Friday, July 24, 2015

Old Navy v. Orland Park Public Library: Convicted Child Killer Arrested at Indianapolis Public Library

Making sure you saw this: convicted child killer arrested at Indianapolis Public Library

Story Time Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 8:30 PM

To: Orland Park Public Library Board of Trustees
Re: Convicted child killer arrested in Indianapolis Public Library today

-- Board Action Needed --

I am making sure that the OPPL Board of Trustees (OPPL-BoT) is aware of this news story from today (7/23/15), where a convicted child killer was arrested at the Indianapolis Public Library. You can read the full story here:

This is a predator who had recently been released from prison after serving 7 years for child molestation and child porn charges. One of the first things he did upon release was to head to the public library, where it appears he accessed child porn again or did something else in the library to violate his parole. 

The OPPL-BoT has never seemed to take the safety of children very seriously in your library, which is one of the big areas of criticism that Megan Fox and I have had for the OPPL-BoT since we started coming to your board meetings in October 2013. You really do not seem to care about children at all and instead seem to always want to side with the guys who masturbate in your library or who access illegal things like child porn. 

You seem proud of winning that ALA award for continuing to allow access to illegal materials on your computers…and you seem unashamed that as a Board you continue refusing to apologize for or address all of the incident reports where children were put at risk because of sexual activity or behavior in your library. 

Mary Weimar, as Library Director, has particularly seemed disinterested in the safety of children at the OPPL. Members of the Orland Park Police Department and reporter Dennis Sullivan from the Chicago Tribune both told us that for years Mary Weimar was informed by the police that registered sex offenders were violating their paroles by coming into the OPPL and being around children…but Weimar chose over and over again not to call the police when these men were in the library. 

This is on top of Weimar choosing not to call the police when child porn was reported to have been accessed on 3/8/11 and your own internal incident report shows that Weimar spoke with the man who did that, the man then admitted that child porn had been on his screen, and Weimar simply told him not to do it ever again (or, if he did, he would banned from the library…but the police would still not be called). This Board has admitted that Weimar did not call the police but should have, as any sane person would have done. 

The Board has now promised to never again allow child porn to go unreported to the police (and you seem to have an attitude of "the past is the past" and "oh, well"). 

When you factor in all the other incident reports showing sex crimes having been committed in your library and you look at Mary Weimar's response time and again as Director, you will see a troubling pattern of Weimar choosing wherever possible not to call the police and doing things that allow these men to get away. Why? 

Why does Mary Weimar keep doing that? 

Shouldn't you be mindful of things like what just happened today in Indianapolis and look at the OPPL and ask, "Are we really doing everything to remedy the past mistakes that were made here by Mary Weimar?". 

I would like the OPPL-BoT to finally address this.

Photo by Kevin DuJan (cropped by me).

I would also like to draw your attention to something that the Old Navy store in downtown Chicago does that might be a great idea for you. On the entrance doors to Old Navy on State Street in the LOOP, there is a notice posted to the glass doors stating that Old Navy is a Family Friendly establishment and that any criminal activity will be reported immediately to the police. This seems to serve as an effective deterrent to at least some segment of criminal element (or why would Old Navy have bothered doing this?). Old Navy communicates to anyone entering the store that children will be protected inside Old Navy…so anyone who would hurt a child should go elsewhere because Old Navy is a place where staff will vigilantly call the police on anyone attempting to hurt a child or engage in illegal activity. 

Old Navy's sign says:  "OLD NAVY PROMOTES A SAFE, FAMILY SHOPPING ENVIRONMENT. Criminal activity will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." 

The OPPL has no such notice on its doors. But, you should have one. 

I think the OPPL should have signs that say: "THE ORLAND PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY PROMOTES A SAFE, FAMILY ENVIRONMENT. Criminal activity will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law." 

Your entrance doors currently have more signs saying "No Smoking" than I can count. You have that posted over and over and over and over again. You must have gotten a bulk discount on the number of NO SMOKING signs you purchased for your entrance doors. I think you unofficially hold the Guinness World Record for the number of NO SMOKING signs plastered on a single entranceway. 

Similarly, you have countless "No Guns" signs on your doors. You don't have as many as you have NO SMOKING signs, but NO GUNS is a message you clearly want to send to anyone entering your building. In all the incident reports I have reviewed about crimes happening at the OPPL through the years, not once have I seen anything involving guns. Yet, you make a big production of telling people that there will be all sorts of negative consequences if they bring firearms into your building. 

