Wednesday, April 3, 2019

ALA Finally Acknowledges Pedophiles Read to Kids at Inherently Unsafe Drag Queen Story Hour

American Library Association [ALA] finally acknowledges pedophiles read to children at Drag Queen Story Hour events:
My comments:
  • Here is the first acknowledgment by ALA: 
    • "One was a Drag Queen Storytime that was held at the Houston Public Library.  After the performance, it was discovered by a pro-family activist group called MassResistance that one of the performers was a registered sex offender."
  • It leaves out the word pedophile, that the victim was an eight year old boy, and that the pedophile was reading to eight year old boys, among others.
  • ALA keeps up the running string of attacking the messenger, even using parenthesis because it knows it is a bogus argument, and SPLC itself is a known hate group that stirs up hate to amass money and is in the process of falling apart—most other media did not stoop to smear the whistleblower, but ALA does it again and again:
    • "(It should be noted that Since March 2008, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has listed MassResistance as an active anti-gay hate group.)"
  • This is a total lie—it's just the opposite—so ALA wants you to keep your guard lowered and assume your local library would never let this happen to your children:
    • "Most school systems, and many libraries already have policies in place that mandate [background] checks."
  • ALA really, really hates whistleblowers who get in the way, so they attack whistleblowers again, and hold the offending library to be the real victim:
    • "This raised the usual hue and cry that comes with a social media post: what was wrong with Houston for not running the check? Cue outrage and anger."
  • Libraries are completely unprepared, as the writer demonstrates she had never before thought through the issue of Drag Queen Story Hour in libraries:
    • "I was immediately like : 'uhhhhh…….  No? Wait, what?' I hire many of our outside performers, so my adrenaline kicked in, and I began running a host of worst case scenarios in my head."
  • She says something good in one sentence then completely reverses herself in the next, this time showing libraries have background check policies in place to make the public feel good but they never actually apply the policies, exactly as happened at Drag Queen StoryTime in Houston Public Library:
    • "The current practice cited by several libraries is that they run checks on adult volunteers. This is what my library does. But, to date, we have not run checks on outside performers."
  • Does this make you feel better, and it is not even truthful:
    • "As many other posters shared , [sic] we never leave performers alone with children, and do not allow physical contact without parental oversight."
  • Then the excuse making starts—there's no time nor money for background checks:
    • "One of the primary concerns mentioned in the discussions is the potential costs involved. From some rudimentary research it appears that a simple background check would cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $15-$20 per person. And, while on initial consideration, that might not seem like much, those fees quickly add up. For libraries with limited programming funds, this can, potentially, be prohibitive. Another concern is that it just adds another layer of protocol. The process of finding and booking quality performers is already rather arduous: checking availability, negotiating rates, creating, exchanging, and collecting contracts and W-9s, completing payment requisitions."
  • And notice, this single acknowledgement by ALA that pedophiles have and might again come into contact with kids at Drag Queen Story Hour, has almost no social media traction.  One comment, that's it, oh and my writing about it.  At ALA, no ones cares if children get trampled by ALA's policy to spread Drag Queen Story Hour into more communities.
  • Notice the ALA guide on how to bring Drag Queen Story Hour into American communities says nothing about the need to perform background checks.  But it does do what ALA always does, namely, attack the messengers, and with the largest paragraph in the entire article—and notice the framing of the argument is "LGBTQ community has faced immense hate and negativity, psychically and physically"—so performing backgrounds check is a microaggression which is the real reason why they are almost never done: 
    • "There is one challenge that is persistent and cannot be ignored, even in this brief blog post, and that is negativity and harassment. [NOTE: Didn't the writer just get negative about and harass the whistleblower "as an active anti-gay hate group"? Another double standard.] I have often found myself steaming while washing the dishes, away from my computer and doing my best to rise above and not respond to negative comments that appear online in the wake of press coverage. As I scrub, I remember that the LGBTQ community has faced immense hate and negativity, psychically and physically. I remember that I have not personally faced such a challenge. I hope instead that children who are raised as loving and thoughtful humans will in turn make our planet a more positive and beautiful place. The library is open to all. To those who may remain opposed to the idea of Drag Queen Story Hour, all I can do is offer the following: if this program does not mesh with your family’s beliefs, we respect your choice and hope that you will attend a program that is in line with your own values. Your library undoubtedly offers engaging programs several times each week. We look forward to welcoming you through our doors."
  • Ha ha, the article previous to the one discussed above is about teaching librarians ethics.  Even in that article on ethics they attack the whistleblowers and bemoan them getting media coverage!:

Parents, do not let your children attend Drag Queen Story Hours.  They are inherently unsafe and intentionally kept that way by librarians who could not care less and who use ethics classes to teach hate and censorship of whistleblowers, so they will never become safe.

By the way, the Houston Public Library has for over a quarter of a year stymied any attempt to get any open public records on the Drag Queen StoryTime event they sponsored with the pedophile reading to the children.  Meanwhile they are creating more such events.  Librarians answer to ALA, not the public, sunshine laws and common sense be damned.

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On Twitter: 
@ALAlibrary @HoustonLibrary @MassResistance @splcenter

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