view it,' she said."
Oh yeah? CYA, anyone? We report from the links above, you decide:

Remember, "The Holyoke library does not allow patrons to view Internet pornographic material of any kind on its computers, [library director] Pagan said." If it does not allow it but it turns a blind eye then fails to report it to the police, that essentially makes what the library director said a lie, does it not?

This is obviously not a safe library.

Citizens of Holyoke need to ask whether the library director is violating the public trust by looking the other way at criminal activity in the public library. That seems to be the case, at least as I understand what was reported. Contact your City of Holyoke government—it's a public library, not a child pornography library where anything goes because the American Library Association is dead set against Internet filters.

UPDATE 21 July 2009: Holyoke 1, ALA 0: "Holyoke Library Installs Anti-Porn Software in Wake of Michael Houle's Recent Arrest," by Mike Plaisance, The Republican Newsroom, 20 July 2009. Notice the story of the librarian's outing of the library director's actions to protect the child porn viewer is further expanded.



  1. Council Bluffs public library has in the past, allowed patrons use of the internet without a library card. Making it almost impossible to catch a user viewing child pornography, if that is true, that libraries can't always staff the computer rooms.

    I know this as I asked to use a computer, without my card. Although, I did have it. I was testing the libraries policies on using the internet and they failed the test.

    Sex is..... available at our public library.

  2. Thanks for commenting, Judi Wheeldon- Activist.

    I'm not sure a single instance like that is a problem, but sometimes where there's smoke, there's fire. Consider seeking a media undercover investigation like those listed in "See For Yourself."

  3. I am right again. Where there's smoke there's fire, and now there's fire. See Allegations of a Child Porn Cover Up at Local Library," by Matthew Campbell, CBS 3, 2 July 2009 and the associated video.

  4. UPDATE: "Holyoke Library Installs Anti-Porn Software in Wake of Michael Houle's Recent Arrest," by Mike Plaisance, The Republican Newsroom, 20 July 2009. Notice the story of the librarian's outing of the library director's actions to protect the child porn viewer is further expanded.


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