So…considering the fact that you are a library where child porn was reported to have been accessed, where incidents of open public masturbation and other sex crimes have occurred, and where known sex offenders like David Varlotta have been known to roam (in violation of their parole, according to what Dennis Sullivan told me)…why don't you have anything on your doors as a notice that the OPPL is a safe place for children where police are called whenever anyone attempts to harm a child? 

Why aren't you, at bare minimum, at least doing what Old Navy does? 

Old Navy has no smoking signs. Old Navy has no gun signs. Old Navy has a prominent notice to any would-be creeps that Old Navy protects children. 

Why doesn't the OPPL do that? Can you look into it, at least? 

I've attached a picture I took of the Old Navy sign today so you can see what they have done. I truly believe that if you posted something like this on your doors alongside the NO SMOKING and NO GUNS signs that you would send a strong message to creeps that the OPPL staff has become serious about protecting children from harm. 

That has not been the message that Mary Weimar has sent for all these years of not calling the police when she should have and for looking the other way on things so that creeps could get away. But, you have the chance to turn the page and make a positive change. 

Will you follow in Old Navy's footsteps and do that? This is not a rhetorical question. I'd like an answer from the Board on this. 

Kevin DuJan
Story Time Digital Media

Story Time Digital Media is a digital news service in electronic format presenting video content and in-depth articles to the public (free of charge) as well as newsletters distributed to the public on a regular rolling basis. Our motto is "we cover the news that the Old Media refuses to cover" and our focus is on topics pertaining to the welfare and safety of children and being a watchdog exposing government abuse, graft, and corruption in the state of Illinois and nationally. Subscribe to our video channel to view news reels, cartoons, and other motion picture news clips that we produce to educate the public on the affairs of local government and elected officials' treatment of the public. For more information on who we are and the stories we cover, click below:

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Formal Notice of Breach of Fox-1/Fox-2 Settlement Agreement: Orland Park Public Library

Notice of Breach of Fox-1/Fox-2 Settlement Agreement: Re: #OrlandPK15

Story TimeThu, Jul 16, 2015 at 5:58 PM

To: Joanna Leafblad, Nancy Wendt Healy, Christian Barcelona, Scott Remmenga, Cathy Lebert, Robin Wagner, Dana Pryor


To:     Orland Park Public Library Board
From: Story Time Digital Media
Re:     FOIA Request #OrlandPK15
Remedy Sought: Produce all documents asked for in FOIA Request #OrlandPK15 without further delay, as detailed below. 

Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan now petition the Orland Park Public Library Board of Trustees (OPPL-BoT) to intervene and compel production of all documents asked for in FOIA Request #OrlandPK15. 

On 7/13/15 and 7/14/15, Robin Wagner (primary FOIA officer for the OPPL) refused production of documents that the OPPL has in its possession and could easily produce today if the OPPL chose to comply with the terms of the Fox-1/Fox-2 settlement agreement and the provisions of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. We ask that the OPPL-BoT direct Robin Wagner and Scott Remmenga (secondary FOIA officer for the OPPL) to produce the documents asked for that Wagner has refused to produce. Otherwise, we feel the OPPL is in violation of the Fox-1/Fox-2 settlement agreement. 

-- At Issue --
It is undisputed that OPPL employee Bridget Bittman stated in a SLAPP filing against critics of the OPPL that there were "written complaints" made against Bittman by OPPL patrons. This appears on p. 15, line 139 of the amended SLAPP filing that Bittman made in January 2015 (which the OPPL has a copy of). By implication, that means that there exist documents that comprise "written complaints" against Bridget Bittman made by OPPL patrons that were made sometime before January 2015 (the date of her amended SLAPP filing). This assumes that Bittman was truthful in her amended SLAPP filing about the OPPL possessing "written complaints" about Bittman made by OPPL patrons. 

Pursuant to this SLAPP filing, Bittman would be aware of and would be able to describe the "written complaints" made against her by OPPL patrons. These documents would be easy to locate within 5 minutes if what Bittman stated in her SLAPP filing is truthful. 

Bittman stated in her SLAPP filing that her supervisors were aware of these complaints and that the complaints against her were made to the OPPL by the OPPL patrons. This means that Mary Weimar and Robin Wagner (Bittman's supervisors) would be aware of and would be in possession of the "written complaints" made against Bittman. It would take no more than 5 minutes to locate these documents for FOIA production. 

The Illinois Freedom of Information Act requires you to produce these "written complaints" that OPPL patrons made against Bridget Bittman, as you have been asked for these documents in FOIA request #OrlandPK15. 

On 7/13/15 and 7/14/15, we feel that Robin Wagner played games and chose not to produce these documents. Absurdly, she claimed that she could not identify what documents were being asked for. We feel this could not possibly be more clear, since Bittman herself identified the documents in her SLAPP filing (p. 15, line 139 of her amended SLAPP filing document from January 2015). When a public employee states that a specific category of documents exists and is in the possession of a public body, then the public has a right to obtain that specific category of documents. 

Wagner further absurdly claimed that she did not have to ask Bittman what documents that Bittman was talking about in her SLAPP filing. The Illinois Attorney General's Office of the Public Access Counselor disagrees and has informed us that the OPPL, as a public body, has a duty to ask Bittman what documents she is talking about that constitute "written complaints" against Bittman in the possession of the OPPL. 

The PAC has informed us that the very first question it would ask the OPPL would be "Did you ask Bridget Bittman to list the documents she referred to in her filing?" and the second question would be "Did you ask Bridget Bittman's supervisors to identify the documents she referred to in her filing?". Robin Wagner claims the OPPL will not ask these questions…which we feel is a violation of the Freedom of Information Act because it would be a refusal to conduct a reasonable search for these documents. 

-- Remedy Sought --
To resolve this issue to our satisfaction and avoid taking it to either the Public Access Counselor as a Request for Review or bringing it before the court as a breach of the Fox-1/Fox-2 settlement agreement, we ask again that the Orland Park Public Library produce all documents that constitute the "written complaints" against Bridget Bittman, as cited on line 139, p.15 of the amended SLAPP filing that Bittman made in January 2015. 

The OPPL is required to produce all "written complaints" made against Bridget Bittman. This includes all documents that Bridget Bittman identifies as "written complaints" made against her. 

The Freedom of Information Act requires the OPPL to conduct a reasonable search for documents asked for in any FOIA request. In the matter at hand, a reasonable search would include:

1. Asking Bridget Bittman to identify the "written complaints" she claims were made against her by OPPL patrons so that the OPPL can produce these responsive to FOIA request #OrlandPK15. 

2. Asking Mary Weimar (Bittman's supervisor) to identify the "written complaints" that Bittman claims were made against her by OPPL patrons so that the OPPL can produce these responsive to FOIA request #OrlandPK15. 

3. Asking Robin Wagner (Bittman's supervisor) to identify the "written complaints" that Bittman claims were made against her by OPPL patrons so that the OPPL can produce these responsive to FOIA request #OrlandPK15. 

As of 7/16/15, the OPPL has produced no documents consistent with the claims made by Bridget Bittman in her January 2015 amended SLAPP filing, where she claimed that "written complaints" were made against her by OPPL patrons. 

The only documents that the OPPL has produced thus far were:

1. One email from a woman who tried to book a meeting room but noted Bridget Bittman's incompetence in not handling the meeting room booking professionally. 

2. One email from a woman name Rebecca Raleigh, where Raleigh complained about Diane Jennings' reprehensible behavior and foul language on 7/8/14; Raleigh noted Bittman's unprofessional behavior as well. 

3. One email from a woman named Mary Simons, where Simons also complained about Diane Jennings' childish and bizarre behavior and foul mouth on 7/8/14; Simons also noted Bittman's unprofessionalism as an embarrassment to a public body. 

None of the above constitute "written complaints" against Bittman by OPPL patrons as Bittman cited in her SLAPP filing (p. 15, line 139). 

Since Bittman states that the OPPL possesses documents that constitute "written complaints" against her, then the OPPL should be able to easily locate these "written complaints" against Bittman and produce them. We argue that if Bittman was able to identify and locate them for the purposes of her SLAPP filing, then she as an OPPL employee should be able to direct Robin Wagner and Scott Remmenga on where to find these exact documents for FOIA production. 

Per the terms of the Fox-1/Fox-2 settlement agreement, FOIA request #OrlandPK15 was designated a priority FOIA request. Yet, we are still waiting for compliance and are still waiting for the priority documents we requested. This puts the OPPL in breach of the Fox-1/fox-2 settlement agreement. You were on notice as of 7/13/15 of this breach. 

-- Resolution --
To resolve this breach, we offer the opportunity for the OPPL to produce all documents that constitute "written complaints" against Bridget Bittman made by OPPL patrons (as cited in Bittman's amended SLAPP filing, p. 15. line 139). 

We ask that Robin Wagner and Scott Remmenga conduct a search for all "written complaints" against Bridget Bittman made by OPPL patrons (as cited in Bittman's amended SLAPP filing, p. 15. line 139) by asking Bittman to identity what "written complaints" made against her that she is aware of. Mary Weimar and Robin Wagner, as Bittman's supervisors, must also be asked about "written complaints" made against Bridget Bittman. All places where written complaints made against Bridget Bittman would be kept and stored should be searched for any such documents. Upon information and belief, when written complaints are made by patrons against a specific OPPL employee, those written complaints would be kept somewhere in the OPPL for future review and access. 

Please produce all written complaints made against Bridget Bittman after conducting a search for these documents that includes asking Bridget Bittman, Mary Weimar, and Robin Wagner to identify fully and completely all written complaints that were made by patrons against Bridget Bittman. What you produce should be a complete and definitive compilation of ALL documents that Bittman, Weimar, and Wagner deem to be "written complaints" against Bittman. No document should be left out. 

If no written complaints against Bridget Bittman made by patrons of the OPPL actually exist, then we will accept a letter from the OPPL attesting to the fact that no such written complaints actually exist. 

The OPPL remains in breach of the Fox-1/Fox-2 settlement agreement until all written complaints made by OPPL patrons against Bridget Bittman are produced. 

Thank you, 

Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan
Story Time Digital Media

Allow me to illuminate:
  1. A public employee stated in a publicly filed legal document that patrons of the OPPL (a public body) made written complaints about her: "139.  Based on the False and Defamatory Statements, patrons of the Orland Park Public Library have submitted written complaints to the Orland Park Public Library about Ms. Bittman," and that her supervisors are aware of the complaints.
  2. The public employee stated the written complaints are in the possession of the public body. 
  3. The public used FOIA to ask for the public documents that the public employee stated are in the possession of the public body. 
  4. The public body refused to produce the documents, stating that they didn't know what they were.
  5. FOIA requires the public body to conduct a reasonable search for documents. 
  6. The OPPL refused to conduct a reasonable search. 
This shows that public employee Bridget Bittman filed a lawsuit in federal court for defamation, using the excuse that members of the public who heard and saw her behavior complained to a public body about her behavior as a public employee, and the library is refusing to produce the evidence or does not have any such evidence.  Either way, it's bad news for the library if it's hiding the evidence, or bad news for Bridget Bittman if she filed a federal suit based on evidence that doesn't exist.

So, she sued ostensibly because people did not like how she behaved unprofessionally in public.

That's a story.  She behaved unprofessionally in public while pursuing business for a public library, people complained, so she's suing me.  I'm being sued for someone else's exercising free speech, let alone my own, by a public library employee who helps defend child porn in her public library as free speech or "intellectual freedom."  Let alone "Gay Hate @ Your Library (link)" that continues to go unpunished, and the child porn that continues unabated while Bridget Bittman calls the library a "safe library" (link).

My opinion, as usual, but now I'm going to FOIA the documents myself, if they even exist.

To see what Kevin DuJan wrote on this topic, including graphics of complaint letters that mention Bridget Bittman produced under FOIA so far, go here:

See also:
Here is the FOIA request I just filed:
Orland Park Public Library: 
This is a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request.  I am a member of the media making a noncommercial FOIA request for documents to be produced to me electronically at my email address. The results of this FOIA production may be published for the public to see and may be part of an analysis done for what I am writing about the OPPL (Orland Park Public Library). The law provides five business days to comply.  
OPPL’s public relations employee Bridget Bittman has filed a federal lawsuit against me, Megan Fox, and Kevin DuJan.  In her complaint of January 21, 2015, she complained, “Based on … False and Defamatory Statements, patrons of the Orland Park Public Library have submitted written complaints to the Orland Park Public Library about Ms. Bittman.”   
Those “False and Defamatory Statements” were in response to, at the earliest, according to the complaint, a July 8, 2014, video:   
The point is, the time frame of this FOIA request is on or after July 8, 2014 and before January 21, 2015.  I am attempting to make this request as narrow as possible to ease your administrative burden as much as possible. 
Megan Fox and Kevin DuJan have attempted to FOIA those “written complaints” but apparently they have failed: 
Now I will try. 
I require the following to be produced pursuant to the FOIA: 
1)  A copy of any and all “written complaints” referenced in employee Bridget Bittman’s latest complaint, given the above background. 
Thank you for your time and attention. 
Dan Kleinman, Library Watchdog

